So... university Computer Science class 111.
It has two parts, a 1 hour 20 minute lecture that I attend on Tuesday and Thursday, and a Lab (i.e. programming session) that last a couple hours or so on Mondays. And it's all... so... slow...
The lectures just talk about the very most basic stuff about Computer Science, to allow for people who have never taken a computer science class before. That means that, three weeks in, we're talking about what variables are.
As for the labs, apparently we were supposed to get Unix machines, but one of the people who was organizing all that borked it up and assigned my lab period to a room with Macs, and since Macs use a Unix-like system the people who know what they're talking about said "close enough, let's just go with that."
And now I hate Macs. On no windows machine I have ever used has it been so hard to find a file in a folder I made myself in the default search folder. Gah! And also, if I have more than one internet browser window open, the only way I can find to switch between them is to minimize every internet window until I get to the one I want.
Oh, and the terminal? The thing we use to find our files and compile our code? It has a billion billion commands which are all shorthanded into 2 or 3 letters (i.e. ls to LiSt every file in the folder I'm currently looking at), and trying to figure out which command I need is a pain. None (or very very few) of them are intuitively named; for example, to rename a file you use mv, which is short for move. How would i guess that?? The ONLY way to figure out what command I want is to ask my teacher, which doesn't work very well in my house or even the University library. Other than the teacher, sure there are lots of help files on the internet which give extensive lists of the commands... they're about as helpful as the Windows help files. In other words, they do not help.
Okay, Mac bashing aside, I'm making another new program in my spare periods (sorry that this delays any development on Cinnamon Rolls, there'll be another update someday I swear). This new program (I call it Break Finder) will allow me and my friends to put in our schedules and compare them, to see if we have breaks together or finish the school day at the same time. Announcing this program and seeing if anybody would want a copy of it when it's finished was supposed to be the main point of this post, but... I dislike Macs and wanted to vent. Sorry...
Attempting to finish on the appropriate note here, would anyone want this program when it's done?
EDIT: Oh yeah, development Log. Um, currently Break Finder will compile successfully (yay!) and it has two buttons and a list. The list is for listing the people you want to compare, the first button is to make a new person, and the second button will eventually be to give people classes to attend.