Awesome! I wanted this bad enough I thought I'd post to say thanks and share my experiences with it so far.
I was so happy to see this, then I started it up...
... and noticed there was only one miserable clothier dwarf with no skills.
I promptly smacked my head against the desk and muttered, "This hasn't been made to work in Windows XP yet, has it?"
The reasoning behind that thought? I saw this.
2010-Apr-05 00:50:53.578 INFO Log Opened Successfully
2010-Apr-05 00:50:53.609 INFO Dwarf Therapist "0.4.3" starting normally.
2010-Apr-05 00:50:53.609 INFO Minimum log level set to "DEBUG"
2010-Apr-05 00:50:54.546 INFO Loaded 5 views from disk
2010-Apr-05 00:50:54.593 DEBUG "redrew views in 31ms" [src\viewmanager.cpp:162]
2010-Apr-05 00:50:54.609 DEBUG setting up connections for MainWindow [src\mainwindow.cpp:113]
2010-Apr-05 00:50:54.625 DEBUG group_by now set to 1 [src\models\dwarfmodel.cpp:384]
2010-Apr-05 00:50:54.625 DEBUG group_by now set to 1 [src\models\dwarfmodel.cpp:384]
2010-Apr-05 00:51:02.796 DEBUG beginning to read settings [src\dwarftherapist.cpp:108]
2010-Apr-05 00:51:02.812 DEBUG finished reading settings [src\dwarftherapist.cpp:154]
2010-Apr-05 00:51:02.812 DEBUG attempting connection to running DF game [src\mainwindow.cpp:219]
2010-Apr-05 00:51:02.812 DEBUG attempting to find running copy of DF by window handle [src\dfinstancewindows.cpp:210]
2010-Apr-05 00:51:02.812 DEBUG found copy with HWND: 0xf20518 [src\dfinstancewindows.cpp:226]
2010-Apr-05 00:51:02.812 DEBUG PID of process is: 3504 [src\dfinstancewindows.cpp:233]
2010-Apr-05 00:51:02.812 DEBUG working set size: 253.879 MB [src\dfinstancewindows.cpp:247]
2010-Apr-05 00:51:02.812 DEBUG PEB is at: 0x7ffdd000 [src\dfinstancewindows.cpp:251]
2010-Apr-05 00:51:02.812 DEBUG read 12 bytes BASE ADDR is at: 0x400000 [src\dfinstancewindows.cpp:264]
2010-Apr-05 00:51:02.812 DEBUG DF's checksum is: 4bb45f99 [src\dfinstancewindows.cpp:276]
2010-Apr-05 00:51:02.812 DEBUG memory correction 0 [src\dfinstancewindows.cpp:292]
2010-Apr-05 00:51:02.812 DEBUG ENUMERATING MEMORY SEGMENTS FROM 0 TO 101e1000 [src\dfinstancewindows.cpp:298]
2010-Apr-05 00:51:02.828 DEBUG MEMORY SEGMENT SUMMARY: accepted 287 rejected 116 total 403 [src\dfinstancewindows.cpp:343]
2010-Apr-05 00:51:02.828 DEBUG Connection to DF version "v0.31.01" established. [src\mainwindow.cpp:240]
2010-Apr-05 00:51:02.828 DEBUG LANGUAGES VECTOR 16b0010 [src\dwarftherapist.cpp:310]
2010-Apr-05 00:51:02.828 DEBUG GENERIC LANGUAGE VECTOR 16affe0 [src\dwarftherapist.cpp:311]
2010-Apr-05 00:51:02.828 DEBUG WORD TABLE OFFSET 58 [src\dwarftherapist.cpp:312]
2010-Apr-05 00:51:02.828 DEBUG Loading generic strings from 16affe0 [src\dwarftherapist.cpp:317]
2010-Apr-05 00:51:02.843 DEBUG generic words 2107 [src\dwarftherapist.cpp:319]
2010-Apr-05 00:51:02.859 DEBUG FOUND LANG ENTRY 2d57cf0 "DWARF" [src\dwarftherapist.cpp:330]
2010-Apr-05 00:51:02.859 DEBUG FOUND LANG ENTRY 5b13308 "ELF" [src\dwarftherapist.cpp:330]
2010-Apr-05 00:51:02.859 DEBUG FOUND LANG ENTRY 5b41328 "GOBLIN" [src\dwarftherapist.cpp:330]
2010-Apr-05 00:51:02.859 DEBUG FOUND LANG ENTRY 5b6f1f0 "HUMAN" [src\dwarftherapist.cpp:330]
2010-Apr-05 00:51:02.859 DEBUG Loading dwarf strings from 2d57d44 [src\dwarftherapist.cpp:335]
2010-Apr-05 00:51:02.859 DEBUG dwarf words 2107 [src\dwarftherapist.cpp:337]
2010-Apr-05 00:51:02.875 WARNING tried to get 150 bytes from 21b483c0 but only got 0 Windows System Error( 299 ) [src\dfinstancewindows.cpp:193] (read_raw)
2010-Apr-05 00:51:02.875 INFO found 1 dwarves out of 1 creatures
2010-Apr-05 00:51:25.078 DEBUG beginning to write settings [src\mainwindow.cpp:195]
2010-Apr-05 00:51:25.078 DEBUG finished writing settings [src\mainwindow.cpp:206]
2010-Apr-05 00:51:25.078 DEBUG group_by now set to 0 [src\models\dwarfmodel.cpp:384]
2010-Apr-05 00:52:07.171 WARNING tried to get 150 bytes from 21b483c0 but only got 0 Windows System Error( 299 ) [src\dfinstancewindows.cpp:193] (read_raw)
2010-Apr-05 00:52:07.171 INFO found 1 dwarves out of 1 creatures
2010-Apr-05 00:52:11.343 WARNING tried to get 150 bytes from 21b483c0 but only got 0 Windows System Error( 299 ) [src\dfinstancewindows.cpp:193] (read_raw)
2010-Apr-05 00:52:11.343 INFO found 1 dwarves out of 1 creatures
2010-Apr-05 00:52:15.687 WARNING tried to get 150 bytes from 21b483c0 but only got 0 Windows System Error( 299 ) [src\dfinstancewindows.cpp:193] (read_raw)
2010-Apr-05 00:52:15.687 INFO found 1 dwarves out of 1 creatures
2010-Apr-05 00:52:16.890 WARNING tried to get 150 bytes from 21b483c0 but only got 0 Windows System Error( 299 ) [src\dfinstancewindows.cpp:193] (read_raw)
2010-Apr-05 00:52:16.890 INFO found 1 dwarves out of 1 creatures
2010-Apr-05 00:57:21.625 WARNING tried to get 150 bytes from 21b483c0 but only got 0 Windows System Error( 299 ) [src\dfinstancewindows.cpp:193] (read_raw)
2010-Apr-05 00:57:21.625 INFO found 1 dwarves out of 1 creatures
Ah well, back to the default method for just a while longer. Still, kudos for giving us a version that at least some of us can use.