I'm sorry, this was too good not to share... I've started up on Hell again just recently, and I've been mucking around with a few of the folks I knew off of HATE.
Here's the setup: I've rolled a zombie, and after figuring out that zombros (summoned zombie allies) don't get bored and mysteriously leave after a set period of time, decided to see just how many of them I could stack in my apartment.
I'd gotten up to 19 trapped in there, when I was leading another batch of 10 up the stairs of my building. I walked up the stairs as quickly as possible and into my room, because I know these guys can and will attack any non-zombie player in their square (they ignore non-zombie NPCs though, until you attack someone). As I was walking up, I saw one person get caught in the group, but they got out of there. I then sat in my apartment and hoped for the zeds to give up and come join the party.
Then I looked outside my door and saw that some N-tag had logged off in the corridor right outside my apartment, and that the zombros who had been following me were now going after her.
Not wanting to walk out and get the 19 extra boys in my apartment to follow me out and attack her, I just sat idly by and waited to see what would happen. Some gorillabots came up and started attacking my zombies, and I got a bit preoccupied with trying to find some way of stopping them destroying my dudes.
When I looked back out, all the zombros were gone and the N-tag was dead. I waited a while, took out a couple more gorillabots... Then opened the door to drag her in and see what she had on her. I mean, this is HellMOO after all.
What followed was a rage from one of her corpmates demanding an explanation for my actions. I explained the situation, said that it was NOT, in fact, intentional, and asked that he please tell me that whoever she was happened to have connection issues and wasn't honestly silly enough to just log off in some open place like that.
While waiting for a reply, I see corpmate no. 2 barge in my open door (another gorillabot), issuing a pvp challenge to my corp, and drag her out. After a short time I got a page from him telling me "Nice try, asshole". I respond saying that I wasn't trying anything and that there were more elegant solutions to this dilemma if they'd just fucking communicate.
Corpmate 1 starts yammering at me again after a long silence, and it's around this time that I get poofed to the admin senate, where two admins come out and berate me for being a griefing shitlord committing a spree of douchebaggery, and that if anything like this happens again I will be banned. Suggesting that they could, perhaps, prevent zombros from automatically aggroing all non-zombie players (which is actually a major pain for the zombie player) was met with derisive glares.
HellMOO's changed, apparently. But one thing that hasn't changed is that the admins won't listen to a thing you say if they've made up their minds about something. Also, their scrotometer scanned me and noted I had raisin balls, so that's reminiscient of the old days.
Nevermind that the other corp in question put camped sentries outside our corp HQ and that they completely vacuumed one of our members' apartments multiple times in a row... I guess I really will have to read the PvP help file a few more times to figure out how exactly they qualify what I did as being so horrible.
Hell, I didn't even take any of what she had on her. Now, mind, if their corp hadn't expressed an interest in getting her back, I probably would have... Not gonna try and claim purity and innocence here. Just that I find this to be a bit of a funny overreaction.