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Who will win the final battle of Warriors of Armok, and how?

Fireheart (beheading)
- 5 (33.3%)
Fireheart (bisection)
- 1 (6.7%)
Fireheart (cleaving)
- 5 (33.3%)
Nichaey (beheading)
- 3 (20%)
Nichaey (bisection)
- 1 (6.7%)
Nichaey (cleaving)
- 0 (0%)

Total Members Voted: 15

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Author Topic: Warriors of Armok: Magma of Life [The Final Match: Fireheart vs. Nichaey]  (Read 109871 times)


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Re: Warriors of Armok: Magma of Life [The Phoenix Opening: Round 1]
« Reply #120 on: July 06, 2009, 07:38:32 pm »

At this rate, Barbaros will do well.

Eat magma Seal scum!


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Re: Warriors of Armok: Magma of Life [The Phoenix Opening: Round 1]
« Reply #121 on: July 06, 2009, 09:58:01 pm »

At this rate, Barbaros will do well.

You're going to love your dwarfs last name


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Re: Warriors of Armok: Magma of Life [The Phoenix Opening: Round 1]
« Reply #122 on: July 06, 2009, 10:18:00 pm »

At this rate, Barbaros will do well.

You're going to love your dwarfs last name

Oh, you did not just do a cliff hanger on me did you!?


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Re: Warriors of Armok: Magma of Life [The Phoenix Opening: Round 1]
« Reply #123 on: July 06, 2009, 11:38:27 pm »

Stakud: Vomit! I see vomit!

Lol, I'm loving the writing.
Blood For The Blood God!......Skulls For His Skull Throne!

Heron TSG

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Re: Warriors of Armok: Magma of Life [The Phoenix Opening: Round 1]
« Reply #124 on: July 07, 2009, 09:49:21 am »

You got me. What's his last name?

Est Sularus Oth Mithas
The Artist Formerly Known as Barbarossa TSG


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Re: Warriors of Armok: Magma of Life [The Phoenix Opening: Round 1]
« Reply #125 on: July 07, 2009, 10:07:44 am »

Sorry to bog this down with the technical details, but how are you getting the dwarves to fight?  If you use DFCompanion to change one to an invader they change to an @, but the video shows that both are still normal. 

Also, in the beginning you asked for fighting styles.  Is that just for the commentary, or do you have the dwarves actually fighting like that?
Think you can brave the cold? How about endless waves of zombies, goblins, and orcs? Check out Talltower the Tall Tower of Ice.


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Re: Warriors of Armok: Magma of Life [The Phoenix Opening: Round 1]
« Reply #126 on: July 07, 2009, 03:47:03 pm »

You got me. What's his last name?

Patience little seal.

Sorry to bog this down with the technical details, but how are you getting the dwarves to fight?  If you use DFCompanion to change one to an invader they change to an @, but the video shows that both are still normal.

I have the dwarves stand a little ways away from each other and turn one into a zombie. I one-step untill the other dwarf recognizes and paths towards it. I turn the zombie back into a dwarf, turn the other dwarf into a zombie and do the same thing. Turning the zombie back into a dwarf I heal them both and they still see each other as enemies.

Also, in the beginning you asked for fighting styles.  Is that just for the commentary, or do you have the dwarves actually fighting like that?

Just for commentary, provided the fights allow it.


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Re: Warriors of Armok: Magma of Life [The Phoenix Opening: Round 1]
« Reply #127 on: July 08, 2009, 05:35:23 pm »

ehhh common blood beard! we need an update! Fresh Blood must be spilt!
No, I think the cook would be in charge of sugar-coating the cows.

You are a lifesaver! Round and probably in tropical flavors.


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Re: Warriors of Armok: Magma of Life [The Phoenix Opening: Round 1]
« Reply #128 on: July 08, 2009, 08:05:35 pm »

ehhh common blood beard! we need an update! Fresh Blood must be spilt!

Rashilul agrees.


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Re: Warriors of Armok: Magma of Life [The Phoenix Opening: Round 1]
« Reply #129 on: July 08, 2009, 09:00:28 pm »

The Phoenix Opening: Round 1

Match 5: Geshud Deathlord vs. Nanothnir Shadowstrike

Rith: Four dwarves have moved on to the quarter-finals so far and it’s time to add another in what is sure to be one of the most unpredictable fights yet. You can’t call either of these dwarves heavily armoured but they’re not lightly armoured either. Look, Geshud Deathlord is the first to enter the arena!

Spoiler: Deathlord (click to show/hide)

Stakud: Geshud, or Deathlord as I’m told he prefers to be called is the only mace user in this competition. Some may argue though that use of the mace and the war hammer are almost identical, but many usually prefer one over the other.

Rith: What really makes this fight interesting however is Deathlords opponent who we see entering the arena now. Am I saying this right? Nanothnir Shadowstrike!

Spoiler: Nanothnir (click to show/hide)

Rith: Nanothnir loosely translates to Neverone, not exactly a name you want when going up against someone called ‘Deathlord’.

Stakud: You made a funny!

Rith: Har har. Now I say that it’s Nanothnir that makes this fight interesting because of choice of weapon and the choice to fight without a shield. There’s no question that he has the better weapon, an exceptionally made copper spear that could cause all sorts of nasty damage, but he has no shield. Neither dwarf has a speed advantage over the other so it all comes down to experience, of which they have little of, and equipment. A standard mace with shield and bronze armour vs. a deadly spear, no shield and standard armour. Who’s to say which dwarf has the advantage here?

Stakud: I don’t know and I’m not prepared to make a prediction, but it looks like the fight it about to begin. There’s the signal and these goes Nanothnir, spear raised high over his head and Deathlord taking a small step before pulling that shield in front of him to catch the first thrust. Nanothnir leaps into the air his spear glances of Deathlords shield and into his arm, it looks to only be a graze. Nanothnir, not being able to slow down slams into Deathlord and knocks him over!

Rith: Deathlord scrambles to get up but not before Nanothnir gets in another thrust of his spear to the leg. Again it doesn’t look to be a serious wound.

Stakud: Both combatants are on their feet and look at them go! Deathlord is swinging his mace wildly but with incredible agility Nanothnir evades them. Nanothnir, keeping his distance from the swinging mace tries to get in a good thrust but Deathlord has no trouble blocking them with his shield. Nanothnir, seeing an opening charges forward! The attack is blocked but once against Deathlord is knocked off footing. Quickly getting up Death swings but misses. Without a shield Nanothnir having to parry all these vicious attacks by Deathlord, and parrying he is.

Rith: Deathlord however is employing his shield to great use in keeping that spear-tip away from his body, when he’s not on the ground. What a great match-up we have here as both dwarves are continuing to try and get that one good hit in. Block! Dodge! Block! Jump away! HIT!

Stakud: Oh, dear, that might end this! Deathlord took a direct hit to his chest from Nanothnir’s spear, that went in real deep and Deathlord is stumbling around. Wait, where is he going?

Rith: Deathlord, after taking a direct hit seems to be making his way to the exit. Though it’s hard to see with the blood that is already caked onto the arena floor he looks to be bleeding badly. I think he’ll find that door to be locked but wait; no it doesn’t look like he’s going to make it. Falling to his knees and slumping over Deathlord looks to have succumbed to blood loss and died. With his spear Nanothnir turns him over to check, and yes he’s dead. Nanothnir, after a long and excitement filled battle has defeated Deathlord!

Stakud: And without a shield to boot, amazing.

Rith: It sure was. It will be Nanothnir Shadowstrike who will move on to the quarter-finals to fight the winner of our next match-up, a fight reminiscent of Urist McUrist vs. Led Warleach, but more evenly matched. It’s Vulcar vs. Barbaros “The Destroyer” when we come back!

To see a video of the fight click here.

Spoiler: Comments (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: July 08, 2009, 10:30:02 pm by BloodBeard »


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Re: Warriors of Armok: Magma of Life [The Phoenix Opening: Round 1]
« Reply #130 on: July 08, 2009, 09:00:58 pm »

The Phoenix Opening: Round 1

Match 6: Vulcar Torchhonor vs. Barbaros “The Destroyer” Sealtalked

Rith: Dwarves and dwarvettes, we’re here at the Phoenix Amphitheater about to begin match 6 of The Phoenix Opening.

Stakud: Dwarvette, that’s a brand of wagon isn’t it?

Rith: …Two dwarves with a similar, and so far successful approach to fighting. Sacrificing body armour for quality weapons for speed and agility. The first to enter the arena is the only lady dwarf in this tournament, Vulcar Torchhonor!

Spoiler: Vulcar (click to show/hide)

Stakud: Don’t count her out because her beard isn’t as thick, this is one dwarf you don’t want to mess with. The quality of her war hammer and shield is the same as what Nichaey brought to the table and we all know what Nichaey did to Neckbreaker in the fourth match.

Rith: True that and Nichaey won that match without any head protection whatsoever while Vulcar is taking extra precautions with a copper cap AND a helm. But, Vulcar is going to have to escape the merciless bronze spear of her opponent who is entering the arena now, it’s Barbaros “The Destroyer” Sealtalked!

Spoiler: Barbaros (click to show/hide)

Rith: As we saw in the previous match-up the spear can prove to be a dangerous weapon and in the hands of the right dwarf can deliver a fatal hit with one well-aimed thrust. The war hammer can cause devastating injuries as well but is more useful over multiple attacks. Barbaros also has a shield and head protection, but not nearly as good as Vulcar’s. Neither has a significant advantage over the other, so how do you think this match is going to go?

Stakud: I think we’re going to witness another Urist McUrist victory. We got two incredibly dangerous weapons in the hands of two dwarves who want to kill each other; the first to get a direct hit in will domin-

Rith: I’m going to stop you right there because this match has started! Vulcur takes the initiative in charging towards Barbaros who has braced his spear against his foot and taking aim directly at Vulcar. Vulcar uses her shield as a battering ram to deflect the spear and BAM! A surprise attack from behind the shield Vulcar takes Barbaros’ legs out from under him and Barbaros is on the ground! OH! With a might swing of her hammer Vulcar crushes Barbaros’ left arm, and then the right! Oh dear, Vulcar is taking out Barbaros limb by limb, I don’t think he is conscious anymore! Yes, Barbaros is unconscious and Vulcar is continuing the brutal assault!


Rith: Riveting Stakud, Riveting. This is nothing short of a mauling. Vulcar is STILL attacking Barbaros like nothing I’ve ever seen. I don’t think there is a bone in his body that isn’t shattered to pieces. I honestly can’t tell if Barbaros is alive or dead at this point.

Stakud: SMASH!

Rith: Did your mother drop you as a baby or something?

Stakud: Actually she threw me at the mayor. He had it coming.

Rith: I’m sure. Hold on, Barbaros is- Yes, Barbaros is flying through the air now. Oh! He almost made it into the first level stand but just came short of the arena entrance. I think I can conclude at this point that Barbaros is dead and Vulcar is the winner.

Stakud: Really?

Rith: Pretty sure. Anyways, as the unfortunate cleaning crew comes in to take away the bloody mess that is Barbaros’ corpse, lets recap what just happened. Vulcar comes into the arena, Barbaros comes into the arena, Vulcar proceeds to tenderize Barbaros. Anything else?

Stakud: SMASH!

Rith: I’m not getting paid enough for this. So, Vulcar wins this match-up with an impressive display of brutality to move on to the quarter-finals where she will battle Nanothnir for a spot in the semi-finals. There are only two more matches left to decide the last quarter-final bout, the first of which will be, in my opinion, an even better match-up then Deathlord vs. Nanothnir. It’s ToonyMan vs. Damug "The Berserker", coming up next!

To see a video of the fight click here.


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Re: Warriors of Armok: Magma of Life [The Phoenix Opening: Round 1]
« Reply #131 on: July 08, 2009, 09:14:14 pm »

So far the masterpiece weapons seem to be pwning up, no?
Blood For The Blood God!......Skulls For His Skull Throne!


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Re: Warriors of Armok: Magma of Life [The Phoenix Opening: Round 1]
« Reply #132 on: July 08, 2009, 09:27:20 pm »

*gulp*  I have no clue what's going to happen.  It's anybodies match.

Heron TSG

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Re: Warriors of Armok: Magma of Life [The Phoenix Opening: Round 1]
« Reply #133 on: July 08, 2009, 09:28:45 pm »

worth it.

PS: A bronze fine spear wielding maniac just got tenderized in a hilarious fashion. Do i get money for spectacularity?

Est Sularus Oth Mithas
The Artist Formerly Known as Barbarossa TSG


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Re: Warriors of Armok: Magma of Life [The Phoenix Opening: Round 1]
« Reply #134 on: July 08, 2009, 10:06:21 pm »

Hmm.  Spears seem to be evenly matched against the bludgeoning weapons so far.  They may take longer to kill but I'm sure the extra experience will make up for it.
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