Sometimes I really think my country is going downhill fast. Days when I hear people talking like Taniec and eerr are in this thread are such days.
Right, so this isn't an insult?
It wasn't, because it was more of a complaint of the general negative attitude than of you in particular.
I will say one last thing: Health care is one of the biggest worries for Americans, next to the economy. Funny thing though, a strong economy doesn't do much good if for example a middle-class American has an accident that costs what is for him an unholy amount of money that even with his insurance will have him bankrupt. In fact, that will weaken the economy due to how harmful debts are to the ability to buy things of those who can't pay them. Health care is among the top worries of the lower-than-upper-class citizens, and frankly having a good universal safety net -- or even just
a universal safety net -- established ASAP is important. It is not like any provisions that people worry might backfire can't be edited later -- something much easier (by way of being less controversial) than putting through an entirely new bill. In short, how long will it take to get a good public health care plan through if this one doesn't pass? Too long.
Now on the more current train, U.S. is pretty much commie proof. Of course, we fear it more than the devil himself, so that should be taken for granted. Communism is pretty much unconstitutional. And if a law does slip on the slope . . . bangavel from the supreme court. It's like a forum that way. They'd need to do an overthrow to get America, and people seem less willing to do that here in the west these days.