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Who will win the final battle of Warriors of Armok, and how?

Fireheart (beheading)
- 5 (33.3%)
Fireheart (bisection)
- 1 (6.7%)
Fireheart (cleaving)
- 5 (33.3%)
Nichaey (beheading)
- 3 (20%)
Nichaey (bisection)
- 1 (6.7%)
Nichaey (cleaving)
- 0 (0%)

Total Members Voted: 15

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Author Topic: Warriors of Armok: Magma of Life [The Final Match: Fireheart vs. Nichaey]  (Read 109915 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Warriors of Armok: Magma of Life [The Phoenix Opening: Semifinals]
« Reply #255 on: July 29, 2009, 03:16:07 pm »

Hmm... we also need a fight between Ironblood and Stravitch... :D

Anyway, what about giving all the dwarves nopain and nofear?  With vanilla, the moment a dwarf gets a yellow or red wound, they either immediately faint or else try to flee.

That would give limb cutting weapons a huge advantage over crushing and stabbing weapons.

Not really.  When a limb is broken or mangled, they can't use it anymore.  I suppose it still acts as armor, sort of.
Think you can brave the cold? How about endless waves of zombies, goblins, and orcs? Check out Talltower the Tall Tower of Ice.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Warriors of Armok: Magma of Life [The Phoenix Opening: Semifinals]
« Reply #256 on: July 29, 2009, 03:43:59 pm »

That would give limb cutting weapons a huge advantage over crushing and stabbing weapons.

Not really.  When a limb is broken or mangled, they can't use it anymore.  I suppose it still acts as armor, sort of.

Nopain/nofear is what Orcs have, and crushing/stabbing weapons are extremely ineffective against them. I'd be against giving that to dwarves, for exactly that reason.
Lanternwebs: a community fort
Try my orc mod!
The OP deserves the violent Dwarven equivalent of the Nobel Peace Prize.


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Re: Warriors of Armok: Magma of Life [The Phoenix Opening: Semifinals]
« Reply #257 on: July 29, 2009, 04:20:36 pm »

Well I read the whole thing and I am very impressed. If there are slots open in the future, count me in.
I like to slip into bear caves around midnight and gently caress the carnivore inside before leaving a small cut of fresh fish and sneaking out.


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Re: Warriors of Armok: Magma of Life [Special: Ironblood vs. Morul]
« Reply #258 on: July 30, 2009, 04:48:24 pm »

Special Exhibition Match

Captain Ironblood
Morul Channelbend

Rith: The Phoenix Opening is coming to an end soon; Fireheart will face off against Rysith for the Undisputed Championship. But first, we have a very special match-up to bring you. Legends in their own for away lands, perhaps all the lands, but tonight you will see them together, locked within this arena. Only one can walk out alive, the other to be revived later by the will of Armok. Our first warrior, hailing from the frozen tundra of Nist Akath, Captain my captain it’s Captaaaaaaain Ironblood!

Spoiler: Ironblood (click to show/hide)

Stakud: The crowd is on their feet in respect for this legendary warrior, as they should. The deeds of Captain Ironblood are far to numerous to count and any one of them would garner legendary status.

Rith: We are so lucky to have gotten the Captain here tonight; some strings must have been pulled somewhere.

Stakud: Strings? The Captain? Doubtful, I reckon the only thing he needed to come here was the promise of beer and biscuits. Speaking of which I heard that as his training for this fight the Captain went on a three day bender. When asked how this would help him win the fight he replied, “What fight?”

Rith: Yes… Well, with this being an exhibition fight and intended to be more of a learning experience for our fledging warriors, both fighters will be wearing identical equipment with an exception in their choice of weapon. As some of you may know Ironbloods choice of weapon varies between metal weapons, his fists and even furniture. For this fight he has chosen the standard, a battleaxe. Ironbloods opponent however will be fighting with a tool rather then a weapon, but in his hands it may as well be a weapon. Wielding a pickaxe he is the supreme skiller of Lashedwines, he’s Moruuuuuuul Channelbend!

Spoiler: Morul (click to show/hide)

Stakud: On the other end of the spectrum we have Morul, perhaps not as well known as the Captain but every bit as great in his own right. You know the old adage, Urist of all trades but master of none? We you can throw that right out the green glass window because Morul is living proof that a single dwarf can master every known dwarven skill. Ask him to make you a chair and he’ll make you a throne fit for a king. Ask him to make you something to eat and you’ll never go hungry again. Not that he’d do either of those things for you, he’s too good for that, but if he wanted to he could.

Rith: Some of you might ask, well, what business does someone who has devoted his entire life mastering skill trades have in stepping into the arena with Captain Ironblood, arguably the greatest warrior of our time? Well then you probably haven’t heard the entire story of Morul. Skill trades aren’t the only things he has mastered. In his quest for perfection Morul has also delved into the art that many say you can’t truly master, combat. Morul’s fondness of skills over the years has left him with an unnatural power, speed and endurance of which uniquely helped him rise through the ranks to become a great fighter. He has come here only so he can test himself against the dwarf they say can’t be killed.

Stakud: …oh you’re done? So can we watch them fight now?

Rith: Way to kill the mood. Yes we can watch now, both dwarves look to be ready and waiting for the signal, and there it is. It’s Ironblood vs. Morul, Legend vs. Legend, here we go! Morul charges forward, followed shortly by a charge from Ironblood. Ironblood comes in with a quick strike from the right but Morul nimbly jumps out of the way. Ironblood tried for another attack but Morul blocks and follows up with a swing of his pick, which is also blocked. Ironblood rushes Morul with a blocked attack before colliding with him and they both go tumbling to the ground! This is a very dangerous position for either of them to be in. A hit! Out of NOWHERE Morul’s pickaxe came whipping around and found a mark in Ironblood’s right arm!

Stakud: Wow, I only caught a glint of metal and a second later it had bored its way into Ironblood’s arm. With an unconventional weapon like a pick it’s hard to know what you opponent is going to do with it.

Rith: Ironblood tears away and gets up. His arm is hurt badly and it looks like he’s having trouble keeping his grip on his axe. No he can’t, Ironblood lets the axe fall to the ground and he is without a weapon! He must be in some real pain to give it up so quickly. Hold on a second, is he laughing?

Stakud: Yes, yes he is! Morul, with his blood-covered pickaxe is stalking his now weaponless opponent and Ironblood is in hysterics!

Rith: I’ve heard of the oddities of Captain Ironblood before, but this. Holy mother of Armok! Like a carp after a wading dwarf Ironblood explodes into a fury of attacks using his shield and Morul is on the defensive! 

Stakud: Now this is the fighting style of the Captain!

Rith: Blocking and attacking at the same time Ironblood relentlessly pounds on Morul, but it doesn’t seem to be doing a whole lot of damage. You may be able to overwhelm a more unskilled dwarf with this tactic but Morul isn’t taking any of it and fights back with a ferocity that neutralizes Ironblood.

Stakud: Try as he might but Morul still hasn’t been able to get another good hit on the Captain. The Captain is having more success however in getting multiple hard bashes to Morul’s weapon arm. Not enough to cause any serious damage but I bet it’s bruised up pretty bad.

Rith: Ironblood tumbles backwards after a charge from Morul. Ironblood recovers and bashes Morul in the right arm with his shield. Morul is still holding on to that shield but the punishment to is limbs is taking a noticeable toll as he isn’t blocking and attacking as fast as we saw in the beginning. They exchange some more blows and Morul has lost his pickaxe! Using the blunt edge of his shield Ironblood got in a devastating strike to Morul’s arm and it’s no good anymore. Pain doesn’t seem to be a factor for either of these warriors and we now have a shields only match-up! Both have no use of their weapons arms and the crowd is going insane as they circle each other, trying to figure out how they are to do this.

Stakud: People came here expecting a great match and they will not be going home disappointed. I know this was supposed to be a learning experience for our warriors but right now I think everyone just wants to see two skilled fighters bash each other’s heads in.

Rith: And that may happen, but if this keeps going as it is now we’re going to have a fistfight on our hands. This fight is back underway as Ironblood and Morul try with all their might to finish this using only their shields. Ironblood continues the attack on Morul’s left arm, perhaps trying to make Morul feel some pain but I don’t think it’s going to happen, Morul is as tough as they come and would fight back even with a missing limb. Morul rushes Ironblood and brings his shield around for a strike but Ironblood blocks with his own shield. Ironblood tumbles backwards and to the ground. He blocks more attacks from Morul who is trying to use gravity to his advantage. Ironblood bashes him in the leg and Morul is stunned for a moment. Getting up Ironblood explodes with a fury of attacks; the sheer power behind the strikes pushes Morul backwards.

Stakud: Morul looks like he’s in trouble, Ironblood’s experience with unconventional fighting techniques seem to be paying off as he gets many good hits in, just like that one! A solid bash to the head and Morul is staggering about! Ironblood takes advantage of Morul’s daze and swings his shield around for a low attack! He connects and that leg is done for! Morul tries desperately to attack but Ironblood blocks with ease and follows up with another devastating hit!

Rith: Morul looks like he is having some trouble breathing. I don’t think he can take much more of this punishment. Once again Morul attacks but with no avail, Ironblood lets out a yell as he winds up for a strike and bashes Morul hard in the lower body, I heard a loud crunch there and Morul is sent sailing through the air! He lands with a thud many feet away and it doesn’t look like he’s getting up. This match is over! With an absolutely incredible display of resilience and skill Captain Ironblood defeats Morul Channelbend using mostly his shield!

Stakud: The crowd is going nuts! Chants of “I-ron-blood!” fills the Amphitheater as the Captain raises his shield in victory! What a momentous occasion as the Legend of the tundra defeats the most skilled dwarf in the world. I’ve got to hand it to Morul, anybody who can take the Captain to the limit like this and make him bleed deserves to be ranked amongst the greatest warriors to ever live.

Rith: I couldn’t say it better myself. Well, the legend continues. Should another dwarf rise up the challenge of Ironblood you can expect we’ll still be here and willing to play host to one more legendary match-up, but I have my doubts. Our next fight, not nearly as fantastic as this battle but honestly what would, it’s the finals of The Phoenix Opening where Fireheart will take on Rysith for the gold and the glory. Goodnight.

To see a video of the fight click here.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Warriors of Armok: Magma of Life [Special: Ironblood vs. Morul]
« Reply #259 on: July 30, 2009, 05:50:29 pm »

Morul is as tough as they come and would fight back even with a missing limb.
I'm guessing this related to a practice fight?

Also, I laughed a bit that Ironblood still beats Morul, even with his newer, crazier stats.
Think you can brave the cold? How about endless waves of zombies, goblins, and orcs? Check out Talltower the Tall Tower of Ice.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Warriors of Armok: Magma of Life [Special: Ironblood vs. Morul]
« Reply #260 on: July 30, 2009, 06:09:16 pm »

Morul is as tough as they come and would fight back even with a missing limb.
I'm guessing this related to a practice fight?

No but when a dwarf has 27 attibute points in toughness it's probably safe to say he would feel as much as a dwarf jacked on pcp.

The poll is tied at 6-6, wow.


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Re: Warriors of Armok: Magma of Life [Special: Ironblood vs. Morul]
« Reply #261 on: July 30, 2009, 06:29:26 pm »

I suppose that fighting with a shield only would be at least similar to using a cabinet. ;D
If ignorance is bliss, why are my dwarves all tantruming?


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Re: Warriors of Armok: Magma of Life [Special: Ironblood vs. Morul]
« Reply #262 on: July 30, 2009, 06:59:44 pm »



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Re: Warriors of Armok: Magma of Life [Special: Ironblood vs. Morul]
« Reply #263 on: July 30, 2009, 09:08:02 pm »


Purely to screw with you I used my vote to tie it up again.


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Re: Warriors of Armok: Magma of Life [Special: Ironblood vs. Morul]
« Reply #264 on: July 30, 2009, 09:35:37 pm »


Next time fish dissecting to the death!

Heron TSG

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Re: Warriors of Armok: Magma of Life [Special: Ironblood vs. Morul]
« Reply #265 on: July 30, 2009, 09:51:41 pm »

Epic combat.

Now it should be Ironblood vs. THREE RAPTORS from raptorfortress.

Est Sularus Oth Mithas
The Artist Formerly Known as Barbarossa TSG


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Re: Warriors of Armok: Magma of Life [Special: Ironblood vs. Morul]
« Reply #266 on: July 30, 2009, 11:49:03 pm »

Isn't that like Ironblood vs 3 orcs with a hundred more teeth?
Think you can brave the cold? How about endless waves of zombies, goblins, and orcs? Check out Talltower the Tall Tower of Ice.

Heron TSG

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Re: Warriors of Armok: Magma of Life [Special: Ironblood vs. Morul]
« Reply #267 on: July 30, 2009, 11:53:25 pm »

No, that'd be like Ironblood vs. Armok himself THREE TIMES. (dinosaur form)

Est Sularus Oth Mithas
The Artist Formerly Known as Barbarossa TSG

Jim Groovester

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Re: Warriors of Armok: Magma of Life [Special: Ironblood vs. Morul]
« Reply #268 on: July 30, 2009, 11:58:00 pm »

I see somebody's quoted me in their signature. Excellent.

And boo on Ironblood winning. What's with these fair fight deals? Why don't we pluck Ironblood and Morul from their native environments?

Give Ironblood a thick covering of vomit, blood, and mud, and then let Morul wear masterwork adamantine equipment. Then let's see who'd win that fight.
I understood nothing, contributed nothing, but still got to win, so good game everybody else.

Heron TSG

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Re: Warriors of Armok: Magma of Life [Special: Ironblood vs. Morul]
« Reply #269 on: July 31, 2009, 12:25:18 am »

a thick covering of vomit, blood, and mud...masterwork adamantine equipment.

same thing.

On a more serious note, Nist Akath doesn't have adamantine.

Est Sularus Oth Mithas
The Artist Formerly Known as Barbarossa TSG
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