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Author Topic: Shipnet: For The Throne, But Against The King [Community]  (Read 12424 times)


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Shipnet: For The Throne, But Against The King [Community]
« on: July 09, 2009, 08:31:14 pm »

Okay, I (sorta-)recently read Nist Akath (a few months ago, I think), and like everyone else, I was quite inspired.  Fast forward to the present.  I've been running Shipnet for two game years and I've written the story through the end of the first winter.  My plan for the fortress is as follows: I will continue playing it at least as long as it remains playable (i.e. runs faster than 5-20 FPS on my machine and has anyone left alive in it), and I will continue writing these story posts one season at a time as long as there is interest in them here.  Meanwhile, as I have played out the full second year, I have a pretty huge load of new dwarves that you guys can apply for (same deal as Nist Akath, except that the original seven stay as the game created them).  I'll post the first year's story, then a list of all the dwarves that are available for you guys to adopt.  After that, we'll just see where it goes, right?


Dwarf List (If you want to adopt a dwarf, check here first!)
Spoiler (click to show/hide)


The surviving journals of Rith Medtobikal and histories of the fortress Zuglarkib

Spring 451

1 Granite 451
Enam's mighty thunder be praised, at last we have arrived at Zuglarkib -- or Shipnet in the common tongue!  It has taken us many months, and to be honest I would have preferred moving on after seeing the area for the first time.  I believe I would have, too, had Lokum and Monom not forced my hand as the navigator.  As it was, they insisted that we attempt to cross directly over the massive mountain, during which attempt the wagon promptly disintegrated from the strain.  With little other choice, we decided to descend to the base of the mostly-frozen mountain we had so foolishly tried to cross and break ground there rather than try to continue onwards.

As luck would have it -- our own very bad luck -- this remarkably inhospitable climate happens to be the precise spot that my band was coerced into colonizing by Stékud Anviloak the Inconsiderate Trails of Warmth at the mountainhome.  The sheer gall of Anviloak is clearly evident in his decision to send us here.  Inconsiderate, indeed!  The prospectors and cartographers that had been sent before us had presumably returned with an honest report of the bitter area, but no doubt exists for me that Anviloak ignored these reports at the advice of his mother, Ustuth Biteseal.  Regardless of whether my small band survives the cold of this mountain long enough to make a difference, I feel I should leave behind a record of the treachery that my line has suffered for nearly the past century at the hands of Biteseal's line, culminating in this apparent exile.

The gravity of my situation, and that of my compatriots, is still only beginning to sink in.  We have been exiled at the hands of Anviloak's order, now being carried out posthumously (he has been succeeded by his son Nish Roadreined, who only recently discovered the order to remove our band from the mountainhome due to the incredible clutter in which Anviloak left his affairs).  Like the "loyal," simpering Noble man-child he is, Roadreined carried out the order quickly and the lot of us were sent out in the cold, in our case literally.  I fear for all of our lives here, but if only to spite those who created this situation I will dedicate my life from this moment to creating more life from this mountain of Shipnet.

2 Granite 451
I believe that I have calmed somewhat since my attempts to write yesterday.  It is, after all, the beginning of the spring season, the new year.  Perhaps conditions will improve; perhaps we will live to see the faces of our old friends at home once more.

In the meantime, I feel it prudent to give an account not only of events but of the people living them.  Our small group of exiles consisted of families threatened by the new line of rulers at the mountainhome belonging to the Constructs of Kindness, our civilization.  Thankfully the changes with the new regime were not too extreme, and the dwarven way of life is mostly preserved there; however, the attitudes of those in power saw a marked shift with the death of the good king Goden Roughlances, who I sadly only know by his legends and legacies.  The royal line died with him, as did our respective clans' fortunes.  Beset by nobles' absurd demands and the even more absurd punishments associated with ignoring them, our forebears did all they could to continue living under the less-than-optimal circumstances.  But with Anviloak's eviction order unearthed and enacted after forty years, we all have found ourself here, on a mountainside in the dead center of exactly nowhere.  My fellow travelers are few; there are only seven of us in this particular party.

Among us, we have the planter, Endok Ûzmeng, whose other talents include smithing and metalcrafting:

Cerol Nosingstakud, one of our miners:

Ustuth Nishmat, a macedwarf and carpenter:

Lokum Roderlitast, a mason and axedwarf:

Dastot Elikkol, the one-dwarf kitchen staff:

Monom Kuletdeler, a miner possessing some skill with the hammer:

and of course myself, the mechanic Rith Medtobikal, captain of the Righteous Mirrors:

In accordance with the laws of our people, we were afforded limited supplies -- though I strongly suspect that this was mostly so that we would make it further away before becoming stranded.  We have opted to create a dangerous situation for ourselves in the form of ignoring the need to bring tools.  Knowing what little we did about the climate here, we decided to bring as much food and wood as we could spare, though I fear that neither will last us very long.  When the wagon broke, to make matters worse, all of our supplies were scattered across the ridge on which the wheels had stopped turning.

Of more immediate concern is getting the smelter, furnace, and forge operational before we all freeze to death.  Fortunately we did decide to carry an anvil with us along with a bit of bauxite and the ores we anticipated needing for our tools.  At my order, Endok began working to create the necessary tools for our miners Cerol and Monom to begin carving us out some shelter.

As I looked up, I saw something concerning, almost ominous.

An unnaturally large eagle was soaring high above the Northern slope of the mountain, which I supposed to mean that our work here was proceeding with the blessings of the realm itself, though such a blessing invariably also comes with equal danger.  Should that bird ever decide that we are large enough to eat, I am uncertain we would survive the decision.  I suppose we should begin making preparations to move in permanently.

10 Granite 451
As it turns out, Cerol is not only a miner but a hunter, and a fair sight better one than the rest of us.  After my last entry, he waited not an hour before darting off into the distance to stalk the wild muskox herd that was sauntering about the other side of the mountain, shouting what might have been a war cry if he were not the only person waging it.  Clearly, this dwarf is extremely enthused about his work.  Since then, he has returned to our loose meeting area only once to report his findings to us.

On his way up the mountain to satisfy this bloodlust, Cerol discovered this:

The frozen mountain to which we were sent contains a fiery core -- a magma pipe that stretches all the way to the surface.  We are standing at the edge of a volcano as I write this.  Yet another detail that the prospectors failed to mention, doubtless because of the burning monsters that have been witnessed surfacing from time to time.

Unlike the other advisory "oversights," such as the nobles' outright lies are, this one may actually prove useful.  The bauxite we brought to fireproof our forges just may be able to let us harness the incredible power of this mountain, though it will take a great deal of time to execute.  We must begin our work immediately.

19 Slate 451
As we were effectively drowning in the corpses of the animals that Cerol dragged back, I constructed a butcher's shop and began trying to reduce the waste that his efforts were generating.  Meanwhile, Ustuth set up shop nearby in a carpenter's workshop, and Cerol and Monom set to work carving out the beginnings of our dwelling in this mountain.

It looks as though we may truly be moving in to stay.
« Last Edit: January 26, 2010, 03:24:58 pm by Q-Lok »
Plays Dwarf Fortress when bored.  Is probably bored.

Current fort:
Shipnet: For The Throne, But Against The King [Community]
The story of a band of exiles, removed forcibly from their mountainhome by a corrupt usurper.  Rith Medtobikal seeks to turn his frozen home into a new monument to the true king's line in defiance of Nish Roadreined (the "ignoble noble").


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Re: Shipnet [Community]
« Reply #1 on: July 09, 2009, 08:32:04 pm »

Summer 451

14 Hematite 451
We have had an accident.  In a fit of misguided brilliance, I ordered Ustuth and Lokum to don their weapons and remove the remnants of the muskox herd before they encroached too far upon our front doors.  Unfortunately, they met an ox they couldn't as easily handle and it managed to break Lokum's left forearm in the struggle.  Ustuth finished it off quickly, but the damage was already done and Lokum had to be brought back inside to rest in the communal bedroom -- perhaps not the most ideal situation for him, as it is also our food stockpile and our dining room at present.

20 Hematite 451
There is another problem.  Lokum is thirsty.  He refuses both to drink anything but water, and to get out of bed despite being perfectly able to get a drink on his own.  Clearly, this injury has made him insane.  However, as much as I would like to give in to this demand, we have no water anywhere near us as yet, much less any buckets to haul it in.

Monom and Cerol have begun a massive mining effort to try and locate the underground river that the prospectors supposedly found.  Unless they manage to find a usable water source before Lokum dies of dehydration, his only hope will be his arm mending and his addled mind recovering before his body dries up entirely.  Based on the current rate of excavation, I fear that this choice may be what it all comes down to.  I hold out little hope for Lokum's life.

23 Malachite 451
Lokum's condition has worsened.  He would now be on the verge of starving to death, except that his dehydration will probably get him first.  He has also expressed distinct displeasure that no one else is able to get him water.

In another fit of nonsense that seems to have followed this injury, not one of our number is willing to actually bring food until we first bring water.  Thanks to this, conditions for Lokum are getting steadily worse.
« Last Edit: July 09, 2009, 08:35:43 pm by Q-Lok »
Plays Dwarf Fortress when bored.  Is probably bored.

Current fort:
Shipnet: For The Throne, But Against The King [Community]
The story of a band of exiles, removed forcibly from their mountainhome by a corrupt usurper.  Rith Medtobikal seeks to turn his frozen home into a new monument to the true king's line in defiance of Nish Roadreined (the "ignoble noble").


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Re: Shipnet [Community]
« Reply #2 on: July 09, 2009, 08:32:39 pm »

Autumn 451

1 Limestone 451
In an astounding feat of fortitude, Lokum managed to survive to see the beginning of our first Autumn, and died shortly thereafter.  We are preparing a coffin for him to be placed at the end of one of the exploratory tunnels.

3 Sandstone 451
It has been a busy month, and a sad one, for all of us.  Cerol has returned to the tundra to brutally work his frustrations out upon the mountain goats that we see from time to time.  Dastot has been brewing drinks for us, as our initial stock was nearly depleted as of Lokum's passing, but it appears we are entirely out of distillable crops for the time being.  Endok, of course, is trying to make up for the void by planting as many plump helmet spawn as she can, and Ustuth has sadly run entirely out of both wood and bone to work with.  His mood is beginning to wane just as are those of the rest of us.  Monom has returned to the depths of the mountain to work on the tunnels, and I have been trying simply to pick up the slack, mostly in dealing with the excess of animal corpses that has once again begun to pile up from Cerol's adventures outside the gate.

In more immediate news, a caravan and a liaison from home are at our doorstep, and willing to trade.  Apparently even Roadreined is being forced to acknowledge our presence as a legitimate settlement.  Shipnet is, officially, on the map as of today.

I went outside to meet with the traders as they began unloading their wagons into our depot.  I gave them a hearty hello as I approached, but somehow my attire seemed to be too far off their social level.  If dealing with nobles has taught me anything, it is that a member of a disfavored house such as my own can never appear too appropriate in front of those he would impress.  Among the others, I spotted the liaison, Ast Dyeboat -- a relatively friendly fellow from the mountainhome, which was probably why he had been shipped all the way out here on the nothing assignment of speaking with me.  For this reason, I decided that Ast would go better unprovoked as he would be well justified in blaming our band for his misfortunes and that he deserved full respect.  I returned inside for a moment to change my clothes from my usual red to more luxuriant purple tones.

As I finished making preparations to meet with the newcomers properly, it occurred to me that I should begin to order goods moved to the depot.  I did so, and after completing the list decided to retire for the night.  Tomorrow, after all, will be a big day.

4 Sandstone 451
The others began to move the goods to the depot as I had ordered yesterday, which was a pleasant surprise.  I had rather expected them to find more urgent tasks to do instead.

I went to the communal dining room to have a bit of breakfast, when out of nowhere I heard Ast's voice.

I looked around for a moment, trying to identify the source, when I realized that he was shouting at me all the way through a solid microcline wall!

He eventually realized that shouting through a wall was not the most efficient mode of doing business, and joined me in the dining room/barracks.  I related our needs to him, especially that of wood and related products, and he told me what the mountainhome had authorized him to ask for.

There was of course a series of luxury items for the nobles, scepters and crowns and so on, but what caught my eye were the requests for battle axes, munitions, and helmets.  I asked him if the Constructs of Kindness was preparing for a war, and to my great confusion he refused to answer me, instead delivering a cryptic statement that our fortunes were linked, and departed.  Presumably he headed back to the mountainhome to deliver our requests, but I do feel great concern for our future if Roadreined is truly planning to wage a war on the backs of his own colonists.

23 Timber 451
It appears that no further colonists have been sent to this area, at least this season.  Though the thought of being stranded here without help permanently weighs heavily upon me, I do still take solace in the fact that there are no further good dwarves being exiled to Shipnet for no good reason.  At very least no more can suffer poor Lokum's fate -- at least not yet.

The merchant caravan has delivered word that they are preparing to leave soon, so I finished up the negotiations for the supplies they carried with them.  Shipnet came away with a few bags of seeds and ore stones, as well as all the tower-cap wood the merchants carried, at only the loss of some stone goods that were easily-enough produced that I was unconcerned at their loss.  However, with Lokum gone, I am not sure that the quality of the new stonecrafts will ever return to the high standards his work set.  This means that production will need to be increased in order to make enough trade value to sustain us -- a difficult task considering that no one is currently available to do so.
« Last Edit: July 09, 2009, 08:36:04 pm by Q-Lok »
Plays Dwarf Fortress when bored.  Is probably bored.

Current fort:
Shipnet: For The Throne, But Against The King [Community]
The story of a band of exiles, removed forcibly from their mountainhome by a corrupt usurper.  Rith Medtobikal seeks to turn his frozen home into a new monument to the true king's line in defiance of Nish Roadreined (the "ignoble noble").


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Re: Shipnet [Community]
« Reply #3 on: July 09, 2009, 08:33:41 pm »

Winter 451

1 Moonstone 451
We have reached our first winter at this godsforsaken volcano, and the snow promises never to let up for long.  In the past week, we have located the river -- finally, something that the prospectors' reports were right about!  Monom uncovered it by accident when she dug into the side of a waterfall pipe.  We have since sealed the hole up and laid out plans to tap into it several levels up in a straighter patch of the river.

Once the plans are laid properly, we should be able to build a working well.  If there are no further complications on that front...
...If nothing else goes wrong, then no one else will have to die like Lokum.

8 Moonstone 451
A number of fairly minor events have occurred over the past week, the most significant of which is Monom's uncovering a vein of native aluminum ore.  If this vein continues deep enough into Shipnet, we should be able to live comfortably for some time on the value it provides.

It has begun snowing again, yesterday, but I am fairly unconcerned now that the front gate has been reopened.  I suppose I would have been more worried had I not noticed as soon as I did that Cerol had been locked outside.

18 Moonstone 451
It is a great day at Zuglarkib!  This very morning, the cat we brought here has decided to adopt me.  We had just been calling it "the cat," or alternately "the stray," but seeing it follow me everywhere in such an adoring manner, I have decided that its name should henceforth be Cog Mersethoslan, or Boot Luckwound.  To be perfectly honest, the reason I have made this decision is that those were the words I opened to first in the Book of Terms.  I elect to let history judge that choice.

6 Obsidian 451
It is nearing the end of our first winter in this mountain, and with the beginning of this worst month comes the total depletion of our wood supply.  Ustuth, as a matter of fact, will not stop telling me so.  I told him we need more beds.  He told me we were out of logs.  I mentioned that we could also use some new bins.  He nearly bit off my face.  Then he told me again that we were out of logs.  I told him I knew.  He proceeded to drag me from the butcher's shop I was working in all the way to the log stockpile to show me how empty it was.  I told him he really didn't need to do that.  He just walked away muttering about how he should have joined the military.  I counted my lucky stars he wasn't angry about it.

23 Obsidian 451
It seems I was wrong in my last entry.  Though Ustuth was not, Cerol was indeed angry.  He was so angry that he went outside in the middle of a snowstorm to fight with an elk.  It broke his lower body and gave him several bruises across his head and torso.

What tipped us off was his dragging himself back in the front gate to rest in one of the few unclaimed beds.

Unfortunately, the well isn't done yet, and it will take a great deal of luck if Cerol is still to be with us by the end of spring.  Of course that does not stop him from screaming bloody murder when we inform him that we have no water to give.  He continues to insist that I go and check to see if the well is done every few minutes.  When I come back and tell him that it is still unfinished, he yells at me again for water.

It is a wonder that we have continued putting up with this dwarf for so long, but even he does not deserve to die alone and insane as Lokum did.  We will continue our work on the well, and if all goes well we will have a running source of water before Cerol dies.
« Last Edit: July 10, 2009, 12:20:14 am by Q-Lok »
Plays Dwarf Fortress when bored.  Is probably bored.

Current fort:
Shipnet: For The Throne, But Against The King [Community]
The story of a band of exiles, removed forcibly from their mountainhome by a corrupt usurper.  Rith Medtobikal seeks to turn his frozen home into a new monument to the true king's line in defiance of Nish Roadreined (the "ignoble noble").


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Re: Shipnet [Community]
« Reply #4 on: July 10, 2009, 02:34:50 am »

good story so far. ;D keep it up. Also can I request a dwarf?

Name: idar Alnis
Profession: Axe Dwarf
Personality: your typical dwarf for the most part, elf hating, battle loving, alcohol drinking.

Mad Larks

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Re: Shipnet [Community]
« Reply #5 on: July 10, 2009, 11:10:39 am »

I'd like to request a dwarf, as well.

Name: Delther Gembeard
Profession: Jeweller turned Marksdwarf (If that is not too much to ask)
Background: Delther used to be your ordinary Jeweller, cutting and setting gems for a living and life was good. Then a series of strange and unfortunate events (One of which included a human, a donkey, a spoon and four halberds (He prefers not to talk about that one)) led to his life in tatters and ruins. Having nobody really to blame for this, he eventually turned his anger towards both the elves and the goblins, vowing to put a bolt through every last deceitful, manipulating skull of theirs. Except when its really detrimental to his continued existance. Then he can put his grudge aside. For a while, anyway.
It's like Schrödinger's cat spinning violently around your head vomiting multicolored flickering 1s and 0s on your eyeballs just trying to contemplate that on any meaningful level.
Follow the ups and down of Urist McBeard, Minerdorf


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Re: Shipnet [Community]
« Reply #6 on: July 10, 2009, 01:26:12 pm »

i'll take a male miner... name ascubis. after he reaches legendary in mining can he train in masonry then carpentry then join the military as a swords dwarf? well after u get another miner to replace me


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Re: Shipnet [Community]
« Reply #7 on: July 29, 2009, 10:41:58 pm »

Oooooh-kay.  I was going to post this, like, the same day that I posted the story.  But obviously that didn't happen.  I got a little VERY VERY sidetracked in the meantime, but it looks like I actually finished the list a long friggin' time ago and only discovered this now.  List follows, in a spoiler.  I might be editing this or the first post to contain an updated list at every migrant wave, but we'll see when the time comes.

[EDIT: Moved the dwarf list to the first post of the thread.  Look for it there if you wanted to adopt someone.]

Also, for those wanting specific jobs, it may be a little difficult to track exactly which dwarf is which on this list, as most of the migrants' jobs have already switched to things that are actually *useful*.  That said, I'll do my best to get you guys what you want.

Sorry to Criptfeind, as I don't have any military apart from wrestlers and recruits yet, mostly on account of I have no weaponry to speak of, but I'll put Idar Alnis as one of them and try and convince him to use an axe when he's able.  You now own Dwarf #9.

Mad Larks, your request is going to be rather tricky, as I think all my gem cutters are already in the mines, but I can give you a glassmaker and then draft him, or one of the wrestlers, whichever you like.  #25 and #26 are both in the military and waiting to be trained with crossbows once I actually get some crossbows, so I'd suggest one of them.  The main problem is that they both started as peasants.

As for scuba's request...  Finally, an easy one!  You now own Dwarf #30.  I'm personally pretty sure I'll have long since forgotten what else you wanted him to train in, so you'll have to remind me after the next few story posts.

[EDIT: Just as an FYI, Criptfeind, I've looked back at my files for Summer 452 and discovered that Dwarf #9 already had several significant plot points centering around him, but I've found a way to work the name change in.  Also, kudos for picking a name that actually means something sensible.]
« Last Edit: December 08, 2009, 05:23:45 pm by Q-Lok »
Plays Dwarf Fortress when bored.  Is probably bored.

Current fort:
Shipnet: For The Throne, But Against The King [Community]
The story of a band of exiles, removed forcibly from their mountainhome by a corrupt usurper.  Rith Medtobikal seeks to turn his frozen home into a new monument to the true king's line in defiance of Nish Roadreined (the "ignoble noble").

Flying Carcass

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Re: Shipnet [Community]
« Reply #8 on: July 30, 2009, 02:29:03 am »

May I also request a dwarf?

Name: Libash Bauxitebeard
Desired profession: Military dwarf (Any type of military dwarf is fine)
Bio: Libash, inspired by a sense of dwarven patriotism, enlisted in the military as soon as he was eligible. He wanted to stand strong along side his comrades and brave the onslaught of the barbaric goblin hordes! For the Mountainhome!

Family history: Legend has it that one of Libash's ancestors garnered the surname "Bauxitebeard" after attempting to save a quarry full of miners from an uncontrolled magma flow by blocking it using only his beard. Surviving accounts on the incident are unclear as to whether or not that tactic worked...
« Last Edit: July 30, 2009, 02:31:02 am by Flying Carcass »


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Re: Shipnet [Community]
« Reply #9 on: July 30, 2009, 02:42:38 am »

Done and done.  Congratulations, proud owner of Dwarf #43.  He's a former peasant set to join the military after he shows up in the third migrant wave.  Also I told him to train with a mace once I get them because it seemed funny at the time.
Plays Dwarf Fortress when bored.  Is probably bored.

Current fort:
Shipnet: For The Throne, But Against The King [Community]
The story of a band of exiles, removed forcibly from their mountainhome by a corrupt usurper.  Rith Medtobikal seeks to turn his frozen home into a new monument to the true king's line in defiance of Nish Roadreined (the "ignoble noble").


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Re: Shipnet [Community]
« Reply #10 on: July 31, 2009, 03:01:15 pm »

alright i will remind u soon :D


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Re: Shipnet [Community]
« Reply #11 on: August 01, 2009, 10:49:49 pm »

Spring 452

1 Granite 452
Finally the day comes: we have been entrenched in the bowels and deep veins of this mountain for a full year's time.  It amazes me that a full 336 days could have passed since our eviction.

For the occasion, I have prepared a small verse in the traditional tongue, to be read at the completion of the well.  I had hoped that the project would be done long before now, more now for the sake of Cerol than anything else.  However, for the time being my included copy of the poem will have to suffice.  Below is the lines of verse followed by their common-language counterpart.

Nist nist
Nist Zuglarkib
Zagithgedor rîthol
Nish Tulonmemad mimkotrîthol
Zuglarkib ösiramal råsh

The fear of fears
The fear of Shipnet
The devil-evil of nobles
Nish Roadreined the ignoble noble
Shipnet the truthful teacher of death

In the meantime, our supply of wood remains just as depleted as in my last relevant entry, and Cerol continues to demand water that is not there.  My hopes for his survival are waning further by the day.  On the upside of things, it has finally stopped snowing -- for now, at least.

{Entries from this point are undated and grow erratic and less complete as time goes on; reconstruction has been done to determine the precise order in which the remaining events of Spring 452 occurred.}

The accursed elves have arrived at our doorstep!  Why they would follow our people here is beyond my comprehension, but nonetheless the point-eared filth has somehow managed to find our settlement even in this inhospitable climate.  Something must be done, but I fear the consequences of haste.

Cerol is starving now.  He demands water first, however.  As far as I am concerned, the same madness has already claimed his life as that of Lokum.  Work progresses on the well; however, I see no way to complete it in time.

Monom has died.

In a senseless coincidence, Monom happened to be standing underneath the shaft down which the river is to be diverted when someone dropped something on her.  Her body was crushed instantly and split into no fewer than four separate chunks.

And now we find the weapon!  Whoever did this fled the area immediately upon discovering the consequences of their actions, but we have now located the object that was at fault for the death of our remaining miner.  What was this weapon?  A hunk of microcline stone!  A single stone taken from a deconstructed floor several levels up!

There will be dire consequences indeed if the perpetrator of this heinous act is ever discovered.  Meanwhile Dastot is attempting to close the final gap in the wall, but there seems to be a problem with the structure of the gap which makes it impossible to seal from the outside.  A new tunnel will have to be dug in order to save Cerol's life, assuming that there are no further consequences.

{A second entry follows, apparently on the same day as the previous.}

Cerol's dead as well.  He finally gave up today, just hours after Monom's fatal collision.

Today Dastot decided to have a nap.  In the middle of deconstructing his botched patching job.  Next to Monom's corpse and disembodied limbs.  I am thoroughly disgusted by this dwarf and his utter lack of propriety.

Today the floodgate system was completed.  It would appear, however, that we were too late.

Dastot!  That TWIT!  The nitwitted brewer has collapsed the same section of flooring all over again!

From the reports I've been given, he assembled a floor section, mounted it improperly, and then just dropped it all the way down the shaft!  Not only that, but he's dropped it straight onto the exact spot that Monom died!  Ustuth went to check on him when the crash was heard, and found Dastot unconscious on the stairs -- three full flights down from where he dropped it!  So help me Enam and Armok alike, I will kill that dwarf myself if he makes any further trouble!

Endok has been following me around for weeks now.  I don't know why she feels the need to do this.  Every time she catches sight of me, she calls out "I need to have a meeting with you!"  I tell her I'm busy and walk away.  She knows how much work there is to do, especially now that only four of us are left.  But she just chases me.  "I need a meeting!  I need to have a meeting!"  When I slow down to do the untended work, for example in the mines, she catches up to me and asks me if I'm ready to have a meeting.  She knows I'm not, but she still follows me everywhere.  I walk away from her.  She just looks after me and mumbles "Meeting?" in as pathetic a voice as she can muster.  And then she follows me.

Endok stopped following me today.  She installed a floodgate, backwards, into the gap that is preventing us from using the well.  Of course she was inside the shaft at the time, and we had to have the gate removed.

I thought I hated these elves when they first arrived.  How wrong I was.

I have spent the entirety of the past two months trying desperately to get this mountain's affairs in order in anticipation of receiving any supplies that the point-ears had to offer.  We had even managed to get some of our most valuable trade goods to the depot, but I had not been able to make the time for actually haggling with them until today.  They called into the front gates informing us that they were preparing to leave.  I dropped everything I was doing.  I stopped trying to clear the leftover animal corpses out.  I stopped trying to make all the machinery and animal traps work.  I stopped trying to keep our equipment and supplies orderly.  I stopped trying to complete the well.  I stopped trying to prepare the graves of Cerol and Monom.  The very last thing that absolutely required my attention was storing a single item.

It was exactly then that they chose to depart, and had not even fully packed their mules by the time I was on my way out to meet them.  They had not even moved away yet, but they claimed that some kind of deadline had passed and would not even so much as speak to me beyond insults about our race's height.

{Beyond this point, dated entries resume as normal.}

1 Felsite 452
I truly do not know how I should feel about this latest turn of events.  If Roadreined and his circle of ignobles has truly sent more of us to perish, his power may be solidifying further.  But if these are migrants that are coming to us of their own will...  No, that cannot be.  Not here, not with the problems we have faced.  I cannot bear to send more to their dooms.  I've found myself looking to past rulers, past great founders, but little solace has come from the tales of their mighty deeds.

But I get ahead of myself.  For the first time since we arrived, our fortress has received a group of migrants.  I have yet to speak with them, but I have seen their approach.

I confess, I feel a degree of panic seeing these new arrivals.  Perhaps Roadreined has finally decided to be done with all those dwarven clans still loyal to King Roughlances' line and begun to ship them into exile fortresses begun by the necessity of groups like my own.  My heart weighs heavy with the ramifications of this possibility, but I find myself hoping ever the more that there is some other explanation at work.  The Righteous Mirrors will welcome these dwarves with open arms regardless, and we will gladly receive our brothers into our much-neglected fortress mountain.

2 Felsite 452
Astoundingly, the inbound dwarves are a full 23 in number, at least according to my new informant among them.  I have only had time to meet in earnest with a few of them so far, but two of them have managed to take the effort away from their settling in to come speak with me.

Ascubis, a miner by trade, will be a much-appreciated addition to our fortress in the unfortunate absence of Cerol and Monom.

Another dwarf, Oddom, has expressed some interest in hunting, which should hopefully fill the void that Cerol's passing left.  He is an animal caretaker by trade, but evidently he's reached his fill with creatures and has decided to begin removing them from the world.  He is stalwart in his desire to help the fortress, though, and I hope to work further with both of these dwarves in the future.

Of course, with the new arrivals continuing to stream into our limited space, my hands are just as full as theirs in keeping Shipnet functioning while they settle in.

15 Felsite 452
Endok may be showing further signs of whatever insanity possessed her several weeks ago, during the time in which she insisted on following me asking for meetings.  She came to me today in my bedroom/office, clearly in a foul mood.  I asked her what the matter was, and told her that I was finally ready to have that meeting.  I have to believe that she did not accept this answer, because her only response was to scream into my face at the top of her lungs for several consecutive minutes, until her voice completely failed her.  Then she walked away with an odd smile on her face.  I truly wish that I could still say this was the most unsettling experience I'd had, but alas, since coming to Shipnet there have been too many stranger occurrences.

22 Felsite 452
It seems that things are beginning to look less bleak by the day here.  One of the two children that arrived recently, Atír Kolâst, has had her twelfth birthday, marking her as fit to become a productive member of society.  May she choose her own path from this day forth, and walk it in loyalty and strength!
« Last Edit: August 01, 2009, 11:19:37 pm by Q-Lok »
Plays Dwarf Fortress when bored.  Is probably bored.

Current fort:
Shipnet: For The Throne, But Against The King [Community]
The story of a band of exiles, removed forcibly from their mountainhome by a corrupt usurper.  Rith Medtobikal seeks to turn his frozen home into a new monument to the true king's line in defiance of Nish Roadreined (the "ignoble noble").


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Re: Shipnet [Community]
« Reply #12 on: August 01, 2009, 11:41:44 pm »

Criptfeind, just so you know, I'm not ignoring your character here.  As you can see, I made a big show of introducing Oddom, who is the dwarf with the big plot points coming up -- Dwarf #9, or the one you've adopted.  In other words, yes, he is in the story already, but he's not going to become quite the dwarf you want him to be for a little while yet.
« Last Edit: August 02, 2009, 12:42:30 am by Q-Lok »
Plays Dwarf Fortress when bored.  Is probably bored.

Current fort:
Shipnet: For The Throne, But Against The King [Community]
The story of a band of exiles, removed forcibly from their mountainhome by a corrupt usurper.  Rith Medtobikal seeks to turn his frozen home into a new monument to the true king's line in defiance of Nish Roadreined (the "ignoble noble").


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Re: Shipnet [Community]
« Reply #13 on: August 02, 2009, 04:49:47 am »

If I could claim a Female Peasant.  I'd like her trained as a hammerdwarf (when you get hammers).  As per civilian duties until then, make her a mason.

Name: Babkadol.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Shipnet [Community]
« Reply #14 on: August 02, 2009, 04:50:46 pm »

"Pethatchet," huh?  Okay, can do.  Actually, based on the extreme convenience of it, you're going to get to adopt Atír, the girl from the last entry -- Dwarf #28.  As it turns out, I already have her in the military awaiting the presence of hammers, so it works out pretty well.  And the naming thing actually isn't a problem at all this time, so this should work out quite well.

EDIT: Okay, I've been speaking with Mad Larks, and he's opted to adopt Dwarf #40, who is now on the list.
« Last Edit: August 02, 2009, 07:32:43 pm by Q-Lok »
Plays Dwarf Fortress when bored.  Is probably bored.

Current fort:
Shipnet: For The Throne, But Against The King [Community]
The story of a band of exiles, removed forcibly from their mountainhome by a corrupt usurper.  Rith Medtobikal seeks to turn his frozen home into a new monument to the true king's line in defiance of Nish Roadreined (the "ignoble noble").
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