Man, whoever said that the feel has changed since the early story (pre Act 5) is definitely right. I'm not sure if it's shifted for better or for worse, but I'm not feeling the story as much now.
I can't even touch the story. It feels inhuman and gross.
The Homestuck Universe is fucking close to Hell.
Its Inhabitants have no individual freedom, since their actions are not only predestinated (which in itself arguably invalidates free will-or not) but forced unto them by the Alpha-timeline. Every attempt to break out of the destinated path only makes it happen and-in the most cases- kills you, your friends and your timeline, until no spectators are left.
While Homestuck's definition of omnipotence is lackluster, the beings described as such(1st Guardians, LE) are far beyond the reach of mortals, yet perfectly willing to manipulate or sacrifice their dependants. It's basically Lovecraftian (and we know that Hussie is at the very least a fan of softcore-Lovecraftian mythos).
The Narrator, all-knowing by his own words, is cynic and useless in an unnerving random way.
The Heroes of our story are human only in upbringing. They are a paradox, life created out of nothing, randomly taking human form. As far as we know. they are carefully isolated from society- if such a thing even exists in HS- alone with their internet friends and a parent with varying competence. It's no wonder that Earth's annihilation has barely affected them.
Humanity has been destroyed a second time, their antagonists are ready and overpowered and even if the kids kill them, would it be any achievement? Could it be any achievement, if the timeline demands it? If it doesn't recompensate for 413 years of genocide? Severals millenia, if you count the troll-universe?
The only major forces of Good in this world are the Rule Of Cool and Rule Of Funny, to use tvtropes-slang. And the trickster they call Mood Whiplash dances and sings on the debris.