So much symbolism...
Playing chess as some kind of intellectual arm-wrestling between tacticians is a standard motif in fiction, and here are the parallels between real-life tactic and chess quite obvious: UU is smart, thorough and a little petty, but really bad in improvising. uu is bluntly aggressiv, strategically inferior, but surprising crafty, at least where his "shitty twist" Thema is concerned.
This are actually all characteristics we know from the Condesce... or a few other trolls.
The chess against oneself motif (note the abrupt transitions-almost like in a game of correspondence chess) reminds me of The Royal Game, but that's because I'm a nerd.
Then there is the chess game of the Incipisphere.
I assumed the demonic chess game in Complacy of the Learned to be a twisted metaphor for the course of a working Sburb-game, but now it seems to have a much more literal meaning... uu is almost certainly a Derse dreamer, which could make the red side Derse.
The only thing we know with certainty is that UuuU's session is messed up bad, with all that infighting, madness and a grey, dead Skaia. So we can only try to apply this hints to the Alpha-Incipisphere. The kings are dead/never existed as persons, their scepters are still in possession of the White Queen and the Condesce, but if they grant powers(which is probable), they were in no way hinted at to be game-deciding. I can't see a connection here.
But we have still another pair, actually a quartet, of sovereigns:
Lord English,whatever he may be, a King in his own right,
Condesce, selfproclaimed Black Queen,
Beta-Jack, the ascended 'Knave' and a Queen or more than that
PM, the ascended Pawn, crowned as a Queen.
So, the king here would be Lord English. If he is a RED HERRING, then it would be a SHITTY TWIST, hands down.
But: We know he has to enter a world at the moment of its death. Maybe he uses one of the aforementioned queens as his host?
Also: Tarot symbolism? Unlike the English or German deck, the Tarot deck has 4 "face cards" of each color, King, Queen, Prince and Princess as well as 22 trump cards... 8 kids and 14 trolls?
Excuse my rant, sometimes I'm trying too hard to analyze stuff. It's fun though.