I am getting a weird glitch on my shield sprite, it is showing a red shadow around it. The shield seems to be there exactly as it is meant to be but there is this transparent red square around it and shadows of the shield at the sides of the square. I can only guess that one of my colours or the format is bad, you might want to resave the sprites I made using whatever editing program you use...
Come to think of it, it used to be larger, I trimmed off alot of empty space at one point, is it possible that BF remembers sprites somewhere and is trying to account for an invalid size?
Is there any way to stop the booster module from aiming at the component it targets? I really like where it is but it turns around and faces the weapon module which completely ruins the effect of cupping the blue spot on the core. Failing that if it could be shifted to maintain that effect or at least not obscure the core that would be nice.
You should get the hostage drunk, kidnap them, erm... politely ask them to join up? Let them man one of the PD guns or something until they get a feel for the lifestyle...
Wow, nice ship, I love the engines, and the complete lack of active defences could result in some hilarious moments(the armour should protect it from getting too morbid)...
Hmmm, lets see what I can name. Those remind me of blasters, is that repeating artillery and a plasma ball for the main gun? I think that is a gosling launcher but the side guns elude me...