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Author Topic: Shipnet: For The Throne, But Against The King [Community]  (Read 12426 times)


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Re: Shipnet [Community]
« Reply #45 on: September 29, 2009, 06:46:51 pm »

I fully expect this, yes.
Plays Dwarf Fortress when bored.  Is probably bored.

Current fort:
Shipnet: For The Throne, But Against The King [Community]
The story of a band of exiles, removed forcibly from their mountainhome by a corrupt usurper.  Rith Medtobikal seeks to turn his frozen home into a new monument to the true king's line in defiance of Nish Roadreined (the "ignoble noble").

Mad Larks

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Re: Shipnet [Community]
« Reply #46 on: September 30, 2009, 01:21:39 pm »

Bad news, Mad Larks.  Delther just got killed to death by the fort's Champion wrestler in a sparring session.  Guy broke him in half before he bled to death.  I can try to work in some kind of a replacement for him next migrant wave, if you'd like.

Oh dear.

Yeah, re-dwarf me, please. Delther Gembeard II, Son of Delther! May he know glory!
It's like Schrödinger's cat spinning violently around your head vomiting multicolored flickering 1s and 0s on your eyeballs just trying to contemplate that on any meaningful level.
Follow the ups and down of Urist McBeard, Minerdorf


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Re: Shipnet [Community]
« Reply #47 on: September 30, 2009, 01:25:18 pm »

Will do.  Any particular preferences as to which dorf he ends up being?  Also, I double-checked and found out that it wasn't actually the Champion that killed him.  >_<  This will be coming up as a story point.
Plays Dwarf Fortress when bored.  Is probably bored.

Current fort:
Shipnet: For The Throne, But Against The King [Community]
The story of a band of exiles, removed forcibly from their mountainhome by a corrupt usurper.  Rith Medtobikal seeks to turn his frozen home into a new monument to the true king's line in defiance of Nish Roadreined (the "ignoble noble").

Mad Larks

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Re: Shipnet [Community]
« Reply #48 on: September 30, 2009, 01:28:43 pm »

Nope, none at all. And he shall know the way of the crossbow!
It's like Schrödinger's cat spinning violently around your head vomiting multicolored flickering 1s and 0s on your eyeballs just trying to contemplate that on any meaningful level.
Follow the ups and down of Urist McBeard, Minerdorf


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Re: Shipnet [Community]
« Reply #49 on: September 30, 2009, 01:37:56 pm »

Alright, done.  I'm just now trying to figure out which of the new migrants I turned into him, and I'll have the new list up before the next story post.
Plays Dwarf Fortress when bored.  Is probably bored.

Current fort:
Shipnet: For The Throne, But Against The King [Community]
The story of a band of exiles, removed forcibly from their mountainhome by a corrupt usurper.  Rith Medtobikal seeks to turn his frozen home into a new monument to the true king's line in defiance of Nish Roadreined (the "ignoble noble").


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Re: Shipnet [Community]
« Reply #50 on: September 30, 2009, 01:53:43 pm »

Can I have a Dwarf? I really enjoyed reading the journals so far  :D
Name: Lawec Mörulzasit/Pagedknives
Profession: Woodcutter, carpenter, woodcrafter and woodburner (Just remove some skills if there's too many).
Bio: He is deeply hateful of Elves since they killed and consumed his only son, Urist Mörulzasit, and it made Lawec abandon the mountainhomes in search of a place to start a new life.
In order to improve the universe's frame rate, we must all throw rocks into volcanoes and then do absolutely nothing, worldwide, for a week, to take pressure off pathfinding.


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Re: Shipnet [Community]
« Reply #51 on: October 07, 2009, 12:21:48 pm »

Mmkay, Lawec is now Dwarf #53, and Delther II is now #58.  Next story post is going to be up later today.

Also, Uberdwarf2.0, I'm still waiting on an answer from you about your dwarf's name and preferred profession.  He'll go in as soon as I have that.

EDIT: Actually no, I was being stupid.  Story post will be up in a few seconds.
Plays Dwarf Fortress when bored.  Is probably bored.

Current fort:
Shipnet: For The Throne, But Against The King [Community]
The story of a band of exiles, removed forcibly from their mountainhome by a corrupt usurper.  Rith Medtobikal seeks to turn his frozen home into a new monument to the true king's line in defiance of Nish Roadreined (the "ignoble noble").


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Re: Shipnet [Community]
« Reply #52 on: October 07, 2009, 12:25:01 pm »

Winter 452

1 Moonstone 452
Our militia has gained its first Champion today!  Olin Kuletbab has finally gained the skill necessary to be counted among the greatest warriors of our race.  I have spent the day so far spreading news of his newfound might at the beginning of this second winter in Shipnet.

2 Moonstone 452
Dastot tells me that we have somehow managed to run entirely out of bones.  Probably this is because we have had a sharply limited ability to hunt since Cerol's death, but of course I cannot be certain of this.

7 Moonstone 452
Our mining operations are continuing smoothly, but in light of our limited workforce I've had to ask several of our other laborers to take up the pick.  One of the volunteers, to my surprise, was Lokum, the peasant I put in charge of law enforcement.  Apparently he prefers to work in the deep over policing the citizens.

He seems to be gaining an aptitude for this work rapidly.

9 Moonstone 452
With our fortress entirely out of iron, I've been speaking with several of the engineers on possible replacements for the grating system I devised.  It soon came out that a plain stone fortification, if constructed correctly, would be capable of surviving the heat, as well as filtering the incoming magma.  I instructed them built in triplicate around the magma pool, with which Endok rapidly complied before sealing off the tunnel through which the fireblood will soon flow.

Since that process finished, I've asked érith to head down and pull the lever to open the gates.  I confess, I am concerned that the some further problem far more horrible than the last ones will present itself when that lever is pulled, but alas I have no more control over the matter.  Enam protect us if those Fire Imps should find their way into the magma supply.

10 Moonstone 452
After the lever was pulled last night, everything appeared to be going smoothly.  The floodgates opened as they were supposed to, and the magma began flowing into the fortress.

But then we saw something bubbling to the surface: the mechanisms that controlled the gates!  They floated to the top for but a moment, buoyed up by the less-dense molten granite in which they floated, before it dissipated and sank back to the bottom.  The process has left the mechanisms irretrievable and the gate system irreparable.  We are now incapable of sealing the magma flow.  I merely pray this alone is not our undoing.

14 Moonstone 452
The magma flows slowly, thank Enam, and I've been able to seal off all the holes we dug in the forging room's floor before the magma reaches the floor's level, potentially letting in the fiery monsters that dwell within it.  I've also had a smelter set up in the corner and walled off, just in case something should go further wrong.

I have left the edge of the wall unfinished, so that a volunteer may test the smelter without danger of being trapped inside if something attacks.

24 Moonstone 452
In answer to our animal product problems, one of the migrants by the name Datan Likotsulus has stepped up and allowed us to make use of his skill as a hunter.  Unfortunately, he initially possessed no skill in hunting and has needed to pick it up as he went.  I've received word that he was successful in ambushing one of the mountain goats outside, with the sole result of infuriating it and getting himself badly bruised.  Hopefully he'll be able to make it back inside without sustaining further injury.

4 Opal 452
Perhaps my worry was misplaced in my last entry.  Datan has spent the past week stalking the same goat across the entire mountain, awaiting his chance to strike.  An onlooker described their combat to me; apparently Datan was able to jab it several times, stunning it, before he managed to wrestle it to the ground and break many of its bones.  Finally, he won out, sustaining only a minor spinal injury.  When he came back inside to drop off the goat's corpse, we asked him to come rest from his injury, but he flatly refused.  I don't know precisely where he's gone, but it appears we can count on this new source of meat, leather, and bone.

8 Opal 452
In light of our new supplies, I've had Ustuth demilitarize so that he can try to fill our ever-growing need for beds and barrels.  He's been doing well with the mace in the meantime, though, so I'll consider leaving him as a military reserve in the case of an emergency.

16 Opal 452
I've heard a report that Datan has met his match in the form of a particularly sour-tempered elk on the ridge.

The elk broke his hand, at the cost of its entire lower body, but Datan has broken off pursuit to come in and rest his wounds.

19 Opal 452
In an eerie repetition of my last entry's events, our other volunteer hunter Sarvesh has sustained a broken leg at the hands (hooves?) of a second elk that was wandering at the other end of the Southern ridge.  He, too, has abandoned his pursuit pending recovery from the wounds.

20 Opal 452
Unfortunately, the elk problem has not been resolved as smoothly as I'd hoped.  Though Datan made it inside without trouble, Sarvesh has passed out from the pain partway down the ridge.  One of the farmers stepped outside the entry to rescue him, only to turn around, come back inside, and inform the whole fort -- loudly -- that (and I quote) "There are ELK out there!"  For some reason this has frightened the entire fortress to the point of hiding inside and refusing to even try to rescue poor Sarvesh.

25 Opal 452
My solution to our recent animal-related injuries has so far seems to be working fairly well, and that solution is Olin.  For the first time I've activated the militia and ordered them to get to it.  Olin has been very cooperative, immediately rushing outside to do battle with the antlered creatures that have so vexed our hunters.

Even Olin is having trouble with them, though, as the injured elk repeatedly eludes him due to his rushing out already exhausted from an especially intense sparring session.  He rapidly overexerted himself when making his initial attack, and he is now just keeping up with the elk's erratic running.

This odd pursuit has gotten even stranger over the past day or so, as Olin keeps trying to eat one of the meals he packed when the elk gets too far away for him, and the elk wanders back a little way until it is once again within his range.  He puts away his meal and resumes the chase, only to have the same sequence repeat itself and prevent him both from eating and from catching his quarry.  The Champion seems a little frustrated to me; I'll make sure to give him several days of downtime at least once he finishes out there.

5 Obsidian 452
We've had a birth!  One of the engravers, Udib Otillokum, has birthed a son.  She named him Tun Nikotreg ("Actionglove"), a decision with which her husband érith seems to agree.

6 Obsidian 452
A second child, Goden Kolbubnus ("Wheelsscoured") was born today to Inod Thakèrith and Tekkud Nefekstinthäd!  This truly is a joyous occasion, and one to be celebrated loudly and with much alcohol!

14 Obsidian 452
Sarvesh has finally returned, but there seems to be some kind of dispute over the beds in the barracks.  When Sarvesh got there, he just collapsed onto the edge of the bed nearest the doorway.  Meanwhile, the engraver Melbil Tekkudtad has decided to take a nap on that same bed and is refusing to step over a few feet to the next available bed.  The most significant problem with this is not, as may be expected, social.  Rather it is medical.  Sarvesh's broken leg has been wedged into the bed in such a way that it cannot heal until he is moved.  I am in the process of mustering myself to deal with it.

21 Obsidian 452
I was hesitant to admit it, but Endok has finally convinced me that my skill as a clerk has finally surpassed my mechanical aptitude.  The stockpile records are finally up to a high level of precision (though not yet perfect, which is where I would like them), and some of the migrants have even commented on my efficiency when they've come to visit.  I've decided to switch back to my purple clothes to honor the change in status... a process which was helped along quite quickly by Endok's flattering comments.

In the meantime, Cog has come back to keep me company, and I believe he may be carrying some dead vermin or other that I will shortly be required to clean up, so I need to cut this entry short.

26 Obsidian 452
A new concern has arisen today.  One of the miners, ònul Ashmôntun failed to report to the room he was working on, which I was alerted to by the concerned dwarves he was to be working with.  It seems he disappeared from the central shaft and was seen in the main hallway mumbling something to himself.

Ustuth came into my office as ònul was on his way and got me out just in time to hear him say what sounded like "Komanthorthith" and duck into a mason's workshop.

28 Obsidian 452
ònul has spent the past two days gathering materials, mostly by ducking outside the door, grabbing a rock, and ducking back inside several times over.  He's collected several granite boulders and is still inside mumbling as he works on... something.
Plays Dwarf Fortress when bored.  Is probably bored.

Current fort:
Shipnet: For The Throne, But Against The King [Community]
The story of a band of exiles, removed forcibly from their mountainhome by a corrupt usurper.  Rith Medtobikal seeks to turn his frozen home into a new monument to the true king's line in defiance of Nish Roadreined (the "ignoble noble").


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Re: Shipnet [Community]
« Reply #53 on: October 10, 2009, 07:15:45 pm »

It's probably something like a granite quern.  With granite designs.  Menacing with spikes of granite.

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Re: Shipnet [Community]
« Reply #54 on: November 23, 2009, 08:59:37 pm »

WHAT!!! THE!!!!! HELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WAKE UP THREAD!!!!


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Re: Shipnet [Community]
« Reply #55 on: November 24, 2009, 01:13:38 am »

Ah-heh.  Yeah.  Sorry about that.  "Real" life intrudes at the moment quite badly, thanks to a lot of messy messy business in a couple of my classes and a lot of things going on in my love life that frankly even I envy a little even though they're happening to me.

As a result I've hardly done anything on Shipnet in quite some time -- though I have run through a few piddly little other fortresses in the meantime to study up on some principles of water pressure and power generation that I hadn't really been able to study in any of my previous forts.  I feel like I'll be able to go head to head with Shipnet again when I can stand to see the ASCII vomit again without getting a headache.  On the plus side, I've played the game out right about to the end of 453, so when (if) I manage to get back to writing for Rith it'll be just a load of writing and a resultant load of updates probably all in quick succession.

Plays Dwarf Fortress when bored.  Is probably bored.

Current fort:
Shipnet: For The Throne, But Against The King [Community]
The story of a band of exiles, removed forcibly from their mountainhome by a corrupt usurper.  Rith Medtobikal seeks to turn his frozen home into a new monument to the true king's line in defiance of Nish Roadreined (the "ignoble noble").


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Re: Shipnet [Community]
« Reply #56 on: November 24, 2009, 08:35:04 am »

alright atleast you are still around and dont tend on letting this thread die in vain


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Re: Shipnet [Community]
« Reply #57 on: December 01, 2009, 01:59:59 pm »

Spring 453

1 Granite 453
It's been a bad day.

The good news is that the first of the two expansions for the magma project is filling up as I write.

The bad news is that Delther Gembeard died of blood loss.  I received word several hours ago.

It appears that the accident happened in a training session with the militia, but no one seems certain who exactly was involved.  Several of the militia members were there, but none of them are speaking up as yet.  I did find out that Delther had been spending a lot of time with the squad commander, Olin, of late.  Olin could easily snap any one of us in half without even trying thanks to her extensive training, which makes her by far the most likely suspect.

I questioned her, and Olin has admitted to being there when Delther died, but she isn't saying anything about the how or why, and I suspect she's ordered the rest of the militia to keep quiet about it.

I'll be continuing my investigation into this tragedy, but as of now it looks as though progress will be slow at best.  As I said... it's been a bad day.

2 Granite 453
We finally know now what Komanthorthith is.  ònul was working on a table, fashioned of granite, to which he's given that name.  It is masterful work, but after completing it ònul just wandered around in a daze, uncertain of what had just happened.  I spoke with him, and it seems that he's forgotten everything that he's done in the last week, ever since this Komanthorthith nonsense began.  Nonetheless, I must admit that the table is a gorgeous one, and a definite boon to our fortress.

10 Granite 453
Delther's coffin is finished and has been placed in the tunnel along with his fellow deceased.

I wish we could give him a better memorial, and indeed better justice for his murder, but neither is possible so far.  In the meantime, I have yet another crisis on my hands.  It's the beginning of spring, and with spring comes elves.

It's going to take everything I have just to cope with their presence this year.

18 Granite 453
After the elves' arrival, I made the mistake of showing them a bin full of our goods.  Unfortunately, that bin happened to be made from wood, and the point-ear decided that this was grounds for another insulted departure.

After they wandered off into the distance, the goblins decided to pay our front gate's defenses a visit, and promptly got entirely smashed by the stonefall traps I laid, which was a gratifying sight to say the least.

23 Granite 453
Another goblin was trying to sneak in when one of the engineers caught it on his way out to retrieve goods from the depot.  The goblin took off immediately in fear, despite the fact that he far outclassed the engineer in weaponry and military skill.

22 Slate 453
Datan Likotsulus has just staggered inside the gate with some spinal injuries and a broken leg.

Apparently this comes because of a goat that got mad at him after he smashed half its body into pulp on the mountainside several weeks ago.

I am not entirely certain how this happened, nor why it took so long for him to return to the fortress, but at least he didn't wait out there to die.

26 Slate 453
We have finally struck an ore of appreciable value today!  The miners located a vein of native aluminum in the depths, and with luck we should be able to begin excavating within the week.

10 Felsite 453
Today brings news both joyous and disturbing.  On the upside, we have been joined by more able hands -- nineteen migrant dwarves, to be exact.

And on the downside... I have become the first mayor of this outpost by common public consent.  I am uncertain what this means for our future, and even more dubious as to what this means for myself.  I've heard tales from longer-standing fortresses, tales of corruption and of the ruination of entire cities over power and prestige.  I am determined to avoid this fate, but I worry that my determination is not enough to prevent the seemingly inevitable moral demise suffered by our civilization's leaders.

Additionally, the Sheriff has decided to go on the hunt for recruits into the newly-formed Fortress Guard.

18 Felsite 453
Today one of the children has decided to throw a party at the well, in honor of my ascension to the mayoral position.  At the same time, I've decided to flex my administrative muscles as a true test of the fortress' efficiency under this management structure; I've ordered three stacks of bolts to be fashioned immediately.

Additionally, with these new duties placed upon me, I've quickly realized that certain equipment and furnishings are needed for me to be effective.  To assert myself as leader in front of the new immigrants, I've asked for a larger office and quarters, as well as a personal dining room, plus some storage for weapons, armor, and whatever else I wind up in possession of as mayor.

To be perfectly honest, I rather hope I won't be needing any of these objects, but it never hurts to be prepared.

In the meantime, I've ramped up our food production, on account of nearly all of our edible crops being depleted to make alcohol and full meals.  I've also ordered the magma project to be expanded to include stockpile space directly adjacent to the forges and smelters.  With luck, this should make our entire production effort much more efficient.

« Last Edit: December 01, 2009, 02:13:59 pm by Q-Lok »
Plays Dwarf Fortress when bored.  Is probably bored.

Current fort:
Shipnet: For The Throne, But Against The King [Community]
The story of a band of exiles, removed forcibly from their mountainhome by a corrupt usurper.  Rith Medtobikal seeks to turn his frozen home into a new monument to the true king's line in defiance of Nish Roadreined (the "ignoble noble").


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Re: Shipnet [Community]
« Reply #58 on: December 01, 2009, 08:12:03 pm »

poor poor Delther. stupid elves.... no magma...not yet...

thx for the post all other threads i've joined died :( or need a break


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Re: Shipnet [Community]
« Reply #59 on: December 02, 2009, 12:25:29 am »

Poor poor Delther, indeed.  I felt pretty bad about that, but in all honesty it made a really good plot point, especially after Delther II arrived (which I just barely finished covering in my copy of the story).  We do have quite plenty of magma, though, and things are going great on that front.  I even know what I'm going to do with some of the aluminum the fort found.  It's going to be part of my epic megaproject, now that I know what that's going to be.

And don't worry about the thread dying.  I still write bits and pieces of stories and other projects that should have died over a decade ago; I'm certainly not going to let something like this go out without some kind of a bang.
Plays Dwarf Fortress when bored.  Is probably bored.

Current fort:
Shipnet: For The Throne, But Against The King [Community]
The story of a band of exiles, removed forcibly from their mountainhome by a corrupt usurper.  Rith Medtobikal seeks to turn his frozen home into a new monument to the true king's line in defiance of Nish Roadreined (the "ignoble noble").
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