Hi guys, I'm new to DF and I was wondering if I could bother you with a few questions... I swear I've been going through the wiki and tutorials (captnduck you will forever be my hero) like there was no tomorrow, but I still have a few problems while playing that I can't seem to solve

So far I have a fortress of about 50 dwarves, everyone seems pretty happy with the life in the mountain and such.
One thing that bugs me tho is the goddamn animals. I made a point of not taking any single animal with the expeditionary team (no dogs or cats, my mistake), but the last wave of migrants brought along a shitload of tame donkeys, cows and bulls. Now I have all of them running around the fortress, shitting in the dining room and making a mess in the already overcrowded statue garden.
The problem, as far as I can figure, is that all these animals are tamed and have an owner, so I can't order Leatherface the butcher to make chops out of them. For some reason, I also can't get to put them in cages (maybe cause they have an owner?). So I basically dont know what to do!
I would very very much like to be able to somehow make leather out of this animal crowd, because my Mechanic-Trapper-Weaponsmith barricaded himself in the metalsmith workshop and is yelling that he wants tanned hides, and i dont have any tanned hides nor (i think) any means to get any since i only do farming and fishing and never did any hunting

One second noobish thing I wanted to ask you is regarding ore and stone. (Mind you, I have had a very hard time figuring out how the whole ore and smelting thing works...)
however the thing is, when I first arrived at my soon-to-be fortress, I started digging up Gneiss and Granite. Digging and digging I found stuff like microcline and other colored stone/ore (I use a tileset, cant remember which one).
Now, if I build things out of stone, for example at the mason's workshop, am I not supposed to be able to build stuff from the colored stone (like microcline), and thus building colored thrones, colored coffins and so on? Because when I try to build stone things I only get Gneiss and Granite, even tho I have tons and tons of colored stone laying around.
That's it for now, thank you in advance for your time