Look, I know a few things about the gulags, and about the cruelties, and the death toll and whatnot. In no way I wanted to compare those two horrors. I never said anything about the russians, I'm just trying to reason why no "love for the wehrmacht".
And as I said- nothing else was as _organized_ as the nazi killing machine. There is something really twisted and horrible about this... meticulously planned and executed massmurder and ... well... it was a whole industry. I actually really dont wanna talk about it.
and the whole "people just believed what the nazi propaganda told them" is a bit of an iffy thing. Yes, it was true in the beginning, it might have been true for rural areas... but people in bigger cities caught on rather quickly.
This was actually a longer post about a lot of the stuff that was going on back then. I'm from austria, born some 40 years after the war, but my great grandparents, my grandparents and my parents, they all lived through WWII, and they all have different stories to tell. We got "war heroes", we got rebels, we got victims, we got nazis. All in one family... Well, by now there aren't a lot of them alive anymore, but my grand uncle (do you call it that way?) even had stories from WWI

Shit, if you take your time around here, to listen to any old lady you meet in a park, you probably can listen to stories about the führer five minutes into the conversation. I kid you not. You still get a lot of "but we didnt know what was going on" then usually a short pause and then "but we kind of suspected there was something wrong, when our third neighbour was taken away by the gestapo and nobody ever heard of him again". The more honest ones, maybe the perceptive ones, tend to tell you they did their best to _actively_ block out that part, but mostly, actually, people just straight tell you they knew what was going on and that they were scared shitless.
And afaik "the truth" even reached the soldiers on the frontlines. We even had an exhibition about that exact topic - the wehrmacht and how much the soldiers knew, if you will.
Anyways I'm rambling... what I wanted to say was... if the wehrmacht just had said "screw you guys, I'm going home", the world probably would have lived through a lot less shit. Not saying I would have had the balls to risk my execution, but in that particular situation it would have been the right thing to do, and that's probably why there arent a lot of people rooting for the wehrmacht. At least in case they are in their right mind. (Yes, I do acknowledge that there were "innocent" soldiers, who thought they were just fulfilling their duty. But there is another side, too). And if you dont have many people rooting for a team, chances are, the game you're going to make about that team isnt going to sell all that well.
And that's probably why we dont have an "axis shooter".
But yeah, if you're able to actually integrate the part about the "guilt" of the average wehrmacht soldier, about how much they knew, about how they were in conflict and whatnot, MAYBE, just maybe you might be able to create a "tasteful" and good game, maybe something that even educates people.
But you'd need two things for that, two things that are rarer than three breasted hookers:
Good writers and a mature audience. Fat chance.