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Author Topic: Falling 42 stories to your death  (Read 5981 times)


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Falling 42 stories to your death
« on: July 01, 2009, 12:09:06 am »

Today, the local news reported an elevator repairman fell 42 stories to his death in Toronto's CN tower (which is 43 stories tall).

Condolences to their loss, but it got me thinking. It must have been a horrible way to die. Falling 42 stories is what... a minute or more of constant falling? No safety rope, knowing you're going to die. One minute of falling, knowing that your body is going to be splattered all across the bottom. It's different from suicide, because at least in that one, you're looking to die. Here, you've got Joe Normal working on an elevator, then falling for one minute knowing he's going to die.

Yeah... it must really have been a horrible experience.


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Re: Falling 42 stories to your death
« Reply #1 on: July 01, 2009, 12:42:42 am »

At least he learned the meaning of Life the Universe and Everything.


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Re: Falling 42 stories to your death
« Reply #2 on: July 01, 2009, 01:09:14 am »

At least he learned the meaning of Life the Universe and Everything.

Hits Okenido through internet.

Death is almost never funny.
Even the avatars expire eventually.


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Re: Falling 42 stories to your death
« Reply #3 on: July 01, 2009, 01:16:08 am »

Death is almost never funny.

Correct. It's hilarious.


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Re: Falling 42 stories to your death
« Reply #4 on: July 01, 2009, 01:16:33 am »

It's not as crazy as the guy who jumped against an office-building window to prove they were unbreakable, and then did it again to cement his point, only to have the window come out of its frame the second time.


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Re: Falling 42 stories to your death
« Reply #5 on: July 01, 2009, 05:15:51 am »

It's not as crazy as the guy who jumped against an office-building window to prove they were unbreakable, and then did it again to cement his point, only to have the window come out of its frame the second time.
But that's nothing more then Darwin in action.
I feel sorry for the elevator repairman for some reason. Wow, I really need to tone down on empathy.

Quote from: Toady One
Did you just post a bunch of vegi-dicks on my board?  I've been trying to combat forum devolution a bit, and that involves fewer vegi-dicks!
Quote from: Yahtzee
Yes, random is funny, isn't it? Sometimes I set up a random number generator when I need a good laugh.


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Re: Falling 42 stories to your death
« Reply #6 on: July 01, 2009, 05:31:57 am »

Yea, feeling sorry for someone who died horribly is REALLY excessive, you seriously need to relax and stop being so soft. [/sarcasm]
So says Armok, God of blood.


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Re: Falling 42 stories to your death
« Reply #7 on: July 01, 2009, 05:52:12 am »

Yea, feeling sorry for someone who died horribly is REALLY excessive, you seriously need to relax and stop being so soft. [/sarcasm]

[sarcasm]Wow, I really need to tone down on empathy.[/sarcasm]

Oh, sarcasm on sarcasm.

I was actually being sarcastic about how little people seem to be troubled by things of this. Perhaps it's just my hsp or anything, but people are cold. :(
« Last Edit: July 01, 2009, 05:56:30 am by Asheron »

Quote from: Toady One
Did you just post a bunch of vegi-dicks on my board?  I've been trying to combat forum devolution a bit, and that involves fewer vegi-dicks!
Quote from: Yahtzee
Yes, random is funny, isn't it? Sometimes I set up a random number generator when I need a good laugh.


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Re: Falling 42 stories to your death
« Reply #8 on: July 01, 2009, 06:55:43 am »

It's different from suicide, because at least in that one, you're looking to die. Here, you've got Joe Normal working on an elevator, then falling for one minute knowing he's going to die.
To be a bit morbid, suicides will probably have fluctuating thoughts about whether to carry out their end-game actions or not.  It's hard to say[1], but likely that a significant proportion of jumpers get past the "go/no go" uncertainty, make the jump and then while they are falling swing back to the other opinion.  Especially with the rush of adreniline and suchlike that they must be experiencing.[2]

Now, assuming that a (properly applied) bullet to the head destroys consciousness (possibly even before any significant amount of the pain gets properly 'experienced'), there's no second thoughts to be had.

Overdoses could be either.  At some point you could find yourself past the point of being able to physically accomplish anything yet still awake enough to realise you're heading into the unknown and able to reconsider things.  Or (with a properly chosen set of pharmaceuticals) maybe you're beyond caring before even the LD50 point.

Sorry, depressing subject.  I honestly don't have any tendencies that way (despite life not being particularly fun at the moment), so I'm no reflecting any serious considerations on my part.  And as I tend not to believe in an afterlife/God/etc I'm rather against people dying by their own hands or by other avoidable means, due to the complete loss of a personality from the world.  (Not to mention that if there is some kind of Eternal Judgement, most of the interpretations of such Ineffable Wills tend to suggest they frown on those that take their own lives and relegate them to the less nice suburbs of the hereafter.)

[1] I know of a friend-of-a-friend who lept from a building and landed on wooden 'veranda'-like structure instead of the concreted ground they undoubtedly were aiming for.  "Why did I do it?" was (something like) the comment they made to the ambulance crew who had the hopeless task of caring for them while their broken body slowly gave up on them, but it's hard to say if that's a comment on the action or on the way they ended up causing themselves prolonged agony instead of (if you'll forgive the way I put it) just ending in the "splat!".

[2] I was knocked off my bike when I was young.  I remember (or remember remembering, which might not be the same thing) being on my ballistic track through the air and extensively wondering if spreading my arms would let me actually fly.  That was a fraction of a second of realtime, before I hit the ground and rolled (my main injury was from my glancing contact with the car's bumper, having swerved to avoid most of the mass of the vehicle that pulled out in front of me) but far, far longer in consciousness.


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Re: Falling 42 stories to your death
« Reply #9 on: July 01, 2009, 07:07:33 am »

Death is almost never funny.

Correct. It's hilarious.


Heh, I didn't hear about this on the news, but I was on level 82 of Tetris so I doubt I was paying the TV much attention.


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Re: Falling 42 stories to your death
« Reply #10 on: July 01, 2009, 07:21:21 am »

I dont think the free fall was all that horrible. I think the body has a lot of special drugs stored in a safe place somewhere, just for occasions like this.

Sure, it probably aint fun, but I dont think its all that unbearable horrible.

The acceleration alone gets you a nice cocktail into your blood, the fear of certain death does the rest.

I hope.


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Re: Falling 42 stories to your death
« Reply #11 on: July 01, 2009, 07:38:08 am »

The acceleration alone gets you a nice cocktail into your blood[...]
The latent physicist in me wants to say something about it being a relative lack of acceleration (at least before air resistance becomes significant).  The latent mathematician in me makes me want to calculate the (NPI) terminal velocity and then calculate how the deviation from a-g=0 progresses, and if a person sealed in a capsule designed to exhibit the same profile as they would on their own (c.f. air resistance, gravity and inertia, and in a manner that avoids tumbling) would attain 'normal' weight by the end of an equivalent drop (without the same rush of air).

And, yes, I'm determined to keep the above purely hypothetical.


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Re: Falling 42 stories to your death
« Reply #12 on: July 01, 2009, 11:32:14 am »

nvm... I wanted to discuss some details here, but in the end it's a thread about a poor sob falling to his demise. I think we can keep the technicalities to a minimum.
« Last Edit: July 01, 2009, 11:35:15 am by Puck »


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Re: Falling 42 stories to your death
« Reply #13 on: July 01, 2009, 01:36:10 pm »

Today, the local news reported an elevator repairman fell 42 stories to his death in Toronto's CN tower (which is 43 stories tall).

Condolences to their loss, but it got me thinking. It must have been a horrible way to die. Falling 42 stories is what... a minute or more of constant falling? No safety rope, knowing you're going to die. One minute of falling, knowing that your body is going to be splattered all across the bottom. It's different from suicide, because at least in that one, you're looking to die. Here, you've got Joe Normal working on an elevator, then falling for one minute knowing he's going to die.

Yeah... it must really have been a horrible experience.

Ouch.... :-\ I am wondering that what was he thinking about, while he was falling. I suppose he was "trying to" think about his family or something.


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Re: Falling 42 stories to your death
« Reply #14 on: July 01, 2009, 01:43:49 pm »

Today, the local news reported an elevator repairman fell 42 stories to his death in Toronto's CN tower (which is 43 stories tall).

Condolences to their loss, but it got me thinking. It must have been a horrible way to die. Falling 42 stories is what... a minute or more of constant falling? No safety rope, knowing you're going to die. One minute of falling, knowing that your body is going to be splattered all across the bottom. It's different from suicide, because at least in that one, you're looking to die. Here, you've got Joe Normal working on an elevator, then falling for one minute knowing he's going to die.

Yeah... it must really have been a horrible experience.

Ouch.... :-\ I am wondering that what was he thinking about, while he was falling. I suppose he was "trying to" think about his family or something.

"Holy shit! I'm going to die, wonder what my last thoughts will be *insert worthwhile last thoughts here* ah yeah, crap this sucks."

Would be more along the lines of what I would have thought of.
"OH NO! That carp is gulping at me menacingly, even though it cannot really threaten me from here on land!  I KNOW! I'll dodge into the water, where I'll be safe!"
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