First of all, the game is closed, no more ships can be submitted!
Alright, I changed my mind. I'm afraid I should have given you guys some rules before letting you build your ships, as now I'm in a spot of trouble balancing the mechanics with your ships being as they are.
Also, I decided to throw away the persistance world thing for now until combat is done.
So, recheck your ships.
From now on:
- Your ship's needs an exact amount of supplies and nothing more. You need a tile of supplies for every 2 cannons. Nothing more, but more importantly nothing less.
- Your ship's ammo is calculated by multiplying your amount of ammo tiles by 10. Every cannon shot costs 1 shot.
- Your speed equals the amount of sail tiles you have divided by the sum of your total height and total width, multiplied by twenty ( yey math! ). For example, a ship that is 10x8 and that has a 3x3 sail, has a speed of 9/18*20, which is 5. This means it can travel 10 squares a turn. This might change as I fear this could be unbalanced for some ships.
Your first battle will be all of you against the AI ( me ). Please check and possibly adjust your ships.
Current player ships:
Repair Ship 'Alpha Zalpha' + 2 "Scuzzers" : CHECKED
"Alpha Zalpha"
Speed: 12 tiles per turn
52 cannons with 440 ammo
Speed: 11 tiles per turn
10 cannons with 100 ammo
"The Demon" : CHECKED
Speed: 12 tiles per turn
35 cannons with 360 ammo
"Sea Arrow": CHECKED BY ME
Speed: 9 tiles per turn
24 cannons with 770 ammo
"Honor" : CHECKED
Speed: 6 tiles a turn
30 cannons with 500 ammo
"The Jimbob" : CHECKED
Speed: 10 tiles a turn
20 cannons with 400 ammo
"The Hadoken" : CHECKED BY ME
Speed: 5 tiles a turn
18 cannons with 290 ammo
"Sprite" : CHECKED BY ME
Speed: 14 tiles a turn
4 cannons with 50 ammo
Speed: 13 tiles a turn
2 cannons with 20 ammo
"Chosen of Armok" : CHECKED
Speed: 17 tiles a turn.
67 cannons with 1350 ammo