I would like...
* Configurable autozoom. At a minimum, a list of strings in an init file, and when an output message matches any one of those strings, it triggers an auto-zoom.
* Along with the above, an "alert" flag that can be set on traps via the (q) menu. When the trap is sprung, it triggers a log message. Default on for most traps but not fluid-activated pressure plates.
* Unit list finding/filtering.
- Filter by string appearing in name or activity, of course. ("mood", "invader", "mayor", etc.)
- Filter by ENABLED JOB. (u)+(j)+MASON filters list to all dwarves with Masonry enabled.
- Ability to edit a dwarf's jobs etc. from the unit screen without aborting the unit screen would be nice.
* Confirm on embark AFTER preparing carefully, too.
* Invaders to have lots of wear on their clothing (and have less of it), especially in the case of goblins.
* Stockpile Auto-designate. When items are placed on the stockpile they receive an automatic designation like Forbid, Melt, Dump, Un-Hide. Un-Hide on by default.
* 'Killed by' line for dead creatures, also shows up on coffins.
* When engraving in an assigned room, use owner's preferences/info for what to engrave.
* Seasonal limits to aboveground crops.
* Toughen megabeasts somehow.
* Nerf trading prepared food somehow. Simply forbid trading it, or lessen its value, or greatly increase preparation times.. whatever.
* Escalating furniture (especially cabinets) requirements for higher levels of bookkeeper.