I wonder if anyone would like to try starting a DFC Puzzle Pirates crew. I haven't been established in PP for a very long time, so I'm no captain and I don't have a boat (or anything, for that matter). But if there's several interested people, it might be neat, especially if someone can climb up the ranks...
Puzzle Pirates is a casual MMO that has two different pay styles on different servers. One is subscription, IE standard MMO model, you pay per month and you have access to everything (but boats are still expensive in-game).
The other, alternate payment method is Free2Play, IE anyone can hop on and play with no subscription for an unlimited amount of time, BUT if you want to buy neat stuff or hold an actual rank in a crew, you need Doubloons. You can buy those for cash, or you can trade in-game gold for them in the in-game marketplace. So if you're willing to sink enough time to get lots of in-game money to trade for doubloons from people who are willing to spend RL money to get ahead, well, you can still be a captain and spend no real money.
I never play for very long at a time, so I'm usually on the F2P servers. I'd recommend that anyone first getting into Puzzle Pirates starts out on those too, because hey, like I said, free and not -that- limiting. If we end up with a bunch of people who really like it, we might migrate to a subscription thing later.
Even if we're not into it enough to start a real crew, maybe I should hop on sometime and swordfight people if they're into it. If you ever liked Puzzle Fighters, or to a lesser extent Tetris Attack, you will love the swordfighting game a LOT. And if you want nice casual puzzles to play in the piratical atmosphere aboard a boat that's out hunting brigands, well, you'll like the rest of the game...
Sowelu -
SnagratFloirt -
FloirteyMalicus -
MalicusRemalle -
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Broosequertyuiopas -
UristqwertyLuckk -
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TubesnakeLabs -
LabsCthulhu -
Mufflesuserpay -
userpayLittle -
LittleetEmperor_Jonathan -
LiquidScrollthatguyyaknow -
Jreenguskcwong -
EvilnutWimdit -