D'aww, Eridan misses his kismesis. And he's all sad because they hated each other so much. That kind of hate you just don't walk away from.
It's interesting that trolls apparently bear affection for the relationship, if not for the other partner in the kismesissitude, despite it being an adversarial relationship defined by strongly negative emotions.
I love linking this thing. Kate Beaton, with her history comics.The only reason these characters aren't boring or irritating is that Andrew is just that good at writing characters.
Well, I think it's just your opinion that my opinion is just an opinion. In
my opinion, my opinion is absolute, immutable truth.
Also, I've already grown to like Eridan. Whoever could have guessed.
And Feferi is... opposite insane heir to the throne, with strange and twisted and alien ideas of how to deal with the weak. I bet the general troll populace is circulating malicious rumors about how she
isn't inbred. And she culls cuttlefish by adopting them and caring for them. The Alternian nobility would surely lose purchase of their monocles were they to hear of this debauchery. Oh, and the GLUB GLUB GLUB is the insane gibbering of elder gods.
I think the thing about uniting the two races may very well be about the humans.
Or possibly a red herring oh who am I kidding here. Red herrings simply don't happen here. Even if Andrew didn't have any plans about it yet, he would later refer back to it somehow, implementing some wild fan theory about what it meant.