Windows download (including 4.00.1 - 4.00.5 fixes): 4.00.5-Replaced the "Massive Conservative Response" text with more discriptive, enemy-specific text. Replaced the "imminent" warning with "Evacuating Area" to explain the lack of encounters after the response arrives.
-Made encounters stop spawning when massive conservative response occurs. Yes, you can clean out the building at that point. You just have to get past the siege units by the front door on your way out.
-Made SWAT teams be the default massive conservative response to most sites, instead of gang units or street cops. Death squads will still respond in place of SWAT teams, if available.
-Fixed bug where raiding SWAT teams would mysteriously vanish when you walked into their tile, instead of attacking you.
-Fixed profile display bug for androgenous characters wanted for crimes who were born in months with long names.
-Fixed display bug with abortion news stories.
-Fixed a minor bug with police attempting to arrest people spraying graffiti.
-Fixed freeze bug with hitting corpses for whom all of their body parts have been blown apart.
-Gave extra starting skills for college student founders and changed their starting cash:
+2 Computers
+2 Science
+2 Teaching
+2 Writing
+1 Business
+1 Law
+$500 (one month rent, down from $650)
Also note that the Professional Thief's downtown apartment is $300/month cheaper than the downtown apartments normally are. The College Student's university apartment is $150/month cheaper than standard university apartments. The tenement for the political activist is standard price. Additionally, the first month for all of these is free.