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Author Topic: Archold (Noob succession)  (Read 14089 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Archold (Noob succession)
« Reply #195 on: September 28, 2009, 02:22:41 am »

'Dante'  Exiled Leader is still around (he's ecstatic in fact).  I can't find any of the others though.  Not like I recognize them. 


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Archold (Noob succession)
« Reply #196 on: September 28, 2009, 01:31:12 pm »

14th Moonstone

One of the tower builders came running in today and announced that a "vile force of darkness" had arrived. 

It's my first siege experience and I hoped my studying of siege mechanics will tide me through this one.  I had a few tricks I wanted to try on them, mostly to counter the deadly siege engines. 

To my surprise and horror, the Baron shrugged and went back to his business after having a detailed chat with the witness and our only marksdwarf. 

Surely a seige warranted more alarm than that!  Or so I thought.  The good marksdwarf, Rovod, offered to tour me the seige and even brought along a picnic basket for me to munch on.  I accepted worriedly and kept a hand of my alarm bell. 

"You see those trees?  Those goblins are hiding behind it.  "

"Surely that can't be all of them?" You really must understand my surprise, there were not even 15 goblins.  "We have more dwarves than they have weapons and armour!  The rest must be hiding, lying in wait to attack us.  "

"Nah, they always announce it upfront.  Unlike those sneaky ambushes.  If you would order them to raise the bridge?"

I gave the signal and watched as the goblins wandered around my wall and moats looking for a way in before settling down to camp.  Rovod looked at me and shrugged before getting out a strange mechanical weapon. 

He told me it was a crossbow.  I don't believe that... that infernal contraption could actually qualify as a crossbow. 

He aimed and fired.  More like rattled for a while as the contraption unwound before putting down his bow and getting a look.  The goblins were back hiding behind trees, the beginnings of a camp splatted with blood and three corpses.  I got a peek at his ammo case.  That thing fired almost 20 bolts in the space of a few seconds!  Now if only I could copy that down and jury-rig a ballistae to do that...

Anyway, he assured me that it was perfectly safe and I watched him through lunch (killing another goblin) before leaving to supervise the masonry on the tower.  I'll keep my emergency bell on me.  Just in case. 

3rd Opal

The funerals were continued throughout the siege and Rovod doesn't look too happy at being excluded by "goblin shooting duty" as he calls it. 

A mason was struck by a mood.  He claimed a masonry shop.  I hope he can make something nice to display. 

While in the tower, I saw Rovod running up and down for more bolts and goblins quitting the field.  Eventually he got all of them even if it took him the better part of a week to ferry bolts up and down. 

9th Opal

I was tricked!  The siege was not over and another force of goblins came around just as I was overseeing the reclamation of our spoils of war.  Luckily, I had thought to place guards and Tun Avalstakud bravely charged the squad of goblins singlehandedly. 

I called him back frantically as I didn't give him good odds against over 10 goblins.  What do I know?  He flew into a battle rage and ignored my stern order to retreat.  With one stroke of his mace, he smashed the goblin siege leader into a pulp and turned on the others!  In one stroke!  While under bow fire!

The rest of the goblins broke and fled before him.  With good cause I say. 

His bravery is unmatched but I must attribute him coming through this unscathed to the finely-crafted Copper Platemail.  I'll have to remember to go down and thank the smiths personally after the party. 

On reflection, this siege was informative in how to better organize the defenses.  I've ordered the trees near the drawbridge cut down and roads built over the area.  Now there'll be nowhere for the goblins to hide from our arrows. 

10th Opal

The mason finished his construction.  A rhyolite table.  This will come in useful although we've a bit too many tables by this point. 

9th Obsidian

Nothing much happened.  Well, a fisherdwarf got killed by his fish and I restricted fishing after that. 

I fear the defensive paving will not be completed before my term comes to an end.  I can only hope the next overseer will continue the construction on the defensive roads, fortifications and towers. 

How nice for the captain of the guard to help in building it. 

1st Granite 208

*in a different script.  More angular and practiced, as if a person not used to writing was carefully printing each letter*

As Jon takes his leave as indicated by the King's summons, I give him my respects.  At his directions, I, Zulban Zustashsakzul, am asked to write a summary of the fort. 

He tells me to write what I want and can understand.  I shall try my best. 

At present, due to the massive loss of population, our economy is grievously hurt and major reallocation of labour is required.  Especially the recruiting of a leatherworker to fulfill the tax collector's mandate for two quivers that has been sitting in the workshop for two months. 

Jon has maintained full employment despite this by directing huge construction projects and ordering as many blocks as can be made.  At present, all citizens can be divided into planters and a cook versus the masons.  Excepting the nobility and guard of course. 
If we are to rebuild our population, we need to increase our wealth.  I have no experience in this matter and highly recommend a more qualified person take the post of City Broker. 

Jon has satisfactorily managed the food and drink situation, our stocks and production levels are being maintained at comfortable levels.  However, his methods are only useful in a siege or desperate times. 
We need to train a competent cook and brewer.  The wealthier citizens are worried that the remaining higher grade stock is depleting and maintaining their happiness is key to preventing another riot of 207. 

The Fortress Guard is 4 people too large and could do with some trimming.  Again, useful in a crisis, but not in peace times.  Especially not when we need the boost to labour in this time. 

Overall, Archold is doing well and will survive.  Whether it will prosper again depends on good governance and a sharp economic eye. 


Economy -
Defense ++
Population ---*
Internal Security +


1) Tighten up job allocation, restart industries. 
 - Note the mandate for quivers
 - Note that we have no skilled miners now

2) Complete the roads designated outside the wall.  Progress on building the tower. 
 - Use only spare labour for this.  Perhaps reduce masonry force to only masons, engravers, stoneworkers and engineers

3) Move dining room to under the mister or build misters in the dining room. 
 - The Captain of the Guard needs a real office, not a table and chair in the dining room...

4) Note that auto forbid dead has been lifted
Note that fishing is disabled by designating a fishing pond and restricting fishing to zone-only
« Last Edit: September 28, 2009, 01:35:46 pm by jseah »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Archold (Noob succession)
« Reply #197 on: September 28, 2009, 01:36:21 pm »



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Archold (Noob succession)
« Reply #198 on: September 29, 2009, 12:35:09 pm »


Montigo, Rijjka, Jack and I...

Well, I guess that leaves Montigo up next. 


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Archold (Noob succession)
« Reply #199 on: September 29, 2009, 02:14:39 pm »

Downloaded and on it.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Archold (Noob succession)
« Reply #200 on: October 01, 2009, 01:06:15 am »

Amongst the drifts of goblin bones, torn clothing and copper toys within the fortress city of Archold was found a diary written by the philosopher, Montigo Torchtributes. It contained details of a wide ranging baronial inquiry into the operations at Archold that he led, and other events of the year 208. The final report of the inquiry was never publicly released and, to this day the Dwarven government of Uvash Ushesh refuses to release any part of it due to "national security." The following is excerpts from that diary.

1st Granite 208
The request that I had received from the Baron of Archold indicated that I would know I had arrived by the towering dwarfmade mountain that rose above the city. However, the sight that greeted me upon my arrival was far different from what I'd assumed. A half complete, irregular edifice rose above the walls that surrounded Archold.

I approached a farmer outside the walls of the city who was hauling some rock. "What's that?" I asked, pointing at the incomplete structure.
"That's Mount Archold," he said proudly, "it's become a symbol to the world that dwarves live here and will always live here."
"I see... And what are you doing out here?"
"Building roads."
At my quizical look he continued, "The Gobbos would hide amongst the trees around here and ambush anyone who had to come out and retrieve goods from the trade depot. If we surface the entire area, they'll have no cover."
"That sounds reasonable. So where can I find Baron Sibrek?"
I was given a confusing series of directions that would lead me to the noble's quarters and where the Baron was most likely to be and I proceeded into the fortress city.

2nd Granite 208
I finally found my way to the noble's quarters, this place is a maze to navigate. I swear I went through the kitchens at least three times before I found the stairs to the levels below. I found Baron Sibrek in bed with a broken arm. Apparently he wants me to investigate the causes of the riots of 207, measures to prevent more riots and also ways to make Archold run more smoothly. The Baron told me that he expected a final report after nine months but with periodic updates within that time. He also wants to see action on my recommendations well before the final report is released. He gave me a baronial proclamation that grants me the power to order action from the Mayor and all other relevant individuals... I could take over Archold with this proclamation if I wished.

3rd Granite 208
The Mayor provide me with an office that I could proceed with my inquiry from. The smartarse thought he'd be funny and said I could use the office above the magma. After I found out this was currently in the middle of the meeting hall, I quickly disabused him of the notion that he was a comedian and gained a private office for myself.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

10th Granite 208
The situation is poor in Archold. The quarters for the nobles are in disarray, with both the Hammerer and the Captain of the Guard living in the meeting hall. Apparently the meeting hall is also doubling as the jail. The story I heard from one farmer was that during the recent period of military dictatorship, everything was placed together so that the military could keep track of everyone and identify criminal elements more easily. To demolish the last vestiges of the old military dictatorship, I've recommended that suites for both the captain of the guard and the hammerer be built within the nobility wing and that a separate jail room be built on the level below the noble's quarters. It shall be a place of reform and correction, not a pit of repression and murder.

16th Granite 208
Apparently a rhesus macaque got slammed across the half finished killing fields and into the outer wall by the axe champion, Udib Manoryor. I heard the masons saying that from the right angle, the impact marks look like the face of Armok. All I saw was blood and fur and bits of brain matter on the wall and a huge amount of blood in the moat. Why is it that the masons are always the superstitious ones?
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

17th Granite 208
The elves have just arrived. The new broker, Thikut Helmedglacier said she was just going to sell them all the gobbo junk lying near the trade depot. My reply to her, "Why are you telling me? It's not my job to approve what you sell to the outside world, now why don't you go play with your elves?"
She didn't take it particularly well and sulked off. Perhaps she's a racist and thought that I would share her hatred of the pointy eared treehuggers. Well I'm not, and if she tries that crap on me again when the humies arrive, I'm going to have her arrested for inciting racial hatred.

26th Granite 208
I've been seeing currency lying all over the fortress for since I arrived. I must say I was surprised to see it at all, I would have thought that, since the Mountainhome, Groovedlashed, uses Dwarven Credit, that Archold would too. Yet here we are with pyhsical currency, lying around forgotten by those who it belongs to. Sure, Dwarven Credit has it's problems too; pig tail sock futures bubbles and credit loans to unemployed gemcutters for some overpriced housing close to the waterfalls of Groovedlashed for instance. But it does have its upside. I must say that I found it easier to tell merchants that I paid them 600☼ for my giant cave spider silk gloves and they said that they'd taken 600 from my account and it was all magically done. Also, who didn't get a chuckle out of dwarven merchant bankers throwing themselves to their deaths down the central shaft of the Mountainhome when the pig tail sock futures bubble collapsed?

All that aside, I recommended to the Baron that we attempt to implement the Dwarven Credit system here and lock as much physical currency as we can somewhere away from the public. It's that or melt the stuff down.

15th Slate 208
It seems that Thikut didn't take my comments particularly well and decided to leave the pointy ears cooling their heels for almost an entire month before trading with them. It seems she acquired more alcohol and some plants for the city. In other news, we've gotten an accurate figure on the city's wealth. It currently stands at 1,059,260☼, with another 454,207☼ in imports and 19,609☼ in exports. I find the last two numbers astonishing. How has Archold imported so much and yet exported so little? I think it's time for a chat with the Hoardmaster.

16th Slate 208
The pointy ears left today; hopefully returning to the shrubs which they crawled out from. Thikut cut it fine with her sulkfest; it would've been a grave embarrassment for Archold if the pointy ears left without trading with us.

I also talked to the Hoardmaster, Zulban Ancienttrumpets; he's also the Captain of the watch. It seems that our "imports" also includes all possessions dropped by dead gobbos and kobolds. He couldn't give a good explanation as to why we include the possessions of those who wish to kill us as part of our imports, merely saying that it's always been done that way. Furthermore, he couldn't even give an accurate figure on how much these unwanted imports were valued at, merely, "a lot." Absolutely useless.

The answers I received on the topic of our exports bore more fruit. It seems that our exports only include goods we produce or change significantly ourselves. Also, much of what has been exported in the past has been the exact same gobbo trash that Thikut Helmedglacier hocked off to the pointy ears yesterday. I suppose that's one way to dispose of their trash.

On the topic of trash, I finally worked out why we were getting miasmas in the workhall and at the base of Mount Archold. The first is being caused by general refuse being thrown in with all the bones and skulls and bits (I even saw a dwarven skull in there! That's just not right, dwarven bones should be interred in a proper crypt or, at worst, their own graveyard!) and then the putrid stench wafts into the workhall when the bonecarver fetches more bones. The miasma at the base of Mount Archold appears to be because someone dug out the lower level of the original hill, but left the upper level present. I'll have to inform the Mayor to limit the internal refuse stockpile to just the nonstinky rubbish and organise a new refuse pile for all the stinky stuff.

18th Slate 208
The killing roads before the walls of Archold have been finished finally. Hopefully everyone employed surfacing that area will get back to their real jobs now.

20th Slate 208
I suggested to Udib Manoryor, who appears to be the unofficial military leader, that a pair of watchtowers flanking the entry to Archold might be useful and would provide closer access points to the ramparts of the walls. I pointed out that he could fit even more crossbowdwarfs upon them and that they could have a supply of bolts within the towers as well to maintain their attacks. The last thing I mentioned to him was that the entries of Groovedlashed are flanked by massive towers, bristling with ballistae and catapults. He seemed to go away thinking the idea over.

24th Slate 208
Many of the food stockpiles are becoming cluttered with various foodstuffs that they probably shouldn't hold. The westernmost stockpile is a prime example of this. It contained everything from fat to prepared meals and alcohol. Someone's even been storing... water. Who, in Armok's name, stores water? Why? What's the point? Sure we've got nine ten (almost forgot the Baron) dwarves down with injuries, but that's no reason to keep the water they don't drink, that's why we have a well. Well (haha) the food stockpile mess should be sorted out now, with everything going in its appropriate place.

8th Felsite 208
I just climbed partway up Mount Armok. There's still food lying in the trade depot from the pointy ears. I didn't realise how slow it is to get anything done here until today. The Hammerer's suite was dug out a week or so ago and it's still not been smoothed by the engravers. The Captain of the Guard's suite hasn't even been dug yet. I bet it's a secret trade union go slow order. I'm tempted to recommend to the Baron that all trade unionists and their sympathisers be shut out and to employ scab labour to get things moving properly. There's dozens of unemployed milkers in Groovedlashed that would kill for the chance to get any sort of work. Masons are also laying out foundations for a pair of towers flanking the entry to Archold, I wonder how tall they'll be...

11th Felsite 208
What the?! I just gave Baron Sibrek my latest inquiry update only to find, on my way out of his suite that the dwarven diplomat, Amost Lashedfist was here. This is no Hematite Fool's joke and nor is it Autumn. Apparently she's been waiting here since last Autumn to talk to the Baron, only she can't convince him to sign the trade agreement with his broken arm. I have no idea what shocks me more...
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

19th Felsite 208
I've just gotten word through the rumourmill that Muthkut Filledmansions the mason is up to something. I was concerned at first, thinking it was something that would require the talents of the Fortress Guard (two of whom are in bed with injuries [which is better than the Royal Guard, who are all in bed with injuries]). However, the it appears that she is only creating some new artifact for the coffers of Archold... This may still require the talents of the Fortress Guard.

21st Felsite 208
Noticed that everything had been retrieved from the trade depot. About time. Bloody union leeches. In other about bloody time news, the Captain of the Guards' suite has been dug out along with the currency vault. Maybe the engravers will have finished their work upon the new diggings by the end of summer as well.

27th Felsite 208
Muthkut has successfully created a rhyolite grate, Truthobeyed the Violent Stroke. It's not much to behold, in my opinion. It's got bits of copper, iron, leather and giant cave spider silk all over it, and there's this image of a fire snake chiselled into it. Nice, I guess, but what does it do for the everyone else in Archold? Where's the uplifting deeds of heroes saving Archold from the onslaught of the foul gobbo hordes, brave miners digging ever deeper into the earth to find new riches to swell Archold's coffers? A story I heard from the mayor is that she's been seeing a psychiatrist to help with her fears and supposedly she's scared of fire snakes. It would explain why she's so jumpy whenever she's in the meeting hall, not that I've seen any fire snakes.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Archold (Noob succession)
« Reply #201 on: October 03, 2009, 04:53:53 am »

Sounds all fine and dandy.  Finally, another person who doesn't use *elf spikes* and all... I never really understood all the elf hate. 

The food stockpile in the meeting hall was actually meant to be used as emergency supply for the jailed people.  Since people who would bring them food were... unreliable in my term.  =/


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Archold (Noob succession)
« Reply #202 on: October 03, 2009, 09:03:27 am »

Sounds all fine and dandy.  Finally, another person who doesn't use *elf spikes* and all... I never really understood all the elf hate.
I tolerate them because they sell my dwarves alcohol, but I don't send anyone out if gobbos start chasing them. I'm not planning on doing anything that will deliberately lead to more Fun.

The food stockpile in the meeting hall was actually meant to be used as emergency supply for the jailed people.  Since people who would bring them food were... unreliable in my term.  =/
Makes sense. I've actually been having problems getting things done promptly because of all the "store item in..." jobs that automatically spawn. The wiki actually recommends putting some alcohol storage in your jail to help keep imprisoned dwarves happy and drunk, so I hadn't wondered too much about it.

Now on to Summer...


1st Hematite 208
No lame Hematite Fools jokes, thank Armok. Although I find it worth a chuckle that one of the Royal Guards is out of bed and active, whilst the Baron's broken arm still hasn't healed. The guards should all have armour appropriate for their non-frontline roles in defense of the city, leather. I've also pointed out to the mayor that the Dungeon Master is in need of some rooms. He arrived at the same time I did and still has no quarters, yet continues to walk around in a haze of good cheer. I think he may be smoking rat weed.

12th Hematite 208
Humie merchants arrived today along with yet another rhesus macaque incursion. One of their guards went chasing the macaques, killing one and wounding another before somehow misjudging his footing and falling into the moat. One of the Fortress Guard has opened a betting pool on how long it takes for the humie to drown. I've got 250 on her being dead by tomorrow. Good odds too.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

13th Hematite 208
Damn, she's not dead yet. I'm probably going to lose 250.

14th Hematite 208
The Humie female had the nerve to die early this morning. Humies can never do anything properly.

25th Hematite 208
It seems that Thikut Helmedglacier decided not to treat the Humies the same way she did the pointy ears. Trading has been completed and there is now more wood, more metal, more alcohol, more meat and more cheese for everyone and more bolts to use on the gobbos. Hoardmaster Zulban Ancienttrumpets apparently told her to offload more of the gobbo trash that's accumulated along with along with some of our discarded old clothing and a few trinkets. She's now in a meeting with the Humie trade representative about the trade agreement for next year.

29th Hematite 208
Once more we have an honest to goodness miner amongst us. Mebzuth Abbeyswim, formerly a fish cleaner, took up the pick and has become skilled enough to start calling himself a miner. When I talked to him, he said that he hoped to rebuild the Archold branch of the Miner's Guild. I almost cried at the thought of more trade union tendrils taking hold and choking off the ability to get anything done in Archold.

10th Malachite 208
Thikut Helmedglacier finally completed her negotiations with the Humies. They're willing to provide markup on any seeds, pearlash, flasks, earrings, amulets and rock rings we sell to them next year.

28th Malachite 208
News of last year's riots have killed immigration to Archold. A message from Baron Sibrek's man in Groovedlashed reached the city today saying that we won't be getting any migrants this season and will be very lucky even to get any in the Autumn.

1st Galena 208
A letters patent arrived from Queen Oddom Glazedprincess in Groovedlashed creating the title Count of Archold and bestowing it upon the Baron, now Count Sibrek. His first order as Count was a demand for a new, better tomb.

7th Galena 208
Someone has set up some poles in the meeting hall underneath the mister for some sort of dance craze that has been picked up from the humies. It's terrible, it's undwarfy and it's a distraction to the smooth operation of the fortress.

10th Galena 208
Work on the suites for the Hammerer and the Captain of the Guard has been completed. Planning is just beginning on a new mausoleum for Count Sibrek and a full suite for the Dungeon Master. He seems to be coming down from his rat weed high and realising that he has no rooms.

20th Galena 208
Another dwarf has been possessed by forces unknown, this time a thresher by the name of Tosid Tomegills who has claimed a mason's workshop. She's running around grabbing rocks and things seemingly at random.

29th Galena 208
As another season comes to an end, I despair that anything can or will actually be done to improve the way Archold runs. Many of the other dwarves spend their time either partying and dancing around those poles in the meeting hall or shopping for some new pig tail socks to replace their current vomit soaked pair. I may have to recommend some drastic changes next season.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Archold (Noob succession)
« Reply #203 on: October 03, 2009, 09:41:05 am »

You might want to use dwarf manager/therapist to allocate the dwarves' jobs.  A full reassessment of their abilities and restricting what each dwarf hauls will probably go a long way to making the fort more efficient. 

Do pardon me if you're already doing this. 


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Archold (Noob succession)
« Reply #204 on: October 03, 2009, 11:22:49 am »

You might want to use dwarf manager/therapist to allocate the dwarves' jobs.  A full reassessment of their abilities and restricting what each dwarf hauls will probably go a long way to making the fort more efficient. 

Do pardon me if you're already doing this. 
I've been using dwarf manager to fix up dwarf professions somewhat and to shut down undesired jobs when I've needed a specific dwarf to do a specific task urgently.

Early on I shut down health care on the mayor because it was giving him bad thoughts, then I shut down armorsmithing and weaponsmithing on the dungeonmaster because he sucks. I've also been considering turning on health care for all nobles so they'll be marginally useful. Or starving the permanently injured and friendless dwarves to death.

I've never actually played with the hauling tasks to improve efficiency, any suggestions?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Archold (Noob succession)
« Reply #205 on: October 03, 2009, 12:11:40 pm »

You can try to specialize the dwarves' hauling. 

This is how I do it in my forts, but you should play around and tweak it:

Kitchen/Farming related dwarves get food hauling (so does anyone with plant gathering)
All industry-related people get item hauling and furniture (industries that are critical and need to be done now get the hauling jobs disabled until I think otherwise)
Useless people get all the hauling jobs

Children get Healthcare
Miners DO NOT get any hauling jobs, they should be busy enough anyway. 

If you're doing a major construction project, then turn off the hauling jobs for all the masons. 
If you think that we have plenty of wood, then you can turn on hauling for the woodcutters. 


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Archold (Noob succession)
« Reply #206 on: October 04, 2009, 04:06:56 am »

I'll see how I go with that.

I just noticed that the gem setter is running around trying to have a meeting with someone to complain about a lack of work, but I don't know who he's chasing after. I have no idea how long he's been doing that for either, might explain why he's not done any glassmaking.

1st Limestone 208
Another artifact, another attempt to cure someone's phobias, this time it's a coffer covered in roaches. At least it has a slightly appropriate name, "The Constructive Persuader," though I'm not sure how constructive it will be. Maybe it will help keep the Count happy if he becomes a Duke.

4th Limestone 208
Good news! The number of wounded has reduced dramatically, now down to six. It's a shame that two of the three who recovered are royal guards and the other being the fisher, Solon Raspsabres.

7th Limestone 208
I've recommended a complete overhaul of the food production network. Fingers crossed, this will resolve a number of the delays in producing food and alcohol in Archold.

11th Limestone 208
Besmar Tombplaited, the Mayor, has ordered that another three anvils be made. I'm unsure why we need another three anvils since we already have three, but if that's what he wants...

12th Limestone 208
The Dwarven caravan from Groovedlashed has arrived! At last a chance to find out what's *really* going on in the world. The diplomat, Amost Lashedfist, is still with us one year after she arrived to negotiate with the Count. Her bedside vigil is only interrupted by the occasions she decides to try talking to him from the other side of a wall.

19th Limestone 208
Rovod Kindleinks the Eerie Twighlight has gained legendary skills with the crossbow. He's certainly been peppering the archery targets with bolts ever since I arrived here.

5th Sandstone 208
We have acquired yet more food and drink from the Dwarven traders, along with some bolts and a few precious cut jems. In exchange the merchants received yet more gobbo equipment, more of our old clothing and some high quality meals. Zulban Ancienttrumpets, the Hoardmaster has told me that following the trade with the merchants we have a created wealth of 1,125,400☼ with an imported wealth of 363,648☼ and exports to the value of 48,274☼.

10th Sandstone 208
The Dwarven merchants left today, while Amost Lashedfist continues to linger. Maybe we'll be graced by her presence for another year.

16th Sandstone 208
As I suspected, once again we received a message from Groovedlashed stating that no dwarves wish to emmigrate to Archold. Considering that some of the items that the merchants were trying to sell had images depicting last year's riots upon them, I had suspected that it would still be a hot topic and make anyone think twice about moving here.

12th Timber 208
A Kobold was spotted loitering near the trade depot. He fled before any of the soldiers could put him to the sword. Sadly, I missed it as I was busy finalising my report for Count Sibrek. It has been a surprisingly peaceful year as far as military action goes; hopefully there won't be any gobbo incursions at all this year.

25th Timber 208
With the reorganisation of the food production areas progressing fairly quickly, I've decided to recommend the construction of a Tower of Learning, ostensibly to bring some culture and eduction to Archold, but more as somewhere for me to live. It's not like I've gotten anything else out of running this inquiry for Count Sibrek.
« Last Edit: October 04, 2009, 06:40:48 am by Montigo »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Archold (Noob succession)
« Reply #207 on: October 04, 2009, 10:08:22 pm »

Wow I'm REALLY sorry for my extended absence, Some shit came up IRL and I've been dealing with it.  I'm quite suprised this has still been going, I cbf to read up but :P  Then again when you puss out and build a moat nothing can touch you ^_^


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Re: Archold (Noob succession)
« Reply #208 on: October 04, 2009, 11:45:15 pm »

Wow I'm REALLY sorry for my extended absence, Some shit came up IRL and I've been dealing with it.  I'm quite surprised this has still been going, I cbf to read up but :P  Then again when you puss out and build a moat nothing can touch you ^_^

You read about the "riots of 207" in my 2nd term right? We could die from another one of those. 

Finally someone to do actual organizing. 


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Re: Archold (Noob succession)
« Reply #209 on: October 05, 2009, 01:11:02 am »

Everything except ourselves that is. The Dwarven Inquisition taught us that lesson.
To the dorf pulling the lever, the lever is just a lever. The magma pouring out of the mountainside is just a coincidence. To the dorf designing a pump stack from the magma sea, it is just that: a pump stack. No specific reason for it. It will never do anything.
for reasons best knows to themselves, the elves decided to explode
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