Okay, okay. Let's do this.
The flying Copper arrow strikes The Human Bowman in the head!
It is pierced!
The human bowman has been stunned!
The Human Bowman's right eye has been poked out!
The Human Bowman's left eye has been poked out!
The Human Bowman's nose has been badly pierced!
The Human Bowman's neck has been badly pierced!
The Copper arrow has lodged firmly in the wound!
The arrow struck the bridge of the nose at a high angle, the barbs slashing out both eyes. It then heads through one eye, through the palate, misses the throat due to being off centre, and lodges in the top of the spine, where it's called 'neck.'
The flying copper arrow strikes the shopkeeper in the right hand!
It is badly pierced! The shopkeeper's right wrist has been sprained!
The shopkeeper's thumb, right hand has been badly pierced!
The shopkeeper's first finger, right hand has been badly pierced!
Arrow hits straight on between thumb and first finger, barbs slicing into both, and ricochets off the hand. The force of the blow sprains the wrist.
The flying iron bolt strikes the human spearman in the upper body!
It is broken!
The Human Spearman's right lung has been pierced!
The Human Spearman's left lung has been pierced!
The Human Spearman's heart has been pierced!
The Human Spearman's upper spine has been broken
Does upper body essentially mean ribcage?
Bolt strikes left side of chest, heading inward, essentially nicking both lung and heart, and strikes the spine, breaking it, then bounces backward so that the barbs can tear into the right lung. It then...falls out?
Alternate: by 'pierced' it just means that it was an bolt attack, and the lungs and heart got grey wounds. So: bolt strikes the ribcage, breaking both bolt and ribcage. Deceleration force breaks the spine and the shockwave bruises the lungs and heart.
Although...according to
http://dwarf.lendemaindeveille.com/index.php/Wound, hearts and lungs can only be mangled, light wounds and removal are not possible. So this one's easy; it
would have just bruised the organs, so it said 'pierced' and not 'mangled,' but it can only be mangled, and they were, so this arrow stove in the ribs, mangled the organs on the way through, and ricoched off the spine on exit, breaking it.
The flying iron bolt strikes the human diplomat in the head!
It is broken!
The human diplomat has been knocked unconscious!
The Human Diplomat's right eye has been poked out!
The Human Diplomat's left eye has been poked out!
The Human Diplomat's left ear has been broken! <------ Broken ear, oh the horror!
The Human Diplomat's nose has been broken!
The Human Diplomat's throat has been poked out!
This one took some thinking. Okay, so the bolt once again enters at a high angle near the nose, but from somewhat to the right. It passes through both eyes, the nose and exits out the left ear. Exiting through the cheekbone overstresses the skull's tensile strength, and the force slams the jaw into the throat, crushing it. Again, it's called 'poked out' because a bolt was the weapon, but really it was the jaw that did the damage.
The flying Iron bolt strikes The Guard in the head from behind!
It is mangled!
The Guard has been stunned again!
The Guard's right eye has been poked out!
The Guard's left eye has been poked out!
The Guard's right ear has been badly pierced!
The Guard gives in to pain.
The bolt entered the head just in front of the right ear, at only a slightly 'behind' diagonal, such that one of the barbs slashed that ear, and then went almost laterally through both eyes. Essentially this one got caught by the back of the cheekbone. It went through the nasal bone, but too far back to cause damage to the part actually labelled 'nose.'
The flying Iron bolt strikes The Axeman in the head from the side!
It is broken!
The Axeman has been stunned!
The Axeman's right horn has been pierced!
The Axeman's left horn has been badly pierced!
The Axeman's right eye has been poked out!
The Axeman's left eye has been poked out!
The Axeman's right ear has been broken!
The Axeman's left ear has been broken!
The Axeman's throat has been poked out!
The Axeman's neck has been pierced!
The Iron bolt has lodged firmly in the wound!
That 'it is broken' at the top means he has a yellow 'head' now, right? Sadly I don't know how the horns are positioned, so...
Okay, so this one hit from the left, went almost directly through the ear, ricoched off the nasal bone, sending fragments into the right eye, and then headed down through the palate, through the throat, and lodged in the top of the spine.
The force was such that a shard from the right horn sliced through the right ear, breaking it.
So, err, implausible enough?
Edit Oops, missed one.
One of my fortress dwarves appeared to have pierced all four of the fingers of a kobold's right hand with one shot.
The kobold raises his dagger to strike! The crossbowdwarf's shot goes wild! It glides past the kobold's hand, slashing past all four knuckles! The kobold is startled by its bleeding hand, but does not drop the dagger.