I got to thinking recently about Evolution and what the human race would be like if we kept surviving for millions or billions of years.
Most of the time when we think of "Aliens" or Extraterrestrials, we think of little green men abducting people with laser guns and flying saucers. Star Trek typically portrays other intelligent life sharing about the same amount of intelligence as humans, but with a different forehead and skin color.
Do we ever stop to wonder how long until we as humans develop the technology to build flying saucers, laser guns or warp drive? I don't think it is very far off. In fact I think we could be at the same level of technology in only a few hundred more years.
A few hundred years is a tiny speck on the immense scale of evolution and infinity. Think about it, other than intersteller travel, we already have a lot of the technology that they had on Star Trek TNG. We have trichorders (iphones and GPS), virtual gaming worlds (now with full-body motion detection), near-instant communication (internet), and animal cloning.
If we could take a peek at the human race, not hundreds or thousands of years, but billions of years into the future (saying that we still even existed), is it so hard to believe that we would appear god-like? It's likely that we would be total masters of space travel, genetics, computers and would have bodies without illness and immune to death.
All we have to do is take a look at a life-form a billion years behind ourselves. Does an ameoba comprehend what an automobile is? Does an ant understand how we can communicate through internet? Does an earthworm have the slightest understanding how human beings can fly across the span of the earth in a matter of hours?
The gulf in comprehension, evolution and technology between an ameoba and a human being is no larger than the gap between us and a Supreme Being that builds worlds, parts seas, hears prayers, and moves across the universe in an instant.
So I think that it is very plausible that there existed a race of alien beings that evolved so far, that they became the dominant force in the universe. I believe that they became so intelligent that they were able to create life and even transform it. To us, it appears supernatural and "miraculous". To them, it's science and second nature.
Perhaps, these "God" beings have become so powerful that the only thing that brings them purpose and happiness is to create new life and new planets using their ultra-evolved senses and ultra-developed technologies. If we believe that evolution's goal is to create the perfect creature, then what is more perfect than God? So, in a way, God is the triumph of Evolution, making Science and Religion one and the same.
I find it a little silly that we as humans are always on the lookout for "other" intelligent life in the universe. It is very likely that the intelligent life has already found us, in the same way we find earthworms in our backyard.
I think it's extremely egotistical to deny the existence of an all powerful being or beings and still believe in Evolution. To do that, you must believe that humans are the end, or near end result of Evolution, not a small step in it's process. If the universe has always existed, then Evolution has already had an infinite amount of time to create a God being. To say a God doesn't exist, is to deny the scope of Evolution. If a single-celled organism, residing in some primordial soup, can evolve into the complicated being that humans are, why must evolution stop there? In the grand scheme of the universe, humans are nothing more than mindless microbes compared to what evolution can still do for life.
So I guess I have a hard time understanding why religious people have a hard time accepting evolution in school or why atheists want to throw out any study of religion in a public forum. Science helps me validate and believe in God the more I learn from it.
Along those lines, I don't see the creation story in the Bible as completely literal. I believe humans came about mostly via natural selection, but that doesn't mean a God didn't influence the science behind alleles and genes necessary to bring about human life. A programmer pre-codes a piece of software to do something on its own, but that doesn't mean there wasnt an architect who put the product in motion.
We already know that there is a god-like creature on Earth: humans compared to lower life-forms like insects. Take a boy and his ant farm. The boy is omnipotent, can literally cause earthquakes, part seas, deliver or restrict food, and destroy them all in an instant. He has total and complete control over his ants, in a way that the ants will never be able to comprehend. The boy became a god to these creatures, merely through the process of evolution of life on Earth.
So, to sum it up:
Natural Selection/Evolution is designed to create the perfect organism, given enough time. Since Evolution has had enough time and space, which it has (infinity), it would be able to create a God-like being. Since all of the requirements have been met, then there IS an alien with god-like properties (aka "God") based on this deduction. It's, therefore, impossible for there NOT to be a God-like being in the universe. Since there IS a God, and he is omnipotent, then this Being knows of life on Earth.