A game I thought up on holiday.
Here's how to play;
PM me you're private actions or post you're public action. A private action is a raid on an appartment or a bank robbery, a public action is a march or protest.
You'll need a faction;Faction Name: A no-brainer.
Faction Type: Expalined below.
Speciality: You're faction's skill(+1 to any trait or 1 special trait.)
Troops: You're current no. of troops.
Skills: Just a summary of current skills.
Faction Types;Police Force: +1 Command, +1 Access.
Military Force: +1 Access, Propaganda.
Anarchistic Rebels: +1 Fear, Recklessness.
Liberation Rebels: +1 Respect, +1 Intel.
Mafia: +1 Respect, +1 Command.
Skills;Command: Affects operation sucess.
Intel: Affects discovery rolls.
Access: Affects equipment rolls.
Fear/Respect: Affects recruitment.
Special Skills:
Propaganda: +10% recruitment.
Recklessness: +1 to operation sucess in crowded area.
Troop types: Basic Trooper-9 points.
Specialist-10 points.
Three traits in soldiers;
A - Accuracy; affects chance to hit.
D - Damage; affects damage done by attack.
H - Health; Duh.
You create you're own soldier by dividing the points amongst the 3 traits.
Specialists have access to special weapons.
Note: Specialists are not a class, it's just a template for any basic troop with a special weapon.E.g Sniper Guy and Rocket Guy both use specialist class.
We'll need weapons.
Shotgun: 2A, +2D.(2pts)
Sniper: +3A.(2pts)
Rocket Launcher: +3D, AAr (AntiArmour) (4pts)
LMG: -1A, 2x shots. (3pts)
HMG: 3x shots, Setup. (3pts)
CombatI'll be using the W40k WS system for accuracy to see if you hit. Then simply H-D.
Basic Troopers must always outnumber Specialists 2:1.
You're number of Troops increases every turn through recruitment rate.
Every skill has a starting value of 1.
Start with 50 troops.
If anything's confusing, just say. I realise it isn't explained brilliantly.
That's a map of the city you're fighting over. Mark a place for you're base and PM it to me (As in X a building for you're base). Without a base you get a -1 Command for Disorganisation. If you are in an alliance, you can share bases.
Nirur Torir
Can't have a war without supplies.
All start with:
Infinite basic firearms.
10 Snipers
10 Rocket Launchers
10 LMGs
10 HMGs
10 Shotguns[
Rebels get:
3 pickup trucks.
Military gets:
4 jeeps
1 armoured car.
Police get:
5 police cars
1 Police van.
Increasing supplies is an action, with Access as the modifier.
I shouldn't have to explain anything here.
Every turn(after the first) you gain the total percentage of you're recruitment, as a fraction of you're total troops. For example;
recruitment is 10%
Army is 50
you gain 5 men.
Every point of Respect/Fear is equal to 5% recruitment, it may have other influences later on.
Intel directly adds to you're roll when you try to discover a fact about the enemy army, i.e; base location, no. of troops etc. When you gain this piece of intel, there is always the option of revealing it publicly, meaning everyone knows it.
Secrets are an important part of of the game. You're at war, son. Ya gotta keep the enemy guessing. You can choose to keep everything a secret, or not ie; Troops, supplies even you're skills.
Civilian Vehicle:
Pickup, Jeep,Coupe and Police Car are all in the catergory.
They have 13pts, start with 5H and start of with no weapons.
You can purchase a LMG,HMG(at normal prices) or a standard infantry rifle(cost-1pt). To perform an operation a good distance from your base, vehicles must be used. Has the Mild Armour trait (-2 damage from any weapon without the AAR tag).
Heavy Civ Vehicle:
Police Van, Civilian Van and SUV. 16pts. Start with 6H. Same weapon scenario as Civ Vehicles. Has Mild Armour.
Light Military Vehicle:
Armoured Car. 18pts. Strarts with 8H. Starts with LMG. HMG or Rocket Launcher can be purchased. has Med Armour trait(no damage from any weapon without AAr tag. AAr tagged weapons do +1 damage).
Special Vehicles:
Forklift: +1 to any construction in your base.