22nd Malachite
Things are whizzing by, i've just been informed that the initial stages of my secret project are complete, excellent. Urist also said that three of the new immigrants suffered minor cuts and bruises and are now lying in bed demanding water. I seriously considered locking them in there until Urist said that he couldn't give them water due to having no water source.
After i took him downstairs and threw him into the pools of water left behind by what look like previous aquifer breaching attempts he shut up. He also turned a funny blue color, probably not an issue.
As an afterthought, i've instructed somone to build a well into the aquifer, well, why not?
24th Malachite
My advisor Urist says we attracted no migrants this summer. I kicked him down the stairs for stating the bleeding fucking ovbious. Now he's in bed complaining about how i injured his leg, i told him that if he didn't get better in ten seconds i'd pipe aquifer water into his room, suddenly, miracle cure!
I've also located the cause for the minor injuries; apparantly the Mayor, our past leader, decided to ban the export of nickel silver items without telling me, i didn't even think we had any nickel silver items, but apparantly we somehow did, and we traded them to the humans for fish, when he went to the stockpile to wallow in his precious nickel silver he discovered it all missing and has demanded that our captain of the guard beat up whoever happened to be around at the time in the name of justice.
I could build a jail, but none of the dwarves in question matter, so i don't think i can be bothered.
11th Galena
Decided to use my newfound skills to forge a few spears, hammers and axes. I have no idea if we'll ever need them considering the incredible job Mestthos does with Fireybreached, but just in case it'll be good to have some quality weapons around the place.
I also just noticed that Mestthos's title is The Barricaded Lanterns of Faith, considering he's on permanent duty barricading the door from goblin ambushes this seems surprisingly apt. He also keeps muttering about skeletons, i'm starting to wonder if he might have suffered a brain injury at some point.
22nd Galena
The Goblins sent a number of thieves to steal children. They found Fireybranched instead.
Construction on my secret project seems to have reached an impasse, i intend to throw snow at people until it is completed.
(Nothing interesting to show pictures of this time.)