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Author Topic: Dwarven king is an...  (Read 542408 times)


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Re: Dwarven king is an...
« Reply #975 on: August 09, 2013, 09:31:38 pm »

Has this thread died? .-.
This thread died in 2010, my friend.

But every few months, someone new to the forums discovers it, either by forum delving or via the wiki, and posts without looking at the dates...

And usually, asks whether it died.

Wow Im late
Worry not, this ritual is yearly. Sometimes monthly.
Thou art I, I art Thou.
The trust you have bestowed upon thy comrade is now reciprocated in turn.
Thou shall be blessed when calling upon personae of the Hangman Arcana.
May this tie bind thee to a brighter future!​
Ikusaba Quest! - Fistfighting space robots for the benefit of your familial bonds to Satan is passe, so you call Sherlock Holmes and ask her to pop by.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dwarven king is an...
« Reply #976 on: August 14, 2013, 09:17:40 pm »

Yeah, I discovered this thread late last night. And for some reason, I hadn't realised elves were cannibals as well as hippies/giant/immortal/idiots/jerks(exception being Cacame, of course).
Heh, I posted that as a joke. Then again, this is Bay12 and this plan is crazy enough to work...
Bump all day, bump all night, yeah this thread needs a bump alright!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dwarven king is an...
« Reply #977 on: August 16, 2013, 07:33:42 am »

Yeah, I discovered this thread late last night. And for some reason, I hadn't realised elves were cannibals as well as hippies/giant/immortal/idiots/jerks(exception being Cacame, of course).
Only in DF.
DFBT the Dwarf: The only community podcast for Dwarf Fortress!
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I suggest that we add a clause permitting the keelhauling of anyone who suggests a plan involving "zombify the crew".
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  • Bay Watcher
  • Lich with Bumps of grandeur! The Necromonsieur!
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Re: Dwarven king is an...
« Reply #978 on: August 27, 2013, 06:33:16 pm »

Yeah, I discovered this thread late last night. And for some reason, I hadn't realised elves were cannibals as well as hippies/giant/immortal/idiots/jerks(exception being Cacame, of course).
Only in DF.
Same for mermaids being a viable source of income!
Heh, I posted that as a joke. Then again, this is Bay12 and this plan is crazy enough to work...
Bump all day, bump all night, yeah this thread needs a bump alright!


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Re: Dwarven king is an...
« Reply #979 on: September 20, 2013, 09:08:21 am »

Finally read through the Cacame thread. Figured if I was going to necro, I should contribute something.

A fey mood was had. I wrote a thing. Have it.

The Elf King Cacame Awemedinade stood beneath the legs of his colossus. Both he and the giant statue served as the vanguard to the entrance of Gamilrag, the mountainhome of Trustclaps, the seat of his kingdom. Beside him were his Royal Guard, composed of humans, elves and goblins. Behind he and his guard were ranks of Dwarven soldiers, recruits and champions alike. The reflected sunlight from the golden cape of the colossus illuminated the armor of the soldiers, from the grey glint of steel to the mystic blue of adamantium.

Across from the Elf King of Dwarves stood a Final Alliance that reflected his Royal Guard: humans stood in the same rank as elves, hundreds of the combined host at attention. They were flanked by goblins and gibberlings, the former managing the latter in groups, keeping the battlelusty creatures under control before the battle began.

Cacame felt as though he should be surprised. He thought that the sight of mixed races setting aside their mutual hatred for a common goal would have concerned him more. He decided he should have known better, for did he not swear himself an enemy of the elves and stand now against his race alongside the dwarves? Although they and he were far from similar; Cacame could clearly see the dislike and distrust in the eyes of his enemies, while he himself only held the utmost respect for his dwarven brethren.

Still, an alliance was a curious thing to confront. Had they decided that this mountainhome posed their civilizations some serious threat? Had they decided that he posed some serious threat? That they should band together as one, as only their combined might may defeat their hated foe?

He knew not. He knew not and he cared not. He had seen their like driven into the ground before him. He had slammed riders from their mounts and knocked their horses twenty paces with ease. He had seen their broken, bleeding forms, their chests caved and innards splayed out before him. He had seen what they were made of.

Every time it reminded him of Nemo. It reminded him of finding her torn apart and eaten.

And Nemo reminded him of Amoya, the elf who had murdered his wife and whose death Íle wrongfully denied him.

The artifact warhammer seemed to purr in his hands, almost aware of its master’s thoughts. The warhammer was no construction of a possessed weaponsmith. It was not an artifact because it had a name, for indeed, the warhammer bore no name to itself. No, the warhammer was an artifact because it had beaten the life from countless bodies. It had ended a mighty dragon at his hands. Most of all, it had channeled the malice of Cacame within itself, becoming his instrument of destruction. It knew only hate and the act of righteous murder, and it lusted for the battle it knew would soon come. It sang to him, wishing him to quicken the inevitable.

Cacame stepped forward, hefting his warhammer at a ready stance, challenging the host alone. They stood still, save for the slight wanderings of the gibberlings at the hands of the goblins. He tired of their silent stares.

“Well?” he asked impatiently, his voice echoing over the strange silence and through the valley before him. Then, as one, the warriors of the alliance cried out and rushed forward to slay the Elf King and crush his mountainhome under the rock it sat beneath.


As Cacame drenched the battlefield in the blood of his enemies, Armok watched upon the Elf King from His Throne outside the ken of lesser beings. His honor guard, those Most Hallowed and Proven, stood as immaterial spectres to his flanks. As another score of foes were crushed by a wave of Cacame's hammer, Armok's goblet filled with their blood. The trials of the Elf King had nearly filled the cup, and Armok was certain that this last, glorious battle would prove to complete the succulent brew.

The God smiled. Cacame Awemedinade was not born from the Earth. He was not born of Armok's Blood. He was born from fickle leaves and weak roots. He was born under Íle, the Fool, under the boughs of trees and not the ceilings of grand stone halls.

The Elf King could have become the champion of Íle, to serve the contemptible
thing for eternity, had not the Fool scorned him, damning his immortal coil, over such a rightfully deserved boon. Now Íle and its children were made to pay the debt owed, though never would there be enough souls to settle the claim.

Instead, the bodies pelting the ground from the blows of Cacame's hammer were offerings unto Armok. Cacame merely wore the visage of an elf, though his soul was not something so simply labeled. He was too torn, too fractured to be of any one identity, save for vengeance. For that is what he is, a flesh-borne machine of wrath, taking from the world what it so wrongfully took from him. So noble a mission could only honor Armok, the one true God.

And so Armok saw the Elf King, the corpses and entrails of his enemies piled before him, a grand colossus of his image above him and the Children of Armok cheering behind him. Armok saw, too, that only dissatisfaction colored the Elf's expression.

Dwarves were made to pursue knowledge. They were made to pursue crafts. They were made to appreciate and respect the eternity of the Earth. They were made to be finite. Though all of Armok's Children would bask in His glorious presence in time, only those most deserving could stand closest to His Throne.

Cacame was made to appreciate and respect the frailty of life. He was made to be infinite. Immortal.

He was not one of Armok's Children. He could never stand close to Armok's Throne. He could never know Armok's presence.

Armok raised his goblet, full to the rim but denying the motion the ability to spill its contents.

"I raise this offering of Cacame Awemedinade, known to the living as The Immortal Onslaught, in his honor."

The warrior shades to his right and left raised their weapons, and one cabinet, in response, and spoke:
"May he slake the Thirst of our Ever-Thirsting God."

"Though may he never pay the toll."

And Armok drank from the goblet, savoring the curse of Cacame upon the world.
« Last Edit: January 07, 2015, 12:22:54 am by Chaoswizkid »
Administrator of the Realms of Kar'Kaish Project.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dwarven king is an...
« Reply #980 on: September 20, 2013, 09:11:48 am »

Vampire kings/queens are pretty common these days.


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Re: Dwarven king is an...
« Reply #981 on: September 20, 2013, 12:12:56 pm »

I modded in a Celt civ and made them babysnatchers, why not?  Both known nobles are goblins.
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Re: Dwarven king is an...
« Reply #982 on: November 22, 2013, 01:42:03 pm »

A minor necro here, I just got a worldgen with the dwarven civ having a human as the queen. She is, about as unremarkable as you can get, no relatives listed, she seems to come out of nowhere. The only relationship to the dwarven civ is that she seems to have unknown parentage, was born in one of the dwarven mountainhomes, fought in two battles, and worships one of the dwarven gods.

It looks like the random '*points at random person in crowd* Hey you! The dwarven King/Queen died childless and now you are King/Queen!' method of succession that the current version uses. If there was further backstory, I could see her being a trusted advisor or someone within the Kings inner circle, but there isn't anything to make the backstory stick.
Re: Dwarven king is an...
« Reply #983 on: June 04, 2014, 03:11:09 pm »

I apologise in advance for the extreme necro.

If you still read this when it's updated then, Holy Mittens do you still have Cacame's save and is there any chance you'd have a chance to play it to the end so we might know the death of Cacame, true and eternal king of the dwarves.
Stages of DF Ideas:
How do the mechanics for this work?
How can I weaponise it?
How can I add magma?
How can I weaponise it?
How can I automate it?

Holy Mittens

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dwarven king is an...
« Reply #984 on: June 05, 2014, 07:29:17 am »

No, I do not have the save any more. Unfortunately, my computer's hard drive crashed about 3 years ago and I lost all my Dwarf Fortress stuff along with a fair bit of my writing work (though throughout the years I've been able to salvage some of it).

However, there's not much to do with "playing it to the end". The fort was completely self sufficient and was never going to fall to invaders. With elves being immortal, Cacame wasn't going to die of old age either. He was also capable of taking out entire invasions all by himself, despite his inability to pick up and use armor. It would have taken a dumb accident for him to wind up dying.

I've integrated the story of Cacame into the fantasy world I write in. I have not written out the exact story of what happens to him, but my vision is that he basically wipes out the elves (a few scattered packs survive in remote valleys and mountain tops and eventually become another race), then abdicates his throne and becomes a wanderer for all eternity.


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Re: Dwarven king is an...
« Reply #985 on: October 18, 2014, 01:41:58 pm »

I humbly necro this thread, at the risk of making dwarves cry, to pay homage to the awesomeness of Cacame.  Well done everyone!

One of the things that is really impressing me with DF is the emergent storytelling that it can create.  This is a fine example of it.
hamster cheese supplies are low


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Re: Dwarven king is an...
« Reply #986 on: October 18, 2014, 01:52:48 pm »

I've always wondered how Cacame would've faired versus the circus.

Hard drive crashing has struck many great worlds, I had a fortress with four cave dragons, a roc hatchery, pits full of semi-megabeasts and forgotten beasts, plus one tamed dragon. The day I cracked the blue pillar, my hard drive broke.
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I threw night creature blood into a night creature's heart and she pulled it out and bled to death.
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Places to jibber madly at each other, got it
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If any of them are made of fire, throw stuff, run, and think non-flammable thoughts.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dwarven king is an...
« Reply #987 on: October 18, 2014, 02:57:49 pm »

Has this thread died? .-.
This thread died in 2010, my friend.

But every few months, someone new to the forums discovers it, either by forum delving or via the wiki, and posts without looking at the dates...

And usually, asks whether it died.

Wow Im late
Worry not, this ritual is yearly. Sometimes monthly.
It has occurred again!
Me: "Just imagine a load of dwarves sitting round a table, and one of them says, 'I like stranglers for... for their... their...'"
Brother: "SOFT HANDS!"


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dwarven king is an...
« Reply #988 on: October 18, 2014, 04:08:43 pm »

Has this thread died? .-.
This thread died in 2010, my friend.

But every few months, someone new to the forums discovers it, either by forum delving or via the wiki, and posts without looking at the dates...

And usually, asks whether it died.

Wow Im late
Worry not, this ritual is yearly. Sometimes monthly.
It has occurred again!
Within 3 and a half months it was necro'd again.

Cacame is more magic than I thought.
Not sure if dying of old age is an honor or a shame for weaponmasters. On the one hand, it means they never got the opportunity to die in glorious battle. On the other hand, it means nothing could beat them in glorious battle.


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Re: Dwarven king is an...
« Reply #989 on: October 18, 2014, 08:27:23 pm »

It's the wiki's fault  :D
hamster cheese supplies are low
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