Well, I've been poking around at the ramdisk idea, which turns out to be a pain in the rear to do in windows xp, apparently. It's a pity my linux system in this laptop won't run DF (or any other SDL applications) due to a problem with the graphics driver
So, anyway, I managed to make a small ramdisk of 32 MB (the little bugger would stop working if I made it any bigger), which was enough to run DF, and loaded my latest fortress. It's in the middle of a megaproject construction (I'll post about it when done
), has a pop of 58 little buggers, and runs at about 30-40 FPS normally (probably because there's a reeeeeeally long aqueduct which is on its way to be filled).
There's no detectable improvement from using the ramdisk, since with it it still hovers at around 30-40 fps (since the FPS display goes up and down pretty much every frame, I don't know if I might be gaining one or two fps *shrugs*).
Pretty much what I expected: since DF does use a lot of memory for such a small program, it's already keeping all it's data in memory, instead of reading it from disk.
Strangely, there's not as much of an improvement as I expected when saving data. This might indicate that a lot of the time spent for saving is spent somehow processing the data into a saveable form, rather than writing to disk - this could be consistent with save game sizes. It's, what, 6MB for a save? That's not a lot of data to write to disk, nowadays, so it shouldn't be taking as long as it if that's the only thing it did.