Oh ho ho ho. I usually do very well in TF2 when I play soldier. I don't know what it is. I rarely play it honestly. I'm thinkin' it's my erratic play style. Anyway...
I'm the worst at driving, sports, and fighting games because I find them boring.
I'm the best at RTS, FPS, Puzzle(?). This is just for mulitiplayer games.
If it was only single player I would say Ace Attorney series hands down, but it's basically an interactive book so I'm just talking about the first time (and only) time you playing it.
I guess it really doesn't count, eh?
Well might as well go in depth. For muitiplayer of course.
Grrrrr. My least favorite, they only get me frustrated. I don't own ANY. What I hate about it is I either completely destroy the opponent or I can't get one hit in.
I don't know, I'm ok I guess. Not much to say here, I don't own any driving games either.
Never played one. No comment.
Really fun, I'm not the best, but I can usually beat normal players. Mostly been playin' StarCraft for this one.
Probably my best one. Must be my natural twicth reflexs. This causes a problem with roguelikes though. I never have beaten one before, but I have gotten damn close. Especially for DoomRL.
Capcom needs to make muilitiplayer Ace Attorney somehow. I wish I was as good as you Sir Josh. Then I would be able to call myself Sir Toon. I never get past the Oracle in NetHack.
I have read everything on how to win. GRRRR.
FINAL POINT - LOGIC.EDIT: As I would last say, I challenge you to a Bust-A-Move battle!