Just a rundown of the game's world so far, part 1:
metaphysics: 1.Belief: affects most everything. There are constants it can't change, like things falling down, but things like geography, and how the world works at it's largest are affected by it.
2.magic: Not quite sorted out yet.
3.hierarchy of geography: A.Islands: Huge spheres containing empires, usually ruled over by a sub-god, also known as a wizard in the stead of a god. equivalent to forums, I think.
B. Empires: Possibly the equivalent of boards. Organizations and collections of broadly similar lands. May have sub empires within.
C. Lands: Forum threads. Most commonly take the forms of discs and spheres, although stranger shapes are very well recorded. This is where the people live. They are created by beings called kings, who have massive power over their own lands.The lands are divided into places made and ruled over by lords. (posts, and posters.) Anyone can move from any land to any other land by just walking and believing the path that they take will lead them there.
D. The world of the Psyche: a reverse of the real world, reachable with effort. Each area is a reflection of a nation, landmark or geographical location in the real world, based upon what the people who dwell there see it as. Powerful magic users and creatures have their own area here, that is reflective of their mind. Getting from one place to another here can be difficult, as this world is chaotic and shifting. Travel is easy, however. After all, all you have to do is think about moving to go somewhere.
4.Hierarchy of people: Gods/forum admins/owners: Unlimited power. There is nothing that they can't do. When they war, nobody wins.
Subgods/wizards/moderators: Incredibly powerful, but not as much as the gods. Most of them are rather warlike and brutal in this day and age.
Wizkids/board moderators: Like the above, but with their powers focused in a narrow range.
Kings/mages/thread makers: they have the power to create and rule over lands, as well as general magic power.
Lords/super/poster: They make and rule areas of lands, rather limited magical powers
Mortal magic-users/extraordinaries: Basically, mortals who can use magic. Powers vary.
Mortals: Life, tends to get the short end of the stick. Sapients are not affected by belief, but non-sapients are. They may have the mastery of technology.
5. Physics: Based upon the whims of kings, mostly.
Creatures: Trolls: Small and annoying at first, but they get bigger. When they get bigger, they also get meaner and more powerful as well, with the largest becoming kings. Beware these, as lands ruled over by them are horrific and desolate.
Dwarfs: Oh come on, are we really going to do this without the lovable little morons?
Olmmen: 4-armed and slow moving. They are slow but they make up for it by always moving with purpose. No-one knows what they're planning.
Factions: Large, wide-spread organizations devoted to espousing and acting out the tenents of a specific philosophy, around about 10-20 exist. They have the power to take on kings, but they are more concerned with mortals, well, most of them.
The Machinists: They believe in a hidden order of rules. To this end they merticulously research and catalog every rule, local and otherwise they can find. Due to the power of belief, they have actually found some. Remember, every law has it's loopholes, including natural laws. They own every lawyer most everywhere.
The Free Alliance: An umbrella organization devoted to protecting those fractions too small to fend off the kings by themselves. They believe that everyone should have a say, and that everyone should be able to make and state their own opinions.