Thoughts thus far (correct me if I seem wrong on anything, suspicions in italics):
Weird things in the vote count: It's probably one of the two (or more if the Mafia lied) roles we don't know about. For example a Double Voter + Negative Voter. Or some sort of conditional vote (only counts if it's the last vote, etc). This is why we need Org's known role.
On chaoticjosh's innocence - Yes, I realize that it's WIFOM, but that also might be a Mafia ploy to make us believe him. I'll just keep this one in the back of my head.
Kashyyk (almost) has to be the Lovestruck Voter, tied to ToonyMan's vote (Kashyyk's vote moved without any say-so in the matter). By Pandar's logic (and I agree), this means that both are suspicious (ToonyMan more than Kashyyk for now). The only exception would be if one of the two unknown role's has some sort of similar effect.
Neither Frelock or inaluct voted yesterday. It might have been to avoid revealing that (one of them) could be a Negative Voter (unless the Negative Voter is in the group above), but it's still suspicious.
Org still hasn't revealed his known role. In addition, he voted at the last minute for Pandar and then Pandar ends up dead. Hmmm.
chaoticjosh and Pandarsenic both voted for Mr.Person. One possibility is that chaoticjosh was trying to silence Mr.Person's role-revealing (meaning that the Mafia could have a powerful unknown role) and Pandar went with it to avoid dying as Forceful Voter. The odd thing with this is that Org didn't die during the night. Although by the same logic, Mephansteras is mildly suspicious for voting for Org.
Summary: I'm currently suspicious of Org, Frelock, inaluct, chaoticjosh, ToonyMan, and Kashyyk (in no particular order). At this rate, I'm going to go insane from parania before long. Also, I realize that this is twice as many Mafia as there are, but it's still something to go off of.
That's all I have for now. In interest in finding out the last possible role, I'm going to vote Org. Mr.Person and Org each had one (but didn't reveal it) and it's too late for Mr.Person's. So what is it?