Yeah, people are entitled to their own opinion, especially if that opinion is well thought out, not offensive and not offensive to you in the slightest. Chill bro, that was childish.
They are long winded rants that pull up minor points to sound like they are correct, but are simply just
complaining because it's moved away from his favorite characters and as a result he's not giving Hivebent a chance at all.
Anyway, I think this quote (Even though it's for ZP and not Hivebent) sums up my attitude to his:
Or maybe his opinions just differ from yours?
Come on people. You're still whining about those reviews a year later, for christ sake. Let it go. I mean look at this one:
* This Troper's moment happened whilst playing Monster Hunter Tri and going back to watch the Zero Punctuation criticism of it. A lot of the things that were complained about (collection, combat etc) seem to be mainly things that someone poor at playing the game would complain about and are perfectly fine in context. I had a moment of Fridge Logic, when I looked back at the games I've played that've been reviewed (Super Smash Bros, EVE Online etc) and realised that the vast majority of complaints are those of a person who really isn't very good at playing the games in question and finds it irritating to try. The games that get praised, in contrast, are usually ones that're very, very easy to get into. (With the exception of Psychonauts, I think.) It completely changed the way I viewed his criticisms, resulting in a resounding dethroning moment of suck.
How is this at all a *moment*? It's a pseudo-intellectual attempt at looking clever, by posting a poorly disguised "his reviews are bad and he should feel bad" rant. This is the kind of crap that was getting trimmed.
Replace a few words and replace the paragraph first, though.
I like: Mark Twain, Timberlands Westboro Baptist church (Because they actually follow the bible 100%), Biology, Dr Who, Panorama, DF and anything with cruelty/sandbox potential, Speculative fiction and I am currently a left winger by british standards. I hate anything by Murdoch and that's it.
Also, that wasn't adorable, however the fan art from the last update was perfectly accurate!