Looks like 2 it is! It looks better with the doors and stuff too.
@Outcast Orange - The map generation is my own method, although it's similar to many others. There are two major pieces to it, nodes, and rooms. Rooms are a pattern of tiles (which will hopefully also store information about possible furniture and decorations...) and nodes are possible exits for a room, that store their location as well as the direction the possible exit is facing. For example, the small room in my examples looks like this:
2, 2, ^, 2, 2
2, 1, 1, 1, 2
<, 1, 1, 1, >
2, 1, 1, 1, 2
2, 2, v, 2, 2
Where the 2's are walls, the 1's are floors, and the arrows are nodes. The map generator starts by placing a couple nodes in the middle of the map, one facing up and the other down. Mostly just because I haven't fixed it yet, cause it would work without that now. Then I have it run a "while" loop until the list of nodes is empty. In the loop it picks a random node from the list and tries to add a room to it. If none of the room layouts fit on the node it is deleted. If one of the room layouts does fit (they're tried in a random order) it adds the tiles from the room layout to the map and sticks a door on the tile with the node. Then it removes the node from the list and picks another one and so on and so on.
The hallways are currently just rooms with a layout that looks like a hallway, more on this later though...
@Bricks - Good point.
@Nivm - The second one (╬) is a little too fancy, and kinda hurts my eyes, but the first one (┼) looks really cool, so as soon as I get decorated rooms and such in that'll probably be the first new floor type
As for the doors, I'll see what I can do about the directional thing, it would definitely look better that way I think...
I'm going to wrap map generation up pretty soon, just got one more bug to fix, and I may or may not move the room layouts into an external file. The bug, hallways don't exactly work quite how I wanted... I've added three new room types to generate this map:
Two short hallway style rooms and one weird one that's almost circular with a wall in the middle, just to test how it deals with weird shapes. As you can see, the hallways often lead to nowhere, or have multiple segments with doors between them. This is not quite how I wanted it to work, and I don't honestly see how I didn't think it would do this earlier...
Here's what I'm thinking: Ditch the hallway rooms, and alter the loop that checks if the room fits a bit. Instead of just checking if it fits at the node, try it there, then try moving it out a little bit at a time and try again. I.E. If it were trying to add a big room to the left of a node, but there were already little rooms above and below it, it would try it at the default spot and it wouldn't work, then it would bump it out a couple tiles, same thing, bump it out a few more and it does fit. So I add it there, carve a hallway to it from the first room, and add doors where appropriate. We'll see, I've got a bit of a headache at the moment from being so stuffed up (colds suck...) so I'm going to take a break for a while.