Its evolution seemed to be going through dimensions.
2 dimensional board -> 2 dimensional board -> 3 dimensional cube -> 3 dimensional sphere.
Not really that much of a pattern.
It seems to just be becoming arbitrarily more complex. I don't think there's actually a point to the upgrades after the Battlefield is free of the eternal stalemate, and they're just symbolic of the infinite creative potential absorbing more data, or whatever it was that was going on with the prototypings.
And smjjames, you can't use time like the other dimensions, silly.
Okay, maybe you could. There's obviously time, but it's not actually possible to say when it appears based on what we know about the game. Of course, this would lead to the mother of all paradoxes if the last player fails to connect for some reason, and
time never gets created.Okay, so. If time only exists when Skaia has been prototyped enough times, that means that in all the dead timelines where that didn't happen, time doesn't exist. If enough players don't prototype their sprites, time doesn't exist. If Skaia is destroyed before enough players have connected, time doesn't exist. Did you think about that, smjjames? Your careless theorizing may have doomed us all!