Journal of 'Tony' Kodendodok, Bone Carver and resident of Murderletter:
1st of LimestoneIt's been crazy around here! I'm REALLY thirsty, there's no way to melt the ice to get some water, and farming is yielding little results, so the brewers have nothing to brew. When we
do grow something, the person carrying it back usually eats it on the way, so we still have nothing to brew! Oh, Zalud, I would do anything for some dwarven wine right now...
4th of Limestone12th of LimestoneThe traders arrived today, it's too bad we don't really have much to give them. I wish I could be part of things, you know, talk with the liaison, make deals with the traders, but no, I have to haul trade goods back and forth.
13th of LimestoneThere are a bunch of dwarf bones in the middle of the floor in the barracks, I have no idea what they're doing there, but they're creeping me out!
27th of LimestoneA skeletal sasquatch! I've heard that they're around these regions, but I've never seen them until now! It's headed towards the trade depot! I hope nobody else dies!
28th of LimestoneThe guards at the depot took care of it with hardly any struggle, wow, from what I've heard these things were pretty badass.
5th of SandstoneIt looks like we traded a bunch of doors and clothes for some stone blocks, a steel pick and all of the food and drink the traders had. It's good to know that I'll be fed for a while.
23rd of SandstoneWe broke through the aquifer! With Taco Dan's method, we finally got through. Here's to the dining room we'll soon be getting!