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Author Topic: HellMOO: Go to heaven for the climate, and hell for the company.  (Read 477212 times)


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Re: HellMOO: Go to heaven for the climate, and hell for the company.
« Reply #2610 on: August 30, 2010, 05:23:41 pm »

Yay. What's your charname?
Solar Rangers: Suggestion Game in SPAAAAACE
RPG Interest Check Thread
i had the elves bring me two tigermen, although i forgot to let them out of the cage and they died : ( i was sad : (


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Re: HellMOO: Go to heaven for the climate, and hell for the company.
« Reply #2611 on: August 30, 2010, 05:30:55 pm »

You guys should all add Mr.Pants. I'm still on every once in a while.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: HellMOO: Go to heaven for the climate, and hell for the company.
« Reply #2612 on: August 30, 2010, 07:19:02 pm »

Dwarf fortress: Teaching uni level geology to sadistic elf killers for years.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: HellMOO: Go to heaven for the climate, and hell for the company.
« Reply #2613 on: August 30, 2010, 08:11:31 pm »

The playerbase is hilarious.

S: I've always hated you Gammon, or should I say G-Tool?
Me: Shush, woman, I'm trying to lick myself.
S: Good luck with that.
You lick your elbow.
S: ... Are you a wizard?
Me: Yes.
You lick your tongue.
S claps.
Solar Rangers: Suggestion Game in SPAAAAACE
RPG Interest Check Thread
i had the elves bring me two tigermen, although i forgot to let them out of the cage and they died : ( i was sad : (


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: HellMOO: Go to heaven for the climate, and hell for the company.
« Reply #2614 on: August 30, 2010, 08:38:03 pm »

Earlier today I was asked if I wanted to take someones baby off them. I denied, as I'm going to try some of the more mature themes for money.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: HellMOO: Go to heaven for the climate, and hell for the company.
« Reply #2615 on: August 30, 2010, 08:42:08 pm »

I actually managed to get another player pregnant after approximately half a game day of weird sex. She probably sold the live baby. I kept the dead one.
Solar Rangers: Suggestion Game in SPAAAAACE
RPG Interest Check Thread
i had the elves bring me two tigermen, although i forgot to let them out of the cage and they died : ( i was sad : (


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: HellMOO: Go to heaven for the climate, and hell for the company.
« Reply #2616 on: August 30, 2010, 08:56:12 pm »

OH GOD... Oh wait. Never mind. This is HellMOO. All's good.
God damn War Veteran fuckin up all my not-death-streak. God damn.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: HellMOO: Go to heaven for the climate, and hell for the company.
« Reply #2617 on: August 30, 2010, 08:58:50 pm »

You have to be careful in the Old People place. They tend to shuffle around a lot, and you might find yourself getting ganged up on by four old-timers without a chance to get away. And the war veterans have rifles. I took 15HP of damage from one of those once, then an old man broke my leg. With his fist.

I'm currently camped out in the storage closet in corp HQ, probably screaming in agony.
Solar Rangers: Suggestion Game in SPAAAAACE
RPG Interest Check Thread
i had the elves bring me two tigermen, although i forgot to let them out of the cage and they died : ( i was sad : (

Sir Pseudonymous

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Re: HellMOO: Go to heaven for the climate, and hell for the company.
« Reply #2618 on: August 30, 2010, 10:24:39 pm »

I seem to remember hunting ghosts in gangland being absurdly profitable (as in, made several hundred thousand in a few days of killing them, even with my insistence on dicking around buying planes (which I then crashed 8)) and other frivolous things). All you need is a decent elemental weapon (I used a modded flame chain), and preferably cold and/or fire soaking armor (I used das gear (leech leather duster and gloves, combat boots and a combat helmet (I also wore a gasmask (and nightvision goggles at night), I think, though more for the whole "I'm walking around in a duster, wearing boots, a helmet, and a gas mask, wielding a chain that sprays napalm!" thing than practicality)) the CEO of the corp I was in at the time randomly handed me when I ran into him). And radq. You can't forget the radq (I got it from the cabinet in the gangland bomb shelter). And the ghost detector. And traps, if you want to really make a killing. Oh, and ghostbait, to actually make the ghosts appear. Red chalk can help too, especially if the gangland npcs pick up the ghostbait or a trap (then you can inscribe a pentagram in the tile you're in, kill them, and possibly get another ghost to kill! :))).

And I had a pretty weak character, though I did win all but one fight against other players (the one I lost was some significantly more powerful WHORE member killing me in revenge for killing some other WHORE member (who was evenly matched with me at the time). I did like the time a SLUTS (a scrubcorp formed from the most obnoxious members of WHORE, including Juna, the only player who managed to kill me) member attacked me for hacking their cams. She couldn't deal any damage to me because of my armor soaks, and I took out half her health, and broke a limb, in one blow, then let her run away. I think the "relative strength appraisal" thing pegged me as quite a bit weaker, which made it all the more hilarious. Good times :D. Never did get back at Juna for killing me, though. I half wanted to wage a one man war against SLUTS, because I was reasonable certain I could have taken on any of them in one on one combat, especially with my high end gear. But, it's all gone now with the character wipe... :-\

Chalk and ghostbait can also be used to make the orphanage more Fun for newbies, though someone usually comes along and mops up the poltergeists for the bounty. Scattering bits of zombie flesh around the city, or selling it to the burger place, is also rather Fun (well, more funny than Fun, but still), as it can result in zombies wandering town. I'd suggest doing it in the orphanage, but I don't remember if orphans eat flesh they find on the ground or not...
I'm all for eating the heart of your enemies to gain their courage though.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: HellMOO: Go to heaven for the climate, and hell for the company.
« Reply #2619 on: August 31, 2010, 01:31:14 am »

Ah, ghosts. I had a brain character, that was fun. Proton packs were good for grinding Science, and the gray jumpsuits you can buy there are also really nice for ghost hunting, though not great. Incidentally, if you stock up on EMP nades, you can 50/50 take great old ones which are worth a FORTUNE when turning in the trap, if you use a macro. Oh, and you may want to stockpile traps, since you can use full ones to make some excessively fun energy cells that fit into proton packs and do pretty good levels of dirty damage, which isn't soakable. Assuming your a brain guy looking for a weapon you have maxed base stats for.

Oh, and if your ever being chased by other players, do something funny. Like vacating your apartment in 15 minutes and leaving a few landmines in your old one for the corp who was chasing you to step on. I still think the TrickRTreat on the inside with a VG gold was the funniest part.
Ustxu Iceraped the Frigid Crystal of Slaughter was a glacier titan. It was the only one of its kind. A gigantic feathered carp composed of crystal glass. It has five mouths full of treacherous teeth, enormous clear wings, and ferocious blue eyes. Beware its icy breath! Ustxu was associated with oceans, glaciers, boats, and murder.

Sir Pseudonymous

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Re: HellMOO: Go to heaven for the climate, and hell for the company.
« Reply #2620 on: August 31, 2010, 07:24:29 am »

I believe I started hunting ghosts on your advice. I tried making a crafter, but I never did any real crafting, even though I built the character to I just wound up training up whips and killing shit for money (quite a bit better than the pure combat build I'd tried before, too...), because I couldn't get craft up to a reasonable level, seeing as how I could never find crafting supplies to train with...
I'm all for eating the heart of your enemies to gain their courage though.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: HellMOO: Go to heaven for the climate, and hell for the company.
« Reply #2621 on: August 31, 2010, 07:43:07 am »

There's a lot of stuff in Sharpton, plus you can grind in the Panopticon.
Solar Rangers: Suggestion Game in SPAAAAACE
RPG Interest Check Thread
i had the elves bring me two tigermen, although i forgot to let them out of the cage and they died : ( i was sad : (

Sir Pseudonymous

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Re: HellMOO: Go to heaven for the climate, and hell for the company.
« Reply #2622 on: August 31, 2010, 09:06:59 am »

Tried both. Couldn't find shit I could use in sharpton, and didn't like the whole "getting almost stabbed and raped to death" thing in prison. I did get a giant pile of license plates from a corpmate who wound up in panopticon, in exchange for bringing him a cocoon (which he insisted on paying me for, though I only asked for the license plates), which I dropped in my shower and used to grind craft. It still didn't really give me anything to craft with (a good bit of which was just general ignorance of the crafting system, and a dearth of resources on it to rectify that), or a decent skill level...

I'm tempted to try playing again... But then I do have better things I need to be/could be doing, like trying to resolve the issue of a friend of mine refusing to talk to me because of a drunken fight (which he started, or rather instigated, and kept instigating when I refused to fight him, until I finally snapped... after which I still didn't actually really fight... :-\), or trying to figure out the TE4 engine to contribute to this. Or working on the myriad of my own projects I've put off working on...

What's the political climate like these days? And by that I mean what are the current corporations of note? I remember when I played there was the monolithic, benevolent KREW, the tiny but nigh-invincible griefercorp CORP, the then-benevolent reformed griefercorp DRS (members of which helped me out on several occasions, using a mort hypo on me when zombie rot had drained my brains too low to use it myself, and returning the gear I had when I crashed my plane in gangland), and a myriad of others, including the one I was in (BF1), and the scrubcorps DSI, WHORE, and SLUTS, the last of which I was on hostile terms with (but didn't declare a personal war on, for fear of retribution from the BF1 CEO, who didn't want other corps declaring war on us).
I'm all for eating the heart of your enemies to gain their courage though.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: HellMOO: Go to heaven for the climate, and hell for the company.
« Reply #2623 on: August 31, 2010, 10:08:56 am »

KREW's still around.


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Re: HellMOO: Go to heaven for the climate, and hell for the company.
« Reply #2624 on: August 31, 2010, 11:43:05 am »

Yeah all i saw was KREW that I recognized and that's the corp I was in when I played before. Was a pretty good bunch of folks.

Lemmah tell you how I made my millions in HellMOO. Macros and triggers and hacking security cameras.

It took quite a bit of work, but I built a rather elaborate set of scripts that once run, would walk me through the entire zone checking and hacking security cameras, smoking joints to deal with stress, and healing up when needed. If attacked it would drop a stack of molotovs and then high-tail me to my apartment and lock the door.

Oh the fun with macros. Speaking of molotovs, how about the one that walked me through town, dropping a molotov in every square. Good times. BTW i had very good skill with throw and bombs.
I got nothing
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