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Author Topic: Armoks Elitistic Exclusive RP of Awesomesauce. v0.1  (Read 13136 times)


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Re: Armoks Elitistic Exclusive RP of Awesomesauce. v0.1
« Reply #30 on: June 29, 2009, 01:41:17 am »

I don't think so, because I don't remember any swearing, and I've spent enough time on the net to gain some profanity immunity anyway.
So says Armok, God of blood.


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Re: Armoks Elitistic Exclusive RP of Awesomesauce. v0.1
« Reply #31 on: June 29, 2009, 04:05:47 am »

How about magic in this world being something dangerous, rare, but very useful. You wouldn't bind it with mere words, or signs; you'd bind it with immense will and a massive amount of training. It's like a living creature, and it's one that reacts very adversely to having itself spent. Use too much of it at once, and the world starts going subtly wrong: shadows lengthen, light darkens, things start falling apart (this includes minds). But, if you manage to bind it with heroic effort and training and don't screw around with it, too much, there are few limits to what one can achieve.
Once tried to conquer Earth, and succeeded! Too bad it got really, really boring, really, really fast.

One day, we shall all look back on this, and laugh. Sorry about the face, by the way, and the legs, and the eyes, and the arms. In fact, sorry 'bout the whole body.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Armoks Elitistic Exclusive RP of Awesomesauce. v0.1
« Reply #32 on: June 29, 2009, 04:17:51 am »

That is as good a magic system as any in general, BUT it dosnt fit well whit the forumish things previusly described, so for now I vote against it. If we decide we skipp evrythingforumrelated and go for high fantasy instead I'll reconsider it.

(For those confused, tnME convinced me to let him in over PM.)
So says Armok, God of blood.


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Re: Armoks Elitistic Exclusive RP of Awesomesauce. v0.1
« Reply #33 on: June 29, 2009, 04:30:17 am »

Hmmmm.... forumish one, eh. How about this: Magic is available, but only to a small group of high ranking people. It is a mostly destructive force, concerned with the removal and stoppage of the activities of others. Magic can only be granted by other magic users, and can only be taken away by them as well. Anyone who can use magic can use it pretty much indefinitely. Although overuse is cracked down upon by the other magic users.
Once tried to conquer Earth, and succeeded! Too bad it got really, really boring, really, really fast.

One day, we shall all look back on this, and laugh. Sorry about the face, by the way, and the legs, and the eyes, and the arms. In fact, sorry 'bout the whole body.


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Re: Armoks Elitistic Exclusive RP of Awesomesauce. v0.1
« Reply #34 on: June 29, 2009, 04:58:20 am »

May I please join?
There's about 25 of the fuckers and the three sarge killed were at point blank range - it's got to be zombies or a bunch of really dumb terrorists with knives.
My full sig


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Re: Armoks Elitistic Exclusive RP of Awesomesauce. v0.1
« Reply #35 on: June 29, 2009, 05:37:04 am »

... And all magic ultimatly comes from the gods.

That sounds good, works both whit forum physics and clasic fantasy tropes like divine magic.
There shuld probably be more levels than there are on forums thou, so you can have weak and semi-common magic.

Also, what about mixing some MUD/MUSH memes in, just a sprinkle for flavour?

A specifying suggestion, if tnME's one is accepted:
God: pretty much omnipotent unless contested by another god, but rarely interacts whit anyone else. 2-3 exist in the world.
Wizard: extremely powerful, can create stuff from nothing, bend space and time, exterminate armies whit a hand gesture, or other stuff along those lines. In difference to gods however, beneath all those powers they are still mortals, wich puts a limit to attention span  and reaction speed, and in difference to gods they can easily I make errors. 50-200 exist in the world
Wizkid: "spell level" as powerful as a wizard, but only at a narrow area, so mind control OR time travel OR telekinesis OR near omniscience, but not all of them at once like wizards. 1000-10000 in the world.
Mage: Has diverse magic powers, but not as diverse as a wizard, and more importantly much, much less powerfull. while the raw power of a wizard or wizkid is near infinite and let them blow up planets or in general restructure parts of reality acording to their whim, a Mage is limited to "balanced" power, at abaut the same level as say Gandalf, mythological Merlin, or an epic level DnD wizard. 1000 000-10 000 000 in the world.
Super: Narow area like a wizkid, powerlevel of a Mage, you shuld see the system by now. 10 000 000-20 000 000 in the world.
Extraordinary: has one or several minor magic abilities, usually enchantments of natural skills rather than obvious magic. These are usually very weak in raw power, but sometimes when used creatively they can temporarily outperform some mages due to the greater integration whit natural skills, this is most common whit social or stealth related powers. 100 000 000-1000 000 000 in the world. these do not need their power to be granted by another magic user, their magic is usually not referred to as magic outside of technical discusion.
Normal: no magic ability. 5000 000 000 - 100 000 000 000 in the world. (yes, they got 20 times more pop than earth, but presumably the world(s) in question are 1000 times bigger.)
Racial: Into this category fall species which are unrealistic, but are not any of the above mentioned magic users.

Note that whit technology and effort a Normal or Extraordinary can become as powerful as a mage, or theoretically even a wizard or wizkid.

ok, this was just brainstorming, pick, chose, be inspired or reject as you please.

NINJAEDIT: AA: you may join.
So says Armok, God of blood.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Armoks Elitistic Exclusive RP of Awesomesauce. v0.1
« Reply #36 on: June 29, 2009, 05:57:39 am »

I was thinking of something: How about there be a sort of mental, where each person has a small area that is about them. The area would reflect that person, and would be centered around some image, icon, or motif that represents that person. For example, a person who has devoted their life to books would have their entire mental space be something like a strange library built of them.
Once tried to conquer Earth, and succeeded! Too bad it got really, really boring, really, really fast.

One day, we shall all look back on this, and laugh. Sorry about the face, by the way, and the legs, and the eyes, and the arms. In fact, sorry 'bout the whole body.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Armoks Elitistic Exclusive RP of Awesomesauce. v0.1
« Reply #37 on: June 29, 2009, 06:27:03 am »

not evryone, but some magic users shuld, and it shuld be more common and larger the more powerfull they are. in the end, it turns out the entire worlds is the mental area of the gods.
Only wizards and wizkids whit that as their power shuld have the mental areas be geograpicaly parts of the world, for others it would have to be accsesed throught telportation/a portal/some other means of interdimentional travel. It could also in some cases be their bodies, making them slow shape shifters or some other intresting power instead.
So says Armok, God of blood.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Armoks Elitistic Exclusive RP of Awesomesauce. v0.1
« Reply #38 on: June 29, 2009, 06:37:29 am »

I am thinking that I should be a dimensional traveler.

That came from a magic-less world.
My presence can shatter the foundation of this world. But not THAT big, the shutter is.

(please excuse any Engrish words, or just confusing sentences)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Armoks Elitistic Exclusive RP of Awesomesauce. v0.1
« Reply #39 on: June 29, 2009, 07:31:09 am »

not evryone, but some magic users shuld, and it shuld be more common and larger the more powerfull they are. in the end, it turns out the entire worlds is the mental area of the gods.
Only wizards and wizkids whit that as their power shuld have the mental areas be geograpicaly parts of the world, for others it would have to be accsesed throught telportation/a portal/some other means of interdimentional travel. It could also in some cases be their bodies, making them slow shape shifters or some other intresting power instead.

Perhaps not only them, but also organizations and nations, as well as some geograpic features should have ones that exemplify and demonstrate what they stand for. The former mental realm of VN was a terrifying place indeed, filled with chaos and craven images, but not one filled with actual malice.
Once tried to conquer Earth, and succeeded! Too bad it got really, really boring, really, really fast.

One day, we shall all look back on this, and laugh. Sorry about the face, by the way, and the legs, and the eyes, and the arms. In fact, sorry 'bout the whole body.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Armoks Elitistic Exclusive RP of Awesomesauce. v0.1
« Reply #40 on: June 29, 2009, 07:36:35 am »

Hmm, yeah. In a sense, the former VN was a place like Anonymous' base, 4chan.
Filled with chaos and crazy images, but not (much) malices.


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Re: Armoks Elitistic Exclusive RP of Awesomesauce. v0.1
« Reply #41 on: June 29, 2009, 07:47:57 am »

I like the 'forum' idea. The idea that -let's not bend words- the moderators affect their -once again, let's be frank- forum subsections, molding them into their image, works well with the idea of a forum corrupted, where the gods have abandoneded men, and moderators are corrupt and power hungry, dividing the forum into warring factions.
Conclusion: I like it!
Long Live United Forenia!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Armoks Elitistic Exclusive RP of Awesomesauce. v0.1
« Reply #42 on: June 29, 2009, 08:06:22 am »

Perhaps not only them, but also organizations and nations, as well as some geograpic features should have ones that exemplify and demonstrate what they stand for. The former mental realm of VN was a terrifying place indeed, filled with chaos and craven images, but not one filled with actual malice.
Yes! In fact, lets EVRY meme and concept have it's own mental space, and the world is just a whole buch of mindspaces that the god ran throught a metaphysical blender. The magic users who have mindspaces are simply those that have one large enought to be usefull, has lerned to accsees it, and lerned to mold it whit their will. this means peaple whit unique/great personalities will have bigger and more powerfull mindspaces, if they cann accsees it.
Hmm, yeah. In a sense, the former VN was a place like Anonymous' base, 4chan.
Filled with chaos and crazy images, but not (much) malices.
-let's not bend words-
Maybe both sets of terms exist? two separate terminologies, one that use fantasy style terms, and one that use metafiction(TVtroopes)/forumish terms? These would aply to evrything magic or paranormal-related.

Edit: another suggestion: on small scales, things behave rather like expected whit newtonian science and such, but once you start talking about hundreds of miles things start to behave oddly, there are strange abstract concepts like "tiles" "rooms" and "sections", geograpical locations can be at two places at once, and act both like particles an waves. Also, at small scales electromagnetism works by bending spacetime, and gravity is usefull for driving home appliances.
« Last Edit: June 29, 2009, 08:16:39 am by Armok »
So says Armok, God of blood.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Armoks Elitistic Exclusive RP of Awesomesauce. v0.1
« Reply #43 on: June 29, 2009, 08:20:58 am »

I've thought of another mental world thing: How about people who have either discovered or are born with the ability to travel there at will? The experience is not kind towards their sanity, but there is near-infinite secrets to discover. I think that there should be organizations and distinct classes of people who go there.
Once tried to conquer Earth, and succeeded! Too bad it got really, really boring, really, really fast.

One day, we shall all look back on this, and laugh. Sorry about the face, by the way, and the legs, and the eyes, and the arms. In fact, sorry 'bout the whole body.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Armoks Elitistic Exclusive RP of Awesomesauce. v0.1
« Reply #44 on: June 29, 2009, 08:25:23 am »

My system implies those exist: Supers that has that as their specific ability.
So says Armok, God of blood.
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