So as of now, BloodBeard, forsaken, Pandar, Toony, and web would all have been multi-lynched. That is, if multi-lynches were still available. Not exactly a terribly pleasant idea.
If you don't feel like reading the rest of this post, here is a summary:
- I think BloodBeard is acting scummy
- I think Toony is slightly less likely to be scum than average
- I think that forsaken needs some looking in to.
On the scumminess of BloodBeardReading through the past 50 posts or so, I have to say that web looks mildly suspicious and Bloodbeard looks more suspicious. I'm mainly going off of how BloodBeard has been reacting to webadict, but I will admit that I haven't read enough of BloodBeard's play style to be sure.
Whatever Josh says, when he gets angry the chance of his being scum goes up. I don't know if BloodBeard is the same.
Also, BloodBeard's series of posts at 5:35, 5:45, and 5:55 (all EST) sound mildly scummy to me. He posts this crazy long wall of text and then 10 minutes later is expecting web to respond immediately. And then 10 minutes later, waiting for everyone else to post. Something about that just doesn't feel quite right.
On the the lesser scumminess of ToonyManYes, it is entirely possible that Toony and Josh cooked up that crazy thing together, but I'm not quite sure I believe that. It sounds like a great plan, but I'm not sure if Toony and Josh would work together to do that. Not that they couldn't, just that I think they wouldn't. So, far now, I think that we can trust Toony just a little bit more than the average person. (So basically not at all, but a little
On the potential scumminess of forsaken1111There have bee some accusations flying around about forsaken's potential scumminess and I think they merit some looking in to. Again, I don't have a strong read on him yet, but some of his posts about 50 or so ago (a page for me) were a little off. Just a feeling, but that's still a large part of what we have to go on now.
(OOC: Does anyone know how to get the un-HTML-ified posts out of the server? Like the quotes, but without all the nastiness of getting them? I'm looking to script some of my keeping track of things and that would make it much easier. Yes, I could just look it up myself, but if anyone has already done it, it would save me some time.)