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Author Topic: EFS PBEM - The Copycat Wars - !!1 VACANCY!! - Li Halan Regency (1. regent)  (Read 39068 times)


  • Bay Watcher
  • Gentleman adventurer
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Emperor of the Fading Suns is an epic scale strategy game from the golden nineties. It's four main components (as far as I can tell) are diplomacy, backstabbing, bugs and win.

There is a already a PBEM in progress on this board, but since people reading it have expressed the desire to play in the next game we figured we might as well start our own. Especially considering that the old game doesn't look like stopping.

Now, about the game. I'll let the starter of the previous game to give the introduction:

Quote from: Il Palazzo
So, what is it? - It's a play-by-email game of Emperor of the Fading Suns. An old-ish turn-based, hex-grid game(ca.1996?) from Holistic Design, that takes the universe of tabletop RPG "Fading Suns" as it's background(basically, a bastard child of Dune and WH40k).
It's a game of military and economic expansion(4X), but first and foremost, a game of diplomacy. At least when playing against humans.
Originally the game was(and still is) very buggy, the future patches fixed some, the Nova mod we're using fixed some more. There are still many a bug to avoid which we're trying to do with a help of "Nova house rules".
The players: 5 noble houses(playable), the Holy Church, the League(trading guild), the Vau(aliens, though passive), the Symbiots(aliens, aggressive).
The goal: to become the new Emperor.


We're using Nova mod (web site) over patch 1.4(latest).
1.This additional rules of conduct had been proposed. They're mostly un-enforcable(is there such a word?), so it's your good will in abiding by them that we'll be counting on.
2.Use this guide to choose house traits, and post your choices here.(imagine your starting point pool to be 0)

If you want to play:

... but don't know where to get the game?
  Search the web, there are a few copies lying around. If you can't locate one, contact me and I shall provide.

... but don't know how to play?
  Don't worry! We'll be starting off with some kind of a "let's all learn to play this klunky old thing" before we start, and hopefully we'll get some more experienced players to answer our questions.

KebooLi HalanKishPurple
Il PalazzoDecadosSeverusGreen

Starting map: [Will update later]

House descriptions:
Li Halan
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Spoiler (click to show/hide)


We are currently short one player,
and accepting applicants.
Now is YOUR chance
to guide the noble Hawkwood
to Imperial Glory.

First come, first serve.
« Last Edit: November 04, 2009, 02:36:51 am by nahkh »
Daisy, Daisy, give me your answer do.
I'm half crazy all for the love of you.
It won't be a stylish marriage,
I can't afford a carriage
But you will look sweet upon the seat
of a bicycle built for two.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Na vazeal kwah-kai
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Good luck!

Number one piece of advice to everyone:
Build engineers.  After you are done building them, build more of them.  Build as many as you possibly can then find a way to build more.  Trust me here, I was winning until everyone ganged up on me.

other advice: sometimes you can find rebel fleets in ruins.  However you need to capture the ruins in that turn in order to capture the fleet.  This is totally worth it.

other other advice: it's sometimes worth fighting your fellow players early on, but only do so if you have a clearly, achievable goal and you are secure in your diplomatic position.  Don't try invading their homeworld until you are very dominant.
Ancient Babylonian god of RAEG
"Don't tell me what you value. Show me your budget and I will tell you what you value"
« Last Edit: February 10, 1988, 03:27:23 pm by UR MOM »
mainiac is always a little sarcastic, at least.


  • Bay Watcher
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I'm in :D

I think I'll go with house Hawkwood... I actually usually play Li-Halan but I always end up thinking 'oooh, I wish I had Hawkwood's planet!'
Now watch I end up with no trace/energy and no idea of where to get it.

Some more basic advice:
Cities that gather resources cannot be built next to other cities that gather resources. There must be at least 4 tiles between such cities.

Trace and Energy (and Exotica but that's a rare material) are pretty much just raw resources that need to be processed. For these to do you much good you need to build Chemical and Electronic plants (and eventually Ceramsteel, then monopoles, etc.), which will convert them to resources you actually use to build units. Alternatively if you have an excessive amount and not enough food you might sell the trace and energy (there's a good chance this applies to Li-Halan more than anyone else).

Cities cost 10 food per turn, and most ground units 1 food per turn. Failing to supply this means starvation and health loss. Make sure you have the food income to support your cities.

Razing cities can be done by going to the city with an engineer and hitting Z. This is pretty much only useful when you want to move a mine, or change a farm to an arborium, or other stuff with resource-gathering cities.
« Last Edit: July 20, 2009, 12:00:41 pm by Kejardon »


  • Bay Watcher
  • Na vazeal kwah-kai
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Alternatively if you have an excessive amount and not enough food you might sell the trace and energy (there's a good chance this applies to Li-Halan more than anyone else).

The league doesn't supply your homeworld's agora with enough food to be more then a minor factor.  If you don't have enough food on your homeworld, think about building more on other planets.
Ancient Babylonian god of RAEG
"Don't tell me what you value. Show me your budget and I will tell you what you value"
« Last Edit: February 10, 1988, 03:27:23 pm by UR MOM »
mainiac is always a little sarcastic, at least.


  • Bay Watcher
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I meant, not enough food to afford building more cities to use the trace and energy. The money might be used for any number of things, such as reducing taxes, not just buying food.


  • Bay Watcher
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Do you guys still have room for one more player?  I have played this game since it first came out, and I'm desperate to find a multiplayer game of it.  The AI is almost entirely worthless and literally no challenge whatsoever.  They won't even land on other houses home planets - ever.  This is genuinely my favorite strategy game ever released, despite the bugs and what ifs that could've been.  I can crank these turns out like no tomorrow.

Wayyy back, 8-10 years ago, I used to role play the games pretty heavily, there's still even a game report of one I was in (I was Curekt).

I'm still bitter it never got a true ending.  I think I was only 15 or so at the time, but I'd still be willing to role play it. 

I'm extremely familiar with all facets of the game, I even used the map editor to find hidden resource markers that I had never knew existed.  However, I'm a player that doesn't really believe in the complete eradication of opponents (wiping out a house, or making them completely irrelevant).  I much prefer someone to gain control of Byzantium II through force and becoming emperor while all players are still active and engaged in the game.  But of course, much war must take place for this to occur.  I played in dozens of multiplayer games, and only two ever came to a resolution (someone successfully becoming emperor).  Usually players burned out on it before the ending, although I was willing to play 2 hour turns.

I am willing to play as any house, although I feel the least experienced player should always play Al-malik, because Al-malik has by far the greatest advantage, unless other houses bully them into not taking the Symbiot planets.

Please tell me you have room!  I signed up to these forums just because I stumbled on this from a search.


  • Bay Watcher
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I believe we have room for 3 (or now 2, counting you) more players, so yes.
Actually I'm kinda worried we're not going to get a full house after all. There were a bunch of people in the main thread interested in the game that came one at a time just like us, but only me and nahkh have signed up so far...


  • Bay Watcher
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Perhaps some of the guys in the original game that feel their game isn't going fast enough would want to join this one?  I do believe playing with 5 human players is an integral part of the experience, the AI really is a non-threat and you pretty much have to intentionally destroy yourself to lose to them.  Especially in Nova, where the massed artillery/anti-air/anti-tank generic units are immobile.

I would rather wait as long as it takes to have 5 than start with only 3 or 4, although playing with 3 or 4 would still be more fun than not playing at all.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Where do we go from here?
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I would be glad to fill in a spot, but I would like a full 5 players as well.

Yes, I Dwarmin sign up for this game, with full knowledge that it will take years to play. :o
Dwarmin's fell gaze has fallen upon you. Sadly, Your life and your quest end here, at this sig.

"The hats never coming off."


  • Bay Watcher
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Also, since I assume the players in this game are either new or inexperienced, I'm willing to help everyone out with advice on creating a strong empire.  When it comes to diplomacy and policy, anything goes. 

If anyone is interested, I'm willing to make a video of myself playing several turns in the early game to show, in general, the best way to start out the basis for an empire.  It's also important (helps to have seen it happen first hand) to generally know units' strengths and weaknesses.  So don't attack a large stack of units with only a few units, or don't attack superior units with inferior units unless you're desperate.  Understand the phases of combat, although in Nova it's a lot more simple than vanilla EFS.  Try not to lose transports in the early game, they are far too important.  I'm willing to give tips to anyone in the game as long as I'm not currently at war with them, or the player clearly has a strong grasp of the game.


  • Bay Watcher
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I have a middle amount of experience... my main worry is that I've never played against other people so I think I'm going to be constantly underestimating what I need to win in a conflict :<


  • Bay Watcher
  • Gentleman adventurer
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I think it's entirely possible we can get five players in. And Keboo, that would be excellent. I too am more than a little fuzzy on the particulars of the game.
Daisy, Daisy, give me your answer do.
I'm half crazy all for the love of you.
It won't be a stylish marriage,
I can't afford a carriage
But you will look sweet upon the seat
of a bicycle built for two.


  • Bay Watcher
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Well, here's a video of a few first turns as Hazat I just made.  I tried to play fast because of the 10 minute limit on Youtube, not to mention I don't really want to create half-hour long video tutorials that no one will want to watch.

If I could go back and change what I did in the video, I would have moved my tank near that rebel farm that had got recaptured in order to spot the infantry.  Unspotted units that you walk into 'ambush' you to receive an agility bonus (or some kind of stat bonus, I can't recall exactly which).  Basically you don't want to be ambushed if you don't have to be.

More or less, you want to spend the early game rapidly expanding as fast as humanly possible.  Wars this early are almost entirely irrelevant and pointless, except perhaps to establish territory over disputed planets.  Don't even try to invade another homeworld at this point (and most likely, any point).  I believe it's even worth risking nobles (but don't take too big a risk) in order to rapidly expand in the early game. 

Don't ever attack ruins unless you are absolutely positive you have a sufficient force to take them that turn.  If you don't, you'll get some angry rebels, sometimes with fleets that will launch the next turn.  Likewise, never attack alien ruins with a noble.  Sometimes they contain a plague bomb, and plagues can become permanent in some units.  I learned that the hard way.  Storing units in hospitals is the way to deal with plagues, but if the plague marker has turned to red, it's permanent.

If you're familiar with the general framework of the game, you'll know how the resource system works and the limits placed on resource city proximity.  This limit is there since every tile within the 4 hex range of the resource city has its resource values calculated to add to the total value of that city's production.  These stats are on the nova site, but you have to be pretty hardcore to ever manually calculate out the ideal locations.  This is why farms do well in grassy areas and wells do good in water, and why some areas are trace rich and others not.  Try to squish all your resource cities within 5 hexes of each other, but sometimes you might want to break this rule in order to maximize the resources you're collecting.  There are only two resources that can only be harvested from resource markers, gems and exotica.  Exotica is important, but nowhere near the importance of gems.  Singularities really are the most crucial and limiting resource in the game, as they're required for all jump-capable ships, which will decide supremacy of the game.  And gems are required to create the singularities.

Speaking of resource markers, there are ways to raze them, and I'm suggesting now that we outlaw this practice.  Basically, if someone managed to raze all the gem markers on some, or most of your planets, you would be crippled for the rest of the game.  It's a bug to be able to raze them in the first place, but you can when the engineer is in a stack.

Another thing I'd like to suggest is have every player vote for themselves in the first two elections, not just one.  The Imperial Fleet really is absurdly overpowered early on in the game, and even 20 turns in, no one will have any remote chance of stopping it or damaging it.

Also, the combat relics are probably the most important single units in the game.  You can only find these in ruins.  Because of the way transports work, you can have a relic in a transport along with a fleet and gain that relic's bonus in space combat.  Needless to say, save these relics for the most important times (someone declares themselves emperor, or a bitter war), because if the transport is destroyed, the relic is destroyed, and if they're captured on ground, the enemy gains control.  Some players (including myself) think these should have been reduced in power a great deal or removed completely because of the advantage they give.  And only one of each relic can exist in the galaxy at once.  So if someone finds a certain combat relic, no one else will find it unless it's destroyed.  It's just random luck to get one in the first place.

If you have any questions, please let me know.  I haven't played any multiplayer games in a good 7 years or so, but I used to be obsessed with this game and tried to learn every little thing about it.  I'm going to post a few of the 'secret' resource markers sometime, along with a count of the gems and exotica on each planet.  Knowing what planets have gems is really important when it comes to diplomacy and weighing the relative worth of a planet.  For example, Malignatius has several gem markers, which makes it one of the most important planets in the game.  And to make it all the juicier, it stands only one jump away from both Istakhr and Kish.

Ok I'll stop now.

« Last Edit: July 23, 2009, 08:45:52 pm by Kebooo »


  • Bay Watcher
  • Na vazeal kwah-kai
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Some of the scenarios on that site are interesting, but the links are dead.  Don't suppose you still have the files?
Ancient Babylonian god of RAEG
"Don't tell me what you value. Show me your budget and I will tell you what you value"
« Last Edit: February 10, 1988, 03:27:23 pm by UR MOM »
mainiac is always a little sarcastic, at least.


  • Bay Watcher
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...Hmm. Do you have to pay to get this game? If not, and there's a spot left, I'll give it a shot. Though I'll give you a warning now: I have no experience with this game or hex-games in general, and my diplomacy always falls to shambles after I pull a Borat-esque move, alienating the other players.
This being Homestuck, I'm not sure whether that's post-scratch Rose or Vriska with a wig.
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