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Author Topic: The Island of RPing, An RP Thread  (Read 12521 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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The Island of RPing, An RP Thread
« on: August 27, 2009, 01:25:58 am »

[Replacement for the dead Fortress of Sensicality]
"Alright, how the hell did we get this developed Island in the middle of the dragons triangle?"
"We fought for it phantom."
"Oh yeah."
Phantom is sitting in a bar with Ghost, Guardian, and some of Guardians squad, Phantom takes out a note book and writes some stuff down

Spoiler: Useful things to know (click to show/hide)

Guardian begins to play poker with his squad, Phantom takes off his Light Infantry helmet, Ghost passes out
"I told him not to drink while on medication."
Phantom picks up ghost and puts him on a couch
"So, where the **** is all the action around here?"
Phantom begins to chug a beer bottle
[I hope I can pull this off...]


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Re: The Island of RPing, An RP Thread
« Reply #1 on: August 27, 2009, 01:39:44 am »

The Lich has just appeared in a purpleish cloud on top of a smallish mountain in the central part of the island. He appears to be rather surprised, this being added to in no small part by the facts of him being A. Upside-down B.Reading a magazine entitled QMBZ-Cthulhu, with a rather plain cover revealing absolutely nothing about it's actual content and C. His being in his Comfortable chair, which is also upside-down.

"What th- *WHAM* -Oh, gods. MY VERTEBRAE!"
Once tried to conquer Earth, and succeeded! Too bad it got really, really boring, really, really fast.

One day, we shall all look back on this, and laugh. Sorry about the face, by the way, and the legs, and the eyes, and the arms. In fact, sorry 'bout the whole body.


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Re: The Island of RPing, An RP Thread
« Reply #2 on: August 27, 2009, 09:11:34 am »

The Minister has stepped out of his personal portal

"What the hell is this, anyway? I am told to go here by my superior..." said himself to his self.

"Jungles everywhere... Hmm.... I need to pray. Where's the nearest resting place?"

And with that, he moves on, searching for a place to rest + a couple of water (to pray!)

(Note: A water-aligned human since birth, but love desert<->fire more than the sea)


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Re: The Island of RPing, An RP Thread
« Reply #3 on: August 27, 2009, 04:48:26 pm »

A few orca bombers are on duty and see the Lich, they do a wing tip salute
"Uh, bob did you see that lich dude?"
"I like the undead."


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Re: The Island of RPing, An RP Thread
« Reply #4 on: August 27, 2009, 05:04:29 pm »

The small bird is sitting peacefully in the tree.  A cracking noise comes from the bushes, scared the brightly colored bird tenses, about to fly.  A small bolt made of bone flys from the bush and pierces the birds neck.  The tarakan (A tall humanoid creature, with long sharp, sword-like bones that are able to protrude from his arms, the most talented can even shoot off the tip of the bone which will quickly regrow)
    Smiling, to reveal his sharpened predatory teeth, the Tarakan stoops forward and picks up the bird. He pulls the bolt from the bird the swallows it whole.

"Well that was refreshing, now where would I find some alcohol."

He heads off towards the north shore.
Nom nom nom


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Re: The Island of RPing, An RP Thread
« Reply #5 on: August 27, 2009, 05:05:29 pm »

[Are you gonna be some murderous nut?]


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Re: The Island of RPing, An RP Thread
« Reply #6 on: August 27, 2009, 05:26:21 pm »

[no I was just hunting, they only eat meat, and they like it fresh, but they aren't crazy and they don't kill without a reason]
Nom nom nom


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Re: The Island of RPing, An RP Thread
« Reply #7 on: August 27, 2009, 05:28:00 pm »

[Ah, alright.]
Phantom walks outside and leans by the entrance, holding his trademark katana called apocalypse in his right hand


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Re: The Island of RPing, An RP Thread
« Reply #8 on: August 27, 2009, 05:45:13 pm »

With the sound of a ballon popping, a tall, furry, blue humaniod with slightly more cat like legs, steps out of basicly nothing. He is covered in a kind of seam-less metal armour. And a half mile out to sea.

"And another thing, about those latest reports you've been re-"

The being seemed to float in air for a moment before landing in the water with a splash.

"This... is new."

The creature floats about and scratches his head. He flicks out his hand and stares at it a bit. He beings to look more and more frustrated. He fails his hand around violently

"Work dang you! GAHHH...

Seemingly conetent that his hand won't do a thing, he stops looknig at it.

"Ooo-kay, new plan."

The being closed his eyes, the metal aromur seemed to shimmer for a moment, before... yet more nothing hapepned.

"Swimming it is... It'll take forever form my fur to dry. And dang itwhat the devil is wrong with my armour?"

[[A race from one of my creative projects. Normally they have a kind of shap shifting armour, that can form weapons or tools on command, but due to the request that powers be nerfed, it will only be good for less then speical items.]]
« Last Edit: August 27, 2009, 06:08:46 pm by Rijjka »
To the dorf pulling the lever, the lever is just a lever. The magma pouring out of the mountainside is just a coincidence. To the dorf designing a pump stack from the magma sea, it is just that: a pump stack. No specific reason for it. It will never do anything.
for reasons best knows to themselves, the elves decided to explode


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Island of RPing, An RP Thread
« Reply #9 on: August 27, 2009, 05:51:52 pm »

[I may remind you, anything that transports instantly into a half mile radius of the islands center will be captured by the islands military forces. The lich and indonesia doesn't count though, since because they were at strifes fortress, they are recognized, the only safe ways are the warp gate, dock by boat, or land by plane, or teleport from a half mile away.]
« Last Edit: August 27, 2009, 05:56:36 pm by Phantom »


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Re: The Island of RPing, An RP Thread
« Reply #10 on: August 27, 2009, 06:05:22 pm »

[[I can think of no reasonable reason for him to be there other then put there by fate/mistake. So I guess half a mile away. It is somewhat more amussing this way anyway. I made the edit.]]
« Last Edit: August 27, 2009, 06:09:26 pm by Rijjka »
To the dorf pulling the lever, the lever is just a lever. The magma pouring out of the mountainside is just a coincidence. To the dorf designing a pump stack from the magma sea, it is just that: a pump stack. No specific reason for it. It will never do anything.
for reasons best knows to themselves, the elves decided to explode


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Island of RPing, An RP Thread
« Reply #11 on: August 27, 2009, 06:15:04 pm »

[Alright, thats better.]
As the creation swims closer to the island, it spots ships from the Allied fleet, which is protecting the island from attackers, they do not target the swimming creation, even though they can see it
« Last Edit: August 27, 2009, 06:17:29 pm by Phantom »


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Re: The Island of RPing, An RP Thread
« Reply #12 on: August 27, 2009, 10:15:31 pm »

Finding the gate he was looking for, the Tarakan, named Garaka, steps through the ancient and lost gate.  The gate malfunctions and he appears a bit more then 1/2 a mile from the Island he wanted to get to.  Extending his bone-swords he begins to swim towards the Island, using his bone-swords as paddles.  Which allows him to move quite fast.

"Odd the last time I was here, there was no buildings, then again I haven't been here for a few hundred years"

(Tarakan live for about 2000 years if they eat everyday, otherwise each day they spend hungry shortens their life-span by 1 month)
Nom nom nom


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Re: The Island of RPing, An RP Thread
« Reply #13 on: August 27, 2009, 10:38:46 pm »

A ring of green runes appears not to far off of Eastern Shore. The one ring splits into three and then separates. Reaching their optimum power a yellow flash appears from the rings.

"Are you su...."


"What the heck!"

Menil relaxes as he lets his body float in the body while he appears to talk to himself

"Ok, now i'm sure that this isn't the right location"

Hey I never said I was an expert in teleportation... that's supposed to be your area of expertise.

Menil sighed as he pulled himself up out of the water so that he was walking on it. He then looked towards the isle that wasn't to far off.

"So Skriz you think we should get out of here, or check this place out a bit?"

Might as well check it out since we are here, besides as I'm sure you have noticed magic seems to be hindered here.

Menil looked down at his paws as he flexed them. Testing the magical tendencies of the area.

"Yes I noticed... Skriz you think whomever is here is hostile?"

Won't know until we go and find out.

Menil started walking towards the isle, hoping that whatever happened that things didn't start exploding in his face. After a few steps he looked down at himself and sighed... obviously the teleport was worse than he had thought. His cloak was missing a few pieces to it. Menil tore it off and threw it down in the water. He looked down at his own reflection in the water still getting used to his change in appearance. He hadn't even gotten used to his dog look, and now there was a bit of Draconic in it now. Of course most of it was hidden by his robes. Looking back up he continued walking towards the isle.

(Heh, i have more time then I thought I would. Anyways here is Menil, with a few changes though.)

(To elaborate on his appearence, he no longer resembles a beagle... or any dog for that matter. His face is shaped more like a dragons now, with fur instead of scales for the bulk of the face. Scales cover his lower jaw going down his neck and across his back which then covers the back of his legs. Fur covers his face, ears, and head. Fur also covers his chest, and the rest of his legs. His tale is draconic in looks as well as scaling.  His ears are placed in the same place as normal humans but are slightly longer and pointed like an elves, at the tips however they flop down slightly.

His robes cover most of his body, leaving his head uncovered. The sleeves look to be part of the robe until the arms are moved. They are light brown in color.

Eh think that about covers it... just let me know when GDI starts trying to bomb the heck out of me.)
Oh wait, "insane" doesn't work on this forum.
Crap, can't think of an alternative.


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Re: The Island of RPing, An RP Thread
« Reply #14 on: August 27, 2009, 10:49:01 pm »

A GDI Patrol walks around, noticing them, Phantom is the leader of the group, and takes off his helmet, and walks over Menil.
"Anything I can do for you on this island?"
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