The point is that, not everyone can afford to pay for the content; but once they can, by all means they should.
I agree. You rightfully, clearly, indicated people should pay for it if they can afford it. But your first statement is a little confusing to me- you indicate some people cannot afford content- ok, but does that mean its ok for them to have access to it?
I cannot afford a $500,000 house right now, so is it right for me to live in one, for free, until I can afford it, and then I will pay for it?
I cannot afford a Lexus right now, is it ok for me to steal one, and then when I can afford it, pay for it?
In both cases most people would say no, and even if someone said yes I highly doubt that most of the people that pirate digital media pay for
ALL of what they have stolen once they have the money available anyways. Especially since, in most cases, they
CAN afford it in the first place, they just choose to spend their money on other things instead. I
could have afforded a Lexus had I not bought a Mercedes, so do I still deserve to drive that Lexus?
This is the wrongful thinking people go through in piracy- they like to justify their actions with 'I would not have bought it anyways'... or 'its not like I am
taking something away from someone else'... Both those lines of thought show how low the originators are on Maslow's scale, barely beyond level 2; incapable of feeling strong self-esteem, respect for others, or morality.
And by "I grew up" I more-so meant I matured mentally and emotionally. I ceased to think like a child and left the mental state of
me me me!!! More recently though, I did get a job, yes. Not in a creative industry though. I have little respect for the music industry and its members, even less for the movie industry. Hard work is not rewarded, its all about right place right time (for the stars).
BUT I still maintain the morality that stealing is bad, and even if I don't think Brittany Spears deserves the peanuts out of my crap, I still respect the fact that she deserves the royalty when I listen to her music. As such I choose not to listen to her music, not to buy her cds, and
not to steal them.
Same goes for computer games. If I want to play a game I
buy it or play a
real demo. Period. If no demo is available and I am still on the fence, I watch trailers, read reviews, ask advice, etc. If I want to play a game but can't afford it or do not want to put money towards it I
don't play the game.