Science will tend to help with recruiting anyone who has scientific aptitude, but interrogation is the big one, since scientific characters will tend to use logic and reason as a defense against brainwashing if your character can't meet or exceed their skill in science. The same is true of religion and business.
The nuclear button gives about 50 juice, if I recall correctly, if you press it successfully. You may still make your point politically by breaching the control room and not shutting down the plant, but your characters will benefit significantly if you can actually shut the place down.
I doubt this is surprising, but the College Student archetype, or anything similar, is probably one of the hardest character builds to play with. It's one of my favorites because it's so sympathetic and easy to identify with, but for all the skills you get, very few of them are highly useful. For example, science, while not pointless, is nowhere near as directly useful as first aid, disguise, or submachine gun.
One of the big benefits is that you do get for the College Student is enough computer skill to steal credit card numbers, but at the moment that's also possible by picking the violent video game option. I am strongly considering changing the +2 computers for the video game option to +1 computers and +1 something else, so that you can't make a hacker founder with any of the other four character types, and it becomes a unique benefit for selecting option C in the final question.