Once in a while, years ago, I would suddenly become aware inside my dream. I would make observations, and see how the structure of the world around me was unrealistic, like there being an extra room in my house or something. After I looked at my dream too hard, I "broke" it. It was exactly like when an fps game glitches up. Your vision switches from looking at your feet to a point about half a foot in front of your feet and back again at least a dozen times a second. I would even get that stuttering noise from when a game locked up. I'd then make my last observation of the dream being broken and force myself to wake up.
In my lucid dreams, I've never been able to really fly. Occasionally, I could float a meter and a half above the ground, but this is rare. I remember having a couple of dreams where I gained awareness that I was in a dream and thought to myself: "This is a dream. I can do anything I want. Awesome! 'm going to fly around!" Then I would leap upwards... and land. I could only jump moderately higher in my dream than I could in real life.
All told, I'm a little bit disappointed with lucid dreaming. It basically only happens by accident in the middle of a dream for me.