I jhave a 5 round burst rocketlauncher with some crazy ballistics, sometimes they fly straight for a while, make a turn and continue flying straight, sometimes they do a twist at the start and explode at my feet and sometimes they fly in circles. The damage was reasonable so i held onto it until i could use it. I unloaded it at skagzilla's face from about 15 ft when he did that laser thingie and every single one of them missed, one of the flew back around and hit his ass.
Also, a shotgun with 110 or so damage, only 2 pellets, a 2 round magazine that takes about 3 seconds to reload and a 0.7 RoF. At lvl 17 that's decent damage but still, accuracy please? It's also the first shotgun with negative amount of pellets modifier.
On the other hand, a sniper with 4x explosion which causes it to hit for a good 6 times it's normal damage and a fairly large splash range. It can take out several bandits behind cover when one of them is hit and can kill a concentrated rakk swarm in two hits. Goes well with my 4x46x41(volley size,damage,magazine) at 8.1RPS. Single(quad round burst?) shot it's deadly accurate, after that the recoil fucks you up and you can't hit a badass bruiser at an arms length. Sheer volume of fire kill less bandits tho even if 90% misses.