I'll have to agree with the sentiment of shareware VS Piracy.
Pirates will pirate games for 3 reasons:
1) They want to try before they buy
2) They don't have money
3) They just want free shit.
Number 1 guarantees either buy or not (which means crappy games don't get money because they suck. This should make it so that companies have more to risk to get return on investment, instead of making a horse-crap slurry and getting their return because the only way people can rate the game is to buy it.)
Number 2 wants to play the game, and if the game is good will potentially try to save up money to buy the game (especially if incentive is given *like shareware BUY TO CONTINUE*) This is far less likely than Number 1, but still provides a satisfied customer
Number 3 are a more complex crowd, as they could pass between the other groups. However given the proper incentive, even they can be coerced into buying the product. Although most of the time they'll just pirate anything, even indie games, just to get free shit
All of those groups have 1 thing in common: They're all generate word of mouth off from no effort from the producers/developers of the games. Why fight such a system, especially when part of the problem stems from the idea of what made computer games popular in the first place.
Sims 3 should dispel the entire myth of drm-less sales == more piracy. It sold a verily crapload of games. Even if you did pirate it, the content most people get for sims (expansions) is available via frequently updated DLC store, which is a very successful model from the korean market.
*Sims 3 has discchecking DRM, a technology almost as old as the CD drive, but it's non invasive.*
Although I'm guilty of number 2 myself, I try to buy things that deserve compensation for their efforts, like The Conduit(Yeah it was dissapointing. Do I regret spending $50 on the game? No. Reason: The Grinder and potentially Conduit 2). However I kinda regret also buying Spore, due to the fact that it's complete BS. I am also annoyed that the space expansion for Spore is the cost OF AN ENTIRE GAME.