Everyone gets situated. I see making Bokahilla and Woose family was a safe move...
Cthulhu likes hugs while ZCHRIS does not. Bokahilla's voice sounds like Minnie Mouse on crank.
Okay, so they're father and daughter, but what is with this town and pillowfights?
Meanwhile in the basement, Warden is losing patience with Jack's taste in music.
Warden escapes, and Jack gets down to what's important. Hooray for cross-promotion!
Nuke echoes my thoughts. "Oh for fuck's sake guys."
Job time! The Warden joins the Colonial Marines, and Jack's an EMT. There be bills to pay.
Woose goes out to greet a neighbor, but he storms off. Woose's idea of entertainment? Clouds.
This is a great picture.
Oh God, not the tickling!Here comes trouble...
Hackysack in the kitchen. Turns out Bokahilla really sucks at it.
Dammit, you two can do that at home!
Kitchen's too small, and Toony's a hippie.
Finding no purchase in the Cybercave denizens, Toony accosts Duke in the bathroom again.
So, things are getting a little crazy. There's a four Sim pile-up from everyone trying to get in and out of the bathroom, caused by three vistors I can't order around. I tried to sacrifice the toilet, but I can't with Strife in there.
An old gypsy has moved into the neighborhood, selling love potions or some shit.
Desperate times call for desperate measures. Literally. Thinking quickly, I decided to put another toilet up in the useless loft room for the moment, just in time so Cthulhu doesn't piss himself. This has the unfortunate side effect of inspiring half the house to march upstairs, perhaps hastening the inevitable.
Crisis averted by inches, everyone settles in for some last minute tickling before lights out.
And that's everybody. Except I forgot to put in alarm clock until everyone was already asleep. Hopefully Jack and the Warden don't lose their jobs tomorrow morning...