In order to make looking at you guys naked more interesting, here's a few tips:
Describe yourself!
Always use third person! Keep in mind that someone can read this at any moment, so putting any sort of action in your description "He glances at you and grins." is quite silly when you're actually dead or being raped violently or both.
Do not make the reader do or think things. "You feel uncomfortable at the sight of this man." Don't do this, as the person reading it could be a close friend or an abomination or something, both who would not feel uncomfortable.
Typos are a big no-no in descriptions. Do a spell check, a good way to spell check manually is by reading the text in another font size. This stops your brain from skipping the bits it already knows.
Don't be overly verbose. Leave subjective things such as attractiveness to the reader to decide. You can hint at a general kind of attractiveness, but don't force your good looks on people.
Describe your various body parts using the @nude syntax. (help @nude) No more typos in your ass!
@nude lets you describe individual bits so they can be seen when they are not covered by clothing. The standard descriptions for these parts are a bit... lacking.
To make the description interesting, add a scar or tattoo or something. Or just be interesting yourself. Be subtle though! Even in a post-apocalyptic world, I don't think too many people will be running around with huge scars, glowing eyes and strangely coloured hair.
(Feel free to over-emphasize your naughty bits, though. And give me a call...)
I hope this is somewhat helpful, especially the @nude should be fun for most people.