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Who will win the final battle of Warriors of Armok, and how?

Fireheart (beheading)
- 5 (33.3%)
Fireheart (bisection)
- 1 (6.7%)
Fireheart (cleaving)
- 5 (33.3%)
Nichaey (beheading)
- 3 (20%)
Nichaey (bisection)
- 1 (6.7%)
Nichaey (cleaving)
- 0 (0%)

Total Members Voted: 15

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Author Topic: Warriors of Armok: Magma of Life [The Final Match: Fireheart vs. Nichaey]  (Read 109924 times)


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I've got my coconut gun and if I shoot yeh' it's goin' hurt.


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Your coconut gun is no match to my three axe style.


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You guys realize you're not expected to taunt if you're playing for second, right?
« Last Edit: July 04, 2009, 08:25:30 pm by Remalle »


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Bad spelling when annoyed at folks for dragging you into work you no want to do is forgiven...
I SOOOOOO want to move out sometime soon, but I just can't get enough cash...

Tell me, are you able to yell without lungs, no, Don't think so... Say goodbye to them while you can...
That and your Heart, Liver and Spleen...
Gonna put so many Holes in you my friend...

Not if I break your wimpy little elf hands first.


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Taunting is all well and good but it's starting to get a little spammy in here, maybe pull it back a touch.


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I've got my coconut gun and if I shoot yeh' it's goin' hurt.

That's the best rap song ever.

So when does the tournament begin?


  • Bay Watcher
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Taunting is all well and good but it's starting to get a little spammy in here, maybe pull it back a touch.

Wow, not much to do but sit and wait when you can't spam trash.


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The Phoenix Opening: Round 1

Match 1: Fireheart vs. Biblet “The Superior”

Announcer 1: Hello and welcome to The Phoenix Opening, I’m Rith Rithdur.

Announcer 2: And I’m Stakud Oslannicat.

Rith: We’re here live at the great Phoenix Amphitheater to kick off what can only be described as the embodiment of dwarven culture, dwarves chugging down a barrel of beer with their comrades and then bashing each others heads in.

Stakud: That’s right and we’re here to give you live front row coverage of these great bouts from the side press box, can we get a shot of this view?

Spoiler: Shot (click to show/hide)

Stakud: There we are, what a great view of the arena we have here.

Rith: I’ve heard some dwarves call the seats on this level the ‘limb seats’.

Stakud: I know I’ve got my catchers mitt!

Rith: I’m sure you do. Anyways, I think we’re about to begin. We start off as always with the dwarven national anthem. Here comes the dwarf with an elf, and there goes the elf’s head, so concluding the dwarven national anthem.

Stakud: That was beautifully done…

Rith: Yes, yes it was, but we must not dwell because Round 1 of The Phoenix Opening has officially begun. In our first match up we have two dwarves with very different approaches to fighting, speed and quality vs. brute defense. I think I see the first competitor entering the arena; yes it’s Fireheart Covenguilds!

Spoiler: Fireheart (click to show/hide)

Stakud: The crowd is roaring with excitement! *Gets up and screams*

Rith: Fireheart has chosen to fight with the sword and with limited armour. The extra speed could work to his advantage but he has got to watch he doesn’t allow any good hits on his unprotected limbs. By this new roaring of excitement I can only guess that Firehearts opponent Biblet “The Superior” Greatlance has entered the arena. Stakud, will you please sit the hell down?

Spoiler: Biblet (click to show/hide)

Stakud: Come on Rith, Aren’t you EXCITED?

Rith: …Biblet has entered the arena and is trying to work the crowd up. Fireheart however is all business and waiting patiently for the match to begin. Biblet has chosen to fight with the axe and defend himself with all kinds of heavy armaments. It really seems to slow him down; I hope he can keep up with Fireheart.

Stakud: I’m not quite ready to make a prediction on this fight, in my opinion it could go either way. Fireheart is going to have to work hard to crack Biblets defense and Biblet is going to have a hard time trying to get a hit on Fireheart. We’ll have to wait and see what happens.

Rith: It looks like we won’t have to wait any longer, the signal to start had been given and Fireheart is wasting no time in sprinting towards Biblet! Biblet is also making a charge but that armour is really slowing him down. Here comes Fireheart, and there goes Biblet a with swing of his axe, but he misses! Fireheart catches Biblet in the right arm before plowing into him, knocking Biblet off balance and sending him sprawling to the ground!

Stakud: Biblet didn’t like that and he is fuming!

Rith: Fireheart, taking advantage of Biblet on the ground is chopping away with his sword, trying to find a weak point and OH NO! Biblet has lot his battle axe! I think Fireheart got in a very damaging hit on his right hand!

Stakud: This isn’t good for Biblet! He’s just laying there with his shield up while Fireheart is hammering away on him!

Rith: Fireheart is now concentrating on trying to take out Biblets legs, oh god he’s getting through! OH! With a heavy swing of his sword Fireheart has just chopped Biblets leg clean off!

Stakud: Biblet has got to be feeling that one…

Rith: I don’t think so, I can’t tell but I think Biblet has passed out. Fireheart, now trying to finish this is attacking ferociously, doing all sorts of damage.

Stakud: Wait, where is he going?

Rith: Fireheart is walking away from Biblet to the center of the arena, taking a ’breather’ if you will. Let me remind you that Biblet is still alive, barely. Fireheart should really do the honorable thing and finish him off.

Stakud: Yes, I just hope that he isn’t conscious right now.

Rith: Fireheart seems to have finished his little stroll around the arena and has gone back to his assault, and there is the killing blow. Fireheart has defeated Biblet “The Superior” in what can only be described a one-sided fight to move on to the Quarter-finals.

Stakud: Agreed, Biblet wasn’t in this fight at ALL. He got in that one missed swing at the beginning, but that was all he did. Fireheart, with his superior speed completely overwhelmed him.

Rith: Yes and here comes the cleaning crew to haul away Biblets body to the Phoenix Chamber, hopefully when is revived we can get him to come here and tell us his thoughts on the fight. Fireheart however sustained no injuries and will be watching the rest of the fights from the winners box high up in the Phoenix Amphitheater. We’re going to take a short break now while we wait for the next match to begin. You don’t want to miss it as Olon "WorkerDrone" Ironglove takes on Diego "The Smasha" Glazesoared in what could be another Agility vs. Defense match-up. Though Diego has chosen limited armour like Fireheart his equipment is not nearly as high of quality, so we will see how that fight goes.

To see a video of the fight click here.

Fireheart is now a 1st Degree Swordsdwarf and will walk away with at least 100☼ at the end of the tournament. Other updates will have more then one fight, I just wanted to get a nice big one in for the start.
« Last Edit: July 05, 2009, 01:35:30 pm by BloodBeard »


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Re: Warriors of Armok: Magma of Life [The Phoenix Opening: Round 1]
« Reply #84 on: July 05, 2009, 01:31:09 pm »


EDIT:  Speed seems to out win defense.  You're just a tin can to the fast guys.


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Re: Warriors of Armok: Magma of Life [The Phoenix Opening: Round 1]
« Reply #85 on: July 05, 2009, 01:36:59 pm »

Interesting.  Will be cool to see how other speed v. defense, offense v. speed, etc. match-ups go.


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Re: Warriors of Armok: Magma of Life [The Phoenix Opening: Round 1]
« Reply #86 on: July 05, 2009, 01:39:40 pm »

Biblet doesn't seem very happy about losing (and getting all his limbs cut off).


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Re: Warriors of Armok: Magma of Life [The Phoenix Opening: Round 1]
« Reply #87 on: July 05, 2009, 01:44:15 pm »

@BloodBeard: Could we perhaps be able to change our weapon/armour settings if we were to lose?


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Re: Warriors of Armok: Magma of Life [The Phoenix Opening: Round 1]
« Reply #88 on: July 05, 2009, 02:51:31 pm »

@BloodBeard: Could we perhaps be able to change our weapon/armour settings if we were to lose?

No but i'm thinking I might change the tournament to be a knockout tourny. 31 is a hell of alot of fights and will take a pretty long time to get through. If this were to happen then the people with poor equipment choices won't have to lose repeatedly. When the tourny is over i'll be able to hand pick certain matches to give people with poor equipment choices a chance.

I wouldn't count the heavy armour dwarves out just yet, in all the test matches i've done with heavy armour vs. heavy armour the matches go on for a long time and they gain lots of experience. They just need time to rev up.


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Re: Warriors of Armok: Magma of Life [The Phoenix Opening: Round 1]
« Reply #89 on: July 05, 2009, 02:53:20 pm »

YAY! I WON!      ;D
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