Just so everybody knows, the Alien Scientist is, in fact, not pro-Town. He removes 4 players from the game, of which only 1 (Or two, if he captures a Cultist, which is the only case he is actually pro-Town.) If he removes 3 players that could be used as buffer against the Dopps/Cultists, it's very bad for us. Just remember that.
I'm not sure if I follow your logic here. Scientist needs a human, a dopp, and an alien. Given the "survivor is anti-town" that seems prevalent, that's two anti-town roles (dopp, an alien) for one pro-town role (unless he grabs a cultist, in which case it's 0-3). Sure, there is a potential (and even likelihood) that he will hit a pro-town person, but given that he takes two anti-town people with him that doesn't seem any worse than a war veteran to me.
Are you talking about what happens when the people that the scientist abducts return if the scientist dies?
I can't see him really offering his services to the town, though. The scientist doesn't want to stick around, since every night that he isn't gone is a night that he can be killed. About the best that I can see is a town investigative role pointing out scum of the appropriate type for him to act on. Any alliance with the scientist would likely involve pointing out two targets in exchange for a sacrificial third, or something like that.
And Servant: Why the vote for Janus? Why not unvote?
Fake edit: That's a possibility, josh, though I'm not sure why you think the second item was a deadman bomb. I'd expect a scanner to be in there somewhere.
Why are you assuming aliens are anti-Town? They are buffers. Sure, they'd betray us if they had to, but it'd certainly be a waste, since only two of them are truly anti-Town (Exterminator and Operative), while two are semi-Town (Scientist and Survivor). The last two (Agent Finder and Dopp Seeker) are pro-Town for all intensive purposes, except that the Agent Finder might accidentally kill someone, though usually doesn't.
The Scientist is anti-Town in that they only remove one Dopp, one Human, and two Aliens from play. The only possible way that this is amazing for Town is if they take a Dopp, a Cultist, and the Exterminator. That would be the best possible outcome, but likely he'll take a Dopp, a power role, and the Survivor Alien.
Wow Servant, I'd have taken my chances with the lynch than reveal myself as the survivor!
If you aren't abducted, you'll be killed by the cultists or the exterminator the next day, as neither have any reason to leave you alive, and you're a relatively safe kill, since they don't need to face retaliation, unless, of course, you have a deadman bomb, but I doubt that, shields are a hot item among survivors. This is of course assuming you're telling the truth.
Also, to Rysith, you can't compare Servant to Pandar, as Pandar roleclaimed as a last ditch effort to throw the dopps' interest off him, while this is to avoid a lynch.
Now, my deduction is that Servant is actually a Scientist with a shield and deadman bomb, as a survivor claim is safe for him (as an actual survivor claim is suicide, and a real survivor might puss out like last time) and he might be able to recruit the help of the dopps to survive long enough to fulfill his objective.
...You'd rather lose... than try to win? I'm pretty sure I'd have pushed his lynch hardcore, so that he'd be lynched. That's dumb. That doesn't even make sense. What he did does make sense, given what he is.