Awesome. High five, Fault! You're probably the awesomenest person for it to happen to.
I never did get Cacame to become a "functional" member of society. The best I was able to do was get him to pick up a weapon and shield and then hang around in the dining hall.
To get your queen to come inside and hang around with the rest of your society, change her civilization tag to the same as your dwarves. Currently, she'll be set to the parent civ, but not the fort civ (though your fort is considered part of the same civ as your parent civ, they have different civ tags so that it can differentiate between the caravan and actual members of your fort. The tag doesn't get changed when non-dwarven nobles come). She'll come inside the fort and hang out in your meeting areas. She won't make any friends unless you kidnap some goblins and turn them into members of your civ.
To make her pick up weapons, you'll need to temporarily turn her into a dwarf, change her profession to a peasant, and then activate her. She'll go grab any weapon or shield you assign her, but she won't put on any armor. Then you turn her back into a queen and a goblin again and she'll go on carrying around her weapons.
I'd love to see her legends sheet.