I'd like to add some of the important "hidden" resources, as well as the gems/exotica of each planet (the only two resources that can't be harvested from generic terrain), so I don't have an inherent advantage because of this knowledge.
Absolution (2 gems, 0 exotica)
Apshai (2 gems, 2 exotica)
Aragon (1 gem, 4 exotica) - Fertile marker beneath the Agora
Artemis (0 gems, 12 exotica)
Aylon (0 gems, 3 exotica)
Bannockburn (0 gems, 1 exotica)
Byzantium II (0 gems, 0 exotica)
Cadavus (2 gems, 0 exotica)
Cadiz (2 gems, 0 exotica)
Chernobog (5 gems, 14 exotica)
Criticorum (0 gems, 1 exotica)
Daishan (3 gems, 0 exotica)
De Moley (1 gems, 0 exotica)
Delphi (4 gems, 4 exotica)
Grail (1 gems, 1 exotica) - Trace marker under the farm south of the electronics
Gwynneth (2 gems, 0 exotica)
Holy Terra (0 gems, 7 exotica) - Metal marker beneath electronics on west coast of US, exotica marker beneath factory in China, exotica marker beneath mine in Europe, metal marker beneath fort in Australia
Icon (1 gems, 4 exotica)
Istakhr (3 gems, 0 exotica)
Kish (1 gems, 1 exotica) - Metal marker under the Li-Halan fort, metal marker under the rebel farm in th esouth
Leagueheim (0 gems, 0 exotica)
Leminkainen (2 gems, 4 exotica)
Madoc (0 gems, 2 exotica) - Metal marker under northern factory in the shield complex
Malignatius (7 gems, 0 exotica) - Fertile marker beneath a mine that's above gems on east continent, gem marker beneath the mine southwest of that mine, gem marker beneath the aborium on east continent, fertile marker beneath the factory on east continent, fertile marker beneath aborium on west continent, fertile marker beneath factory near that aborium on west continent
Manitou (1 gems (in the very south edge of screen), 11 exotica)
Midian (4 gems, 2 exotica)
Nowhere (1 gems, 0 exotica)
Pandemonium (1 gems, 2 exotica)
Pentateuch (1 gems, 1 exotica)
Pyre (1 gems, 0 exotica)
Rampart (0 gems, 14 exotica)
Ravenna (1 gems, 5 exotica)
Severus (1 gems, 11 exotica) - Exotica marker beneath the Decados factory, exotica marker beneath the Decados aborium
Shaprut (4 gems, 3 exotica)
Stigmata (0 gems, 7 exotica) - Energy marker beneath the southern island's fort
Sutek (0 gems, 0 exotica)
Tethys (0 gems, 0 exotica)
Vau (0 gems, 0 exotica)
Vera Cruz (5 gems, 7 exotica)
Vril-Ya (2 gems, 2 exotica)
So let's say this is how the galaxy ends up:
Li-Halan (assuming) Kish, Icon, Midian, Apshai, Criticorum, Rampart, Pandemonium, and half of Malignatius (4 gem half):
13 gems, 26 exotica
Hazat (assuming) Aragon, Vera Cruz, Sutek, Pyre, Madoc, Grail:
8 gems, 14 exotica
Decados (assuming) Severus, De Moley, Cadavus, Cadiz, Vril-Ya, Vau, Manitou:
9 gems, 24 exotica
Hawkwood (assuming) Delphi, Tethys, Ravenna, Gwynneth, Leminkainen, Pentateuch, Artemis:
10 gems, 26 exotica (add 7 more exotica if they take Holy Terra)
Al-malik (assuming) Istakhr, Aylon, Shaprut, Nowhere, Bannockburn, Daishin, Chernobog, Absolution and half of Malignatius (3 gem half):
21 gems, 21 exotica (add 7 more exotica if they take Stigmata)
As you can see Al-malik has the chance to become the wealthiest, with the highest gems, trace, energy, and number of planets (assuming expansion into symbiot triangle). Their disadvantage is distance from Byzantium II, Stigmata in their backyard, and having to conquer Symbiots. Li-Halan has many strong planets to expand to, but also has the most disputed planets to contend with virtually every faction but Hawkwood. Hawkwood has great positioning and close proximity to Byzantium II, but is low on trace and food. Decados is balanced overall, but no direct link to Byzantium II. Hazat has the easiest access to Byzantium II, with 50% of all the links, but is the weakest on both gems and exotica in this kind of setup. So more or less all of the factions are fairly balanced except Al-malik will become the most powerful every time in the hands of a great player, and that's why the least experienced should play as them (in my opinion).