A good number of personality/mental disorders I've read about online are vague and overlapping.
For example, the list you put up could quallify as: Shyness, Social Anxiety Disorder (if it's real and not just a fancy way to say Shy) or that one thing I saw in a movie where you can't leave your home without collapsing in fear.
So, it's not so much the symptoms as the degree of each you have.
Take myself:
I get poke fun of by friends and family (aka jerks in my life) because i can't talk to girls.
The general thing that's assumed is that I'm afraid of doing so.
However, the fact of the matter is that I just don't know how to start a conversation. Regardless of gender, I have a very hard time talking to someone who hasn't talked to me first.
Now, it this any kind of disorder?
More likely? I was raise to not talk while others talked, in a house where someone literally interrupted me every time I tried to talk, so I learned to not talk at all.
IIRC, this is a kind of complex, but I could be wrong on that.
At any rate, the point is, that people are jerks and idiots. They will do and say mean and hurtful things to you out of spite and stupidity more than any action on your part. This fact conflicts with our basic nature to be social creatures, causing the brain-flesh to hurts.
My best advice?
If you feel that something of this nature is adversely affecting you, you have to make an effort to overcome the impulse you don't want. If you find yourself unable to do so, consider talking with a doctor or therapist who can make a more informed diagnosis.
For, remember, the net and the wiki are filled with and by people, and people are stupid jerks.
Don't listen to the stupid jerks.